A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 963

Chapter 963: Chapter 963 — disregard for Dao Stars!

At that moment, a tempest sprang up in the starry sky. Countless stars shone brightly, causing heaven and earth to appear the same color. At the same time, five top-grade, first-grade, special stars appeared. It was as if they had been ignored by the scholarly cultivators in the past, however, they were still filled with hope, and worked hard to make their bodies shine with boundless light!

The land was illuminated by the Starlight, and the hearts and minds of countless paper people shook. However… Although five first-grade special stars appeared in the starry sky, the Dao Stars… did not appear again!

As the ninth drumbeat rang out, the backlash from the ninth drumbeat exploded out. The first person to be unable to withstand it was the black-robed young man, whose body trembled violently, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his body seemed to be on the verge of withering away. His essence, Qi, and spirit instantly became much dimmer. In fact, as his body swayed, he seemed to be on the verge of falling from the side of the drum.

However, he still held on. Gritting his teeth, he took out a black stone from his bosom. He did not know what sort of creature of good fortune it was, but when he pinched it, it instantly melted, turning into black smoke that seeped into the young man’s seven apertures, this caused his face to flush red, and his originally dim life force to suddenly soar.

However, anyone could tell that this stone was most likely the medicine of tigers and wolves. Its effects were too fierce. If he swallowed it, although it could increase his life force, it would definitely not last for long. Furthermore, it would definitely deplete a lot of his life force in the future.

And now, the young man in black no longer cared. He only had dao star in his eyes. Now that he had struck the ninth strike, he suddenly looked up as if to search for Dao Star. When he was certain that he did not see Dao Star, he breathed heavily, and at that moment, showing the same madness and obsession as the genteel monk.

“Strike ten!”

It was the same with the bell girl. The ninth strike had also reached the limits of her life and cultivation. At this moment, her internal organs seemed to be on the verge of collapse, as her spirit shook, she shook the natal bell on her wrist. Three cracks appeared on it as the price. She had to endure the majority of the backlash before she managed to stabilize herself.

She panted heavily. After failing to find a dao star like the black-robed youth, her eyes were filled with madness.

“Strike the tenth strike!”

Wang Baole was similarly frantic. He tried his best to adjust his breathing and his body trembled. The backlash from the ninth strike had caused his entire body to be on the verge of collapse. However, his deep foundation and his spirit that surpassed others.., that was why he hadn’t reached his limit yet. He still had some strength left.

“I can still do it!”

The words of the three of them rang out almost at the same time. They reverberated across the square, the land, and the sky. Their auras erupted once again. They waved the drumsticks in their hands at the same time and struck the supreme heavenly drum for the tenth time!

A loud boom shook the sky. In that instant, it spread throughout the entire fallen star. The color of the starry sky changed, and the wind and clouds swirled. The sky seemed to tilt, and the land trembled violently. The entire sky suddenly changed from the glow of the stars, all the stars dimmed, until the entire sky was pitch black!

According to the experiences of the scholarly cultivators, this was a sign that the dao star was about to reveal itself. At that moment, countless people from the fallen star empire all held their breaths and looked up.

However, the black-robed young man couldn’t take it any longer. Blood sprayed out uncontrollably, and most of his hair turned gray. His body fell to the ground with a bang, and the drumstick in his hand also lost its support and shattered, it turned into specks of light that dissipated.

The bell girl also coughed up blood, and her face was as pale as a sheet. It was as if she had been struck by a powerful force. Although she didn’t fall, she was still pushed back three hundred meters. The bell on her wrist began to fill with countless cracks, with a bang, the entire thing exploded. The drumstick in her hand couldn’t hold on any longer, and was about to shatter just like the black-robed young man.

However, no one knew what divine ability she had used, but as she struggled to form an incantation gesture with her left hand, more than a dozen other chosen who had come with her to Starfall City didn’t qualify, their bodies trembled violently, and then withered away, as if their life force had been sucked away.

In fact, it didn’t even seem to be enough. In the next instant, the screams of the dozen or so people came to an abrupt halt, and their bodies and souls were destroyed. Everything in their bodies was stripped away, and at the price of that, even though the bell lady’s oil lamp was running dry.., the drumstick in her hand didn’t collapse!

However, cracks spread across the surface of the drumstick, and it was obvious that she couldn’t hit it anymore. She could only maintain it for now. However, compared to the black-robed youth and the scholarly cultivator, it was clear who was superior!

“In the end…”the bell lady panted heavily, her heart filled with excitement. However, when she turned to look at where Wang Baole was, her excitement instantly froze. That was because… Wang Baole was also the one who didn’t collapse the drumstick.., not only had the drumstick not shattered, it hadn’t even cracked!

“Thank you, Continental!”The Bell Maiden’s pupils constricted, and her killing intent grew stronger. In her opinion, Wang Baole was her only competitor for the Dao Star.

The tenth strike was, in fact, Wang Baole’s limit. His body had turned into mist due to the backlash from the tenth strike. However, in the next instant, with Wang Baole’s full potential unleashed.., with the Emperor armor forcefully condensing, his body that had spread out gathered back together, and the drumstick in his hand didn’t collapse.

However, the feeling of being on the verge of death was especially intense at that moment. Even though Wang Baole could still stand beside the heaven connecting drum, his body was on the verge of collapse. He was extremely exhausted, but he wasn’t anxious, that was because he still had a trump card that he hadn’t used yet. It was the innate ability of the stellar nascent soul realm.

Another thing… if my main body is here, fusing with my clone, then even if I don’t use the innate ability of the star nascent soul, I’ll be able to knock out the eleventh strike that has never been done before! Wang Bao muttered to himself, wang Bao felt the vicious gaze from the bell lady, so he grinned and looked at her provocatively.

“You…”the bell lady’s breathing froze. She was about to speak, but at that moment, a thunderous boom suddenly appeared in the pitch-black sky. Amidst the rumbling thunder, bolts of lightning materialized, as if they were about to split the sky apart, as the countless bolts of lightning filled the air, an emperor-like planet appeared in the sky!

It was still not fully visible, and only a blurry shadow could be seen. However, the haughtiness of looking down at everyone from above still caused everyone who saw it to lower their heads.

This planet was none other than Dao Star!

It manifested for the tenth time. At that moment, it looked as if it were looking at an ant in the sky. As the starlight spread out, it looked as if its gaze was fixed on the ground, and on the black-robed young man and the Bell Lady, as if it were examining them.

The black-robed young man’s eyes exploded with madness and determination as he struggled to his feet and roared at the Dao Star in the sky.

“Fuse with me and become my planet. I will lead you into battle in the starry sky. I will kill you to prove my dao, and I will not tarnish your dao star’s name!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the light from the only dao star in the sky grew even more intense. It seemed to solidify quite a bit from its illusory state, as if it was beginning to yearn for the black-robed young man’s words.

However, it was at this moment that the bell-clad young woman suddenly dropped to her knees and kowtowed to the Dao Star in the sky! !

As she kowtowed, she lifted her head up high, and with a devout expression, she began to kowtow to the Dao Star.

“If you merge with me, then I will be willing to take second place. I will serve you as my master, and assist you in Your Glorious Journey, and glorify the Dao Star’s name!”

As soon as the bell-clad young woman spoke, the light from the Dao star in the sky grew even brighter than it had ever been before. It enveloped the entire world, and although it had yet to fully reveal itself, it was still in its illusory state. However, the fluctuations of its will.., were now visible to all!

The black-robed young man’s face fell, and his eyes filled with disbelief. Even the quiet, scholarly cultivator suddenly turned to look at the bell maiden.

The surrounding paper man cultivators’faces flickered as they looked at the bell maiden, and the emperor of Starry Fall’s eyes began to shine with a fierce light.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky Empire shook his head. “Cultivators of our generation, regardless of our clan, need to have a bottom line and principles. When cultivating in the star fusion realm, the stars come first. I am the master. Even if I Were a dao star, I wouldn’t go so far as to go against the grain. Why would I go so far as to go against the grain?” If the person who had spoken those words was someone from the Starry Sky Empire, then he would definitely punish him severely. However, since he was a foreigner, he couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention to him, and the fierce look in his eyes turned into contempt.

Let’s see how this overly arrogant dao star will choose

There didn’t seem to be much suspense in the Dao Star’s choice. At that moment, the brightness of its light was increasing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Starlight fell, and even the starlight that had originally landed on the scholarly cultivator and the black-robed youth.., disappeared as well, as if it was about to gather on the Bell Maiden’s side.

As for Wang Baole, he was like a passerby in its eyes. Even now, it seemed like it had chosen to ignore him.

Outsiders might not be able to feel such a strong feeling, but it wasn’t the first time Wang Baole had experienced such an experience on this dao star. His expression turned ugly, and he lowered his head to look at the drumstick in his hand, the corners of Wang Baole’s mouth suddenly twitched. When he raised his head, there was no longer a stubborn look in his eyes. Instead, there was a hint of arrogance.

“Hey, I’m not done yet!”

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