After the Female Supporting Character Who Lost Favor Logged off, Her Ten Older Brothers Went Crazy

Chapter 382 - Chapter 382: Winning Awards

Chapter 382: Winning Awards

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

As the narrator’s gentle voice sounded, Xian Yu walked up and was watched by everyone.

The lights were a little bright, but they were far less dazzling than the person on the stage.

“As a professional singer, how is your side career that impressive?” Xiang Yuanbai teased.

It was already a publicly recognized fact that Xian Yu sang well. However, probably no one expected him to stand on the side of acting this year and even win an award.

Xian Yu chuckled. “I didn’t expect to achieve so much today either.

These words were true.

If it was a year ago, Xian Yu probably wouldn’t have thought that he could act. Moreover, it was a script personally written by his Little Sister.

“Fearless is very popular.” Xiang Yuanbai pretended to sigh. “My daughter even forgot to eat when the show was on.”

Xian Yu threw out a phrase. “Perhaps this is the fabled electronic pickled vegetable?”

As soon as he said this, many kind laughter came from below the stage.

After a few short teasing sentences, it was time for the award ceremony.

The big screen behind him slowly lit up. It was playing a clip taken from the original drama of “Fearless”. It was also the scene everyone liked to watch the most in all the episodes.

The shimmering, pale golden trophy was removed from the table and pressed in Xian Yu’s hand. It also represented honor.

Let us congratulate Xian Yu!

The entire venue erupted in applause. Blessings and envious gazes landed on Xian Yu, but they all felt that he deserved this award.

Then, it was An Nuo’s turn. She and Yu Lan, who had provoked her previously, were both nominees for the Best Actress Award. They were both very promising.

Coincidentally, the two of them, who had been in a tense atmosphere at the cocktail party just now, were not far from each other.


Look at how smug she is,” An Nuo whispered to Murong Qiao.

Murong Qiao raised her eyebrows in confusion. Then, she looked in the direction An Nuo indicated and saw Yu Lan’s smug expression two seats away, as if a winner was showing off to An Nuo.

After all, before the cocktail party, Yu Lan’s votes online were far ahead of An Nuo’s.

She was not as stupid as Xu Yi. She had obtained her votes both openly and secretly. From the beginning, she was evenly matched with An Nuo, and then she slowly widened the gap. It was impossible for her to arouse suspicion.

Murong Qiao shook her head and talked to An Nuo in a low voice. “Then, her expression will be quite interesting later.”

Yu Lan was indeed fine, but because of Xu Yi’s shady actions, the official platform had temporarily cleared a wave of votes.

When Murong Qiao was paying attention to Xian Yu just now, she also saw An Nuo’s rankings. She could only say that… it’s indescribable.

Huh?” An Nuo didn’t react.

She didn’t look at her cell phone, so she naturally didn’t know what kind of storm had happened on the Internet just now.

As the two of them spoke, the screen on the stage had already displayed the relevant ranking data for the Best Actress this time.

Looks like the Best Actor and Actress for this year are very unexpected… Xiang Yuanbai sighed on stage.

At the same time, An Nuo and Murong Qiao heard Yu Lan lose her composure and said aloud in shock, “How is that possible?”

Yu Lan’s expression was gloomy. Looking at the top three that didn’t contain her name, she subconsciously wanted to stand up and refute that something was wrong. Fortunately, she was held back by the person beside her.

How can my name not be there?” Yu Lan was in disbelief.

She had spent so much money to build momentum and buy votes with the help of the company. She had worked hard to build her image these few days and had long received countless congratulations for being firmly first on the rankings, but now, she had not even entered the top three.

On the other hand, An Nuo occupied the first place and firmly overtook the second-place candidate by more than 100,000 votes.


It’s me?” An Nuo was also a little surprised.

Before Murong Qiao could explain to her what was happening on the Internet, the lights had already shone on An Nuo.

Let us welcome An Nuo.” Xiang Yuanbai’s smiling voice sounded.

Instantly, everyone’s gazes gathered in An Nuo’s direction, looking at this new face in the entertainment industry.

An Nuo hurriedly stood up calmly, smiled, and walked past the person sitting beside her to the stage.

Thank you for letting me win.” When she passed by Yu Lan, An Nuo maintained her smile and whispered to her.

The more arrogant Yu Lan was to An Nuo just now, the uglier her expression was now.

Especially when she moved her legs to make way for An Nuo, who was going on stage to receive the award. This was even worse than killing her.

However, the camera followed An Nuo. At this moment, Yu Lan didn’t dare to make any expressions or reply, nor did she dare to do anything bad. She was extremely aggrieved.

I’m very happy to see a new face at this award.” Xiang Yuanbai smiled.

An Nuo was a little reserved for once. “I didn’t expect everyone to be so enthusiastic.”

This was the truth. At least before the lights shone on her, An Nuo didn’t think that she could win the award.

The screen behind her was still maintaining the rankings data. When she was close, An Nuo could see that there were millions of votes behind her name.

To be able to surpass so many capable actors, being first is enough to show your strength,” Xiang Yuanbai said.


Everyone nodded in agreement, but these words hit Yu Lan’s sore spot below the stage.

She stared fixedly at the rankings, as if she wanted to pierce a hole through it.

However, the screen only showed the top three. If Yu Lan could see the results of the rankings online, she would probably be angered to death.

She, who was far ahead previously, had fallen behind to the 10th or 20th place after the fake votes were cleared. The actors below An Nuo were all capable, and this was the most realistic outcome.

The trophy that Yu Lan thought was in her hand now belonged to An Nuo.

I’m very happy that everyone supports me and likes me. To be able to give me the honor of receiving an award. But actually, I still have many shortcomings. I still have to work harder in the future…” An Nuo said the words according to the memorized speech.

However, her eyes were sparkling, and her face was a little red with excitement. She was clearly very happy.

This time, An Nuo’s award also made many people from the outside world look at the company An Nuo was in and the boss of the company, Murong Qiao. It could be said that it had increased the attention on CG.

Other than the different names of the awards, the rest of the awards process was very important. When An Nuo returned, Murong Qiao was already thinking about where to celebrate.

However, before that, Murong Qiao still had something to do.

As the award ceremony came to an end, everyone on the Internet knew the outcome. Just as they were discussing the award ceremony, a few posts attracted their attention.

Isn’t a certain actress too much? Is she in a hurry to pave the way and publicize her relationship with a big star?”

Similar posts with such titles easily attracted a lot of clicks.

Although they didn’t mention any names, anyone with a brain could tell that they were talking about Yu Lan.

I know about the vote count, and I was dumbfounded when I saw the change in the rankings today. But what’s going on with dating?”

That’s right. Didn’t she keep her nose clean and stop dating after being hurt previously?”

In detail, I’m more concerned about the “big star”.”

The onlookers were always on the front line of the Internet, and right on the heels of that, they caught up to the next piece of news.

Photos of Yu Lan shopping with a certain man, getting into the car, eating, and returning home were all released. Many of them were so intimate that it was impossible to deny them.

Yu Lan had a bit of popularity. Coupled with the bonus from the award ceremony and the company’s crazy publicity, the moment the photos were released, they immediately exploded..

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