Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 698 - What A Shame

Chapter 698: What A Shame

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Saroviny’s goals had always been to go out of her way to please her father by becoming stronger and winning her battles. This had made her the sole recipient of her father’s affection.

She could not care less about the constant struggle between light and darkness, good and evil.

The only thing on her mind right now was defeating Link!

In an instant, the sky went dark as her realm unfolded around her. Her movements had become so fast her body was a blur.

A moment ago, Saroviny was a mile away from Link. The next second, she reappeared right in front of Link, her sword aimed directly at Link’s forehead.

Ever since she received the Abyss of Despair battle robe from her father, she had become so powerful that no one in the Aragu realm would be able to survive a direct hit from her, not even Milda. The two Archmages were the exception to this rule.

Saroviny’s sword was now a foot away from Link. The disturbed air in its trajectory managed to stir a few strands of his hair. Still, Link remained motionless.

Something’s wrong… not good, it’s a magical decoy! she thought.

Saroviny finally realized what was going on at the last possible second. She immediately swung her sword to her side.

In the next second, an intense cold washed over her. She then felt her sword coming into contact with immense, concentrated power.

Upon impact, Saroviny could feel the needle-like power flow through her blade and into her hand, causing it to go numb.

The current of power continued working its way across the entire length of her arm. There was now a sharp pain in her forearm.

The Abyss of Despair battle robe immediately reacted to this intrusion by blunting the penetrating, needle-like force.

Bang! Saroviny’s body flew off three miles in the opposite direction, as if something had slammed into her hard.

There was a dazed look on her face. This is Level-17 power!

If she was not already a Level-16 pinnacle master and if she did not have the Abyss of Despair battle robe on her, Link’s attack would have killed her instantly.

She turned around, frantically searching for Link. Suddenly, a terrible cry pierced the air. It had come from Lauste, whose chest had been stabbed by Link.

Dark, cold power flowed from the Ode of a Full Moon sword into Lauste’s body. Despite being given the title “Flaming Sky,” the man only had Level-15 pinnacle power. The power flowing out of Link’s sword would have easily put out any fire he was able to summon.

Kaccha… Kaccha… Black crystalline frost began spreading across his body until he was frozen solid.

“Kneel!” Link activated an area-of-effect spell with a swing of his sword, forcing Lauste to kneel down. He then sent Lauste’s frozen body flying through the air until it landed on its knees before the Snow Mountain Archmage’s ice statue.

A shiver ran down everyone’s spine when they saw what just happened.

However, as seasoned fighters, everyone soon recovered from their shock and immediately leaped into action.

Milda was the first to attack.

She pointed her Prophecy Staff at Link and muttered, “The lord has decreed that your legs be ensnared in mud, your body become so weak that you would not be able to hold your sword upright for the rest of your life, and your mind be thrown into the pits of madness!”

Restriction of movement, emaciation, and delirium were the three effects that Milda had prophesied for Link.

Ordinarily, these effects could be induced by normal spells. Unfortunately, they could also be resisted by anyone with a high enough magical resistance. On the other hand, prophecy spells could rarely be dispelled. They also tended not to leave any trace. Its target would have to endure its effects for as long as the spell was in effect.

Hum… Hum… Black waves of power radiated from Milda’s staff and into the Void. In the next second, Link began feeling the effects of her spell. His strength was fading, his feet felt as if they were stuck in a mire, and countless thoughts had filled up every inch of his cranium, threatening to drive him mad!

If Link was just a Warrior, even with his Level-17 power, he would not have been able to deal with such a powerful prophecy spell while being surrounded by his enemies.

Fortunately, he was an accomplished Magician who had dabbled in all sorts of magic, including elemental, spatial, time, and even soul magic. He managed to brace himself mentally for Milda’s attack in time.

Let the heart be still as the moon in the raging ocean of one’s consciousness, let it focus the spirit. This was a soul spell from the Book of Revelation. It read like a passage from a martial arts manual.

Before, even though Link understood what each word in it meant, he never could put the spell into practice. Having reached Level-17 power now, the spell’s usage came to him naturally.

Wisdom and power had always been closely connected to each other in this world. Some things could only be understood from a high enough point of view.

With the soul spell activated, his mind was now able to withstand the onslaught of thoughts that raged on still inside his head. Regaining composure, Link then activated the Crown of Eternal Night’s Dark Thoughts effect and began using time magic.

Time magic was not one of Link’s strongest suit. However, this was alright. Prophecy spells usually had to follow a set path until they reached their targets. By disrupting the spell’s path, he would be able to neutralize it completely.

Link’s eyes began to glow with a silver-black light. He could now clearly see the flow of time in front of him.

Link then brandished his sword about, leaving silver arcs of light in the air.

Link’s movements had seemed completely random to Saroviny and the two Lava Knights. However, Milda’s eyes widened with surprise as soon as she realized what Link had done. Her Prophecy Staff had cracked, and her spell had been neutralized.

Her opponent had managed to counter her most powerful technique.

Just how strong have you become, Link? Milda was now looking at Link in fear. A hundred years ago, they had entered the Aragu realm, still wet behind the ears. A hundred years later, she had become the Fire Sect’s Holy Maiden. She had always believed that she had far surpassed Link in terms of power. Little did she know that he had become even more powerful than her in such a short time frame.

Even though her spell had been broken by Link, it had lowered Link’s defenses enough for Saroviny and the two Lava Knights to move in for the kill.

Three blurs of light came at Link from all sides. All three of them knew that they could not hope to beat Link individually. Only by attacking him simultaneously did they have any chance of defeating him.

This was their last chance to strike Link down!

After beating back Saroviny, killing Flaming Sky Lauste and dispelling Milda’s prophecy spell, Link’s mind was now clearer than ever. There was not a single shred of fear in him as he watched his assailants closing in on him. If anything, he was even more fired up right now.

With the Dark thoughts effect activated, his thoughts were now zipping through his mind so quickly that all three of them seemed to be in slow motion.

He was able to counter Saroviny’s Abyss of Despair battle robe and defeat her before by severing the flow of time.

The crown’s Ultimate Darkness Form effect was activated. Countless black crystals began spreading across his body until they formed a black crystalline battle robe around him. His body was now enveloped in silver-black flames.

At that moment, all three of Link’s attackers were moments away from plunging their swords into his body.

Link’s right hand was now brandishing his sword in a blur, while rune circles appeared around his empty left hand, summoning a net of black vine-like shapes into existence. Not only did these “vines” serve as a shield for Link, but they had also conjured a long blade for him as additional offensive power.

This was the scene that had unfolded before Milda: Before any of them could reach Link, black shapes burst forth from where he stood. In an instant, the two Lava Knights were sent flying off in the opposite direction at breakneck speed. Saroviny only managed to hold out against Link’s attack for half a second before she was beaten back as well. Seeing no point in fighting a losing battle, Saroviny decided to turn around and run for her life.

Link then activated the Flame of the Soul technique.

The two Lava Knights were now glowing with a red light. The light then left their bodies and rushed into Link’s body.

Bang! Bang! The two Lava Knights hit the seawater beneath them. Straining her eyes, Milda saw their bodies mangled beyond recognition by the impact. Both of them were gone.

The two Lava Knights were killed, while Saroviny had managed to escape with her life. Only Link remained standing without a scratch on him.

Wind howled past. Link was now standing before Milda. He knocked her staff out of her hands with a flick of his sword and rested its tip beneath her chin.

With her most powerful spell easily countered by Link, Milda now stood powerless before him.

“Are you going to kill me?” asked Milda.

“Is it too late for you to renounce the Fire Sect?” asked Link.

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” replied Milda, shaking her head. She had devoted a hundred years of her life to the Fire Sect. There was no way she could turn her back on it now.

“That’s unfortunate.”

In one clean motion, Link swung his sword through Milda’s neck, sending her head flying into the air. He then caught it in mid-flight and immediately activated the Flame of the Soul technique.

Like the two Lava Knights before her, the red light of Milda’s soul flew out of her head and then entered Link’s body. After converting the souls of Milda and the two Lava Knights into Dark Power, his power level had reached Level-17 Midstage.

Milda’s headless body began to fall out of the sky. With a few strokes of his sword, Link was able to reduce it into fine dust from a distance.

He let out a sigh. After floating in the air for a few seconds in contemplative silence, he tried to open a realm portal. However, nothing happened.

Link frowned. Sastor still has the realm under lockdown. Once he regains his full power, I may be in deep trouble… What should I do?

All of a sudden, a mad idea popped up in his head. Since you’re still dead set on keeping me here, you leave me no choice!

The plan he had was indeed mad. However, the line between madness and greatness had always been blurred.

I still haven’t had the chance to use my new Level-16 spell… From the looks of it, there’s still room for improvement. I could make some improvements to it along the way, thought Link as he flew towards the Yan empire. Who knows, an opportunity to use it might present itself while I wipe out all of Sastor’s followers!

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