A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 975

Chapter 975: Chapter 975, have you ever heard of it?

The voice was like Heavenly Thunder. The moment it was heard, it seemed to affect the rules of the starry skies. It was as if the words were followed by the law, causing ripples to form in the entire divine eye civilization’s starry skies. It was so powerful that it formed countless real Thunderbolts, it appeared out of thin air in all directions!

It even affected the divine eye civilization’s star, causing the star eye to shine a few times. Unfortunately, as it shone, countless runes appeared on the surface of the star eye. As if they were suppressing it, they actually suppressed the divine eye civilization’s star eye.., instantly.

They were unable to form a connection with Wang Baole, which meant that Wang Baole couldn’t use the eye of the star to teleport. At the same time, there were countless crystal shards surrounding the divine eye civilization. It could be said that the purple gold civilization had made this place.., it was like an impregnable fortress. Ordinary people wouldn’t be able to step in, nor would they be able to leave!

Only the mighty figures of the Galaxy region would be able to ignore this arrangement. However, the purple gold civilization knew very well that the powerful factions that were coveting Wang Baole’s Dao planet weren’t as convenient as the purple gold civilization. They had been able to lure Wang baole over as soon as possible, it could be said that the purple gold civilization had the upper hand in this matter.

If the other factions that were coveting the Dao Planet wanted to make a move, they would have to find Wang Baole first. As for the crystal outside the God’s eye civilization… rather than preventing Wang baole from escaping, it was more accurate to say that it was… hiding the traces of the God’s eye civilization!

The latter was the greatest use of the crystal. Even if they couldn’t hide it for a long time, there was enough time for them to acquire the Dao Planet. That would be enough. If they did, it would be coveted by the other major factions as well, however, the purple gold civilization had their own ways of handling this matter. After all, even if they offered it up, the purple gold civilization would definitely benefit greatly from it.

That was why, as the planet of the Purple Gold Civilization roared, there was an unconcealed greed in its eyes. It was extremely strong. This time, the purple gold civilization had deployed two planets and nine planets. They had set up an inescapable net, it was clear that they were determined to obtain the Dao Planet!

In fact, after seeing the name Wang Baole and the mark of the God’s eye civilization behind his name on the list that had been circulated through the fallen star grounds, they knew very well that the other party was long Nanzi.

That was why they had started setting up their plans at that moment. Not only were they going to find Zhao Yameng and capture them, but there were also a series of other plans, including if Wang Baole didn’t come as promised.., they were already prepared for what they were going to do. Even the matter regarding the Earth Federation had been calculated by the stellar ancestor of the Purple Gold civilization at a considerable cost.

It could be said that they had made ample preparations for the acquisition this time around, and they had come up with many plans. Wang Baole didn’t know the details, but as he watched the purple gold civilization’s army of cultivators.., he more or less understood what was going on. However, his expression didn’t turn ugly. Even the gloominess disappeared. What replaced it was a sense of calmness, as if he had made a decision in his heart.

After hearing the low growl of the stellar cultivator from the purple gold civilization, Wang Baole raised his head and looked at him with an even calmer expression.

“I’ll give all of you a chance to atone for your sins. Release my people, leave the divine eye civilization, and offer an apology. I… will not pursue this matter,”Wang Baole said calmly as he met the stellar cultivator’s gaze.

As soon as he said that, the planet cultivators, such as the new Dao Elder and the sky-palm Elder, were flabbergasted. There were even some planets from the purple gold civilization who started laughing mockingly.

The same was true for the two planets. Disdain appeared in the eyes of the one behind Wang Baole. The planet that looked into his eyes laughed loudly, and the killing intent in its eyes became even more obvious.

“Have you become a fool after merging with the Dao Star? “Long Nanzi, I don’t care if your name is Wang Baole or something else. I don’t care if you’re from the earth federation or a cultivator from the god’s eye civilization. All of this… is meaningless

“I’ll give you a chance to atone for your sins. Hand over the Dao Star and surrender. Otherwise… not only will your friends here die because of you, but the God’s eye civilization will also be wiped out. As for the Earth Federation… It will be wiped out before you in an instant!” The stellar mighty figure raised his right hand and waved it. Immediately, the void beside him distorted and an image appeared. The image that appeared was the solar system that Wang Baole was familiar with!

In the image, other than the Solar System, a stellar mighty figure could be seen sitting cross-legged in the starry sky outside the Solar System. His cultivation was extremely vast, and it seemed like every move he made could affect the rules of the starry sky. Furthermore, in his hand.., there was a ball of light that was emitting terrifying ripples, and it was shining.

The ball of light contained power. Wang baole only looked at the illusory screen through the void, and he immediately felt the terrifying aura that could destroy an entire civilization contained within it.

Based on the judgment of the mighty star figure, this scene would more or less cause Wang Baole’s expression to change. However, what disappointed him was that Wang baole only took a glance, and his eyes revealed a hint of reminiscence, however, there were no other changes in his expression. There was not even a hint of anger on his face when he was being held hostage.

This made his heart skip a beat, and he spoke again.

“Other than that, the purple gold civilization has set up a grand array formation that will trace your origin power. From there, we will curse all those who are related to your bloodline in this galaxy, and make them die because of you

“Now, compared to the Dao planet that you have just acquired, tell me whether your home, family, friends, and everything around you, including your own life, is more important, or is the Dao planet more important?”

Wang Baole, who was standing on the Starfall ship, looked at the place where Zhao Yameng had been sealed and listened to the words of the mighty figure from the star. He fell silent.

His silence made the two purple gold planets around him heave a sigh of relief. They appeared to be powerful, but they had some misgivings in their hearts. This was because the dao planet was different from the other special planets, even if the other special planets had fused with cultivators, there were too many ways to dig out the planets and change their owners.

However, the Dao planet was different. This involved the ownership of the sole law. To a certain extent, the special planets hadn’t been marked by the rules of the starry skies. The dao planet, on the other hand, was different. The moment it fused with Wang Baole.., it was as if it was recorded in the starry skies.

That way, even if it was forcefully dug out, it would be of no use. With just a thought from Wang Baole, he would be able to retrieve it. At the same time, if he killed Wang Baole, the dao star would dissipate on its own, it would return to the fallen star once again, unable to be stopped.

Therefore, the only way to obtain the dao star was for its owner to give it away voluntarily. It would be like a transfer of ownership, giving the Dao Star to someone else. Only then would one be able to truly obtain it.

That was why, while the purple gold civilization was trapping Wang Baole, their main focus was to capture him alive. They would seize his weak points and use everything they could threaten him with to force him to give it away voluntarily!

Other than that, there was another unforeseen event. That was… after Wang Baole returned, the meteor ship didn’t disappear. As long as he stood on the meteor ship, the Purple Gold Civilization wouldn’t dare act Rashly.

That was because they weren’t sure if the meteor ship could ignore their arrangements and take Wang baole away. If the other party really fled at all costs, then all their efforts would have been for naught. Even though the fact that the other party could come meant that there was a problem.., however, this matter was too big, so they didn’t dare be completely certain.

That made them even more apprehensive. That was why they had been so forceful and direct in threatening Wang Baole. That was to make Wang Baole feel apprehensive. He would be restrained by his thoughts and wouldn’t flee immediately.

Wang Baole didn’t know all of these details, but he watched coldly as the other party’s reaction after his return. He had more or less guessed the majority of the conditions for the transfer of the Dao Star. It had to be said.., the points that the other party had grasped were extremely important to Wang Baole. If he hadn’t already thought of a way to deal with them, he would have been extremely anxious and passive.

However, at that moment, he only sighed softly.

“I had planned to face all of you as ordinary people…”

Wang Baole muttered to himself. His expression remained calm, and his gaze was the same. He stared at the star before him. As he spoke, the calmness in his eyes slowly changed, and a hint of arrogance gradually appeared in his helpless expression.

“I had planned to conduct this cultivation trial in a normal manner…”

The reason why he felt so helpless was that he didn’t want to do what he was about to do. The reason why he was so arrogant was because the words he was about to say represented that, although they weren’t supreme, they were definitely of a supreme status, when the violet gold civilization cultivators heard this, especially the two stars’minds, it instantly turned into a thunderous roar that towered up into the sky!

Forget it, forget it… as an ordinary person, if I act normally, what I get in return is threats and humiliation. Now that I’ve laid my cards on the table, I won’t pretend anymore. My true identity is that I’m the personal disciple of the blazing flame ancestor

“Have you all heard of the name of my master, The Blazing Flame Ancestor?”The arrogance in Wang Baole’s eyes exploded. His voice was like thunder that reverberated in all directions!

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