A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 945

Chapter 945: Chapter 945 will give you one last chance!

The timing was impeccable. It was the moment when the teleportation was about to begin, and everyone was at their most excited. The seven people who had made a move were all extremely powerful. Even though there was a gap between them and the Bell Maiden and the rest.., the Gap wasn’t that big.

However, they had been able to endure the entire journey. The seven of them had bought the boat quota from Wang Baole. With their abilities, even if they hadn’t bought it, they could still cross the Black Paper Sea on their own.

However, they had endured it all the way until now. Therefore, when they made their move, the effects were indeed astonishing, and there were also unexpected effects. However… They weren’t the only ones who were smart. Those who had the illusion crystals all had their own advantages, the people who had been chosen by the seven of them were mostly the weakest. However, the weaker they were, the more vigilant they became.

Therefore, the moment they made their move, the six targets they had chosen immediately reacted and unleashed their cultivation without hesitation.

It was the same for Wang Baole. The time that the other party seemed to be searching for was the weakest state he had been in since he had broken the seal consecutively. At the same time, there was the excitement caused by the arrival of the teleportation power, as well as the cooperation of the bell maiden, everything seemed to be perfect. It could even be said that if it was anyone else, even if it was the scholarly youth, they would face the risk of failure.

However, for Wang Baole… it was different!

His weakness was fake. The appearance of the teleportation power had almost no effect on him. The entire process was within his calculations. Even though the bell lady was strong, Wang Baole was still vigilant, most importantly… he was confident!

Even if other people were unable to enter the next trial, he would definitely be able to do so. That was because he was not allowed to fail with the paper figurine.

Therefore, the moment the person who had rushed over approached him, Wang Baole’s eyes flashed with killing intent.

“Perhaps it’s because I haven’t killed anyone since I came here, so you think I’m easy to bully?”Wang Baole roared. The nightmare eyes behind him changed, and it was not directed at the person who had come, they were directed at the bell lady who had teleported behind him. She opened her nightmare eyes abruptly!

As the giant black eyes opened, a binding force erupted. Even though the bell lady had been prepared, she still froze. The instant she froze, Wang Baole, who was wearing the emperor’s armor.., his entire being was like a mountain. He charged forward with a loud bang, smashing towards one of the seven people who had arrived. His target was one of them!

This person had an ordinary appearance. He didn’t look outstanding, and he didn’t seem to have much presence. His expression was especially numb, as if there weren’t many things that could cause his expression to change. However, now… it had changed!

Wang Baole’s charge was like that of a violent ancient giant beast. Not only was his speed fast, but his aura was also overwhelming. He didn’t seem weak at all, and he even caused a sonic boom, as the youth’s mind was in turmoil and his expression was filled with shock, Wang Baole’s body collided with his.

It was a long story, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, a shrill scream came from the youth’s mouth. Blood spurted out, and his face was pale. He wanted to retreat, however, it was too late. Wang Baole had already decided to establish his might, so his body turned into fog with a bang. He caught up to the youth in the next moment. He materialized next to him and raised his right hand. His ethereal finger suddenly condensed, he tapped the youth’s forehead.

With a boom, the youth’s body shook violently. His eyes widened, and the luster within dimmed instantly. Only disbelief remained. Finally, when Wang Baole raised his right hand, the youth’s head exploded with a bang, even his body turned into ashes in an instant. Only a seed-like ball of light, shaped like a bell, flew out of his shattered body. It wasn’t a soul, but something that was parasitic on his body, it flew out and headed straight for the Bell Maiden!

“Huh?”Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He grabbed with his right hand and grabbed the ball of light in his hand. He squeezed it hard, and with a cracking sound, the ball of light collapsed.

“Thank you, Continent!”As it collapsed, the Bell Maiden’s deep, dark growl came from behind Wang Baole.

“Is he your servant?”Wang Baole turned his head and looked coldly at the bell maiden. Killing intent flashed in her eyes. She was about to speak, but in an instant, the illusory crystal in her hand erupted and enveloped her.

It wasn’t just the bell maiden. Everyone else did the same. The light from the illusory crystal in their hands spread out and enveloped themselves. Even though the Bell Maiden’s servant was defeated by Wang Baole, three of the other six managed to successfully plunder the illusory crystal.

The three cultivators who had their illusory crystals stolen were all extremely miserable, but there was nothing they could do. They could only watch as the bodies of the people who had stolen their illusory crystals were engulfed by the light from the illusory crystal.

At the same time, it was the same for Wang Baole. A bright glow emanated from his robes, and the illusory crystal flew out on its own. The seal on it was completely useless at that moment, and it was instantly wiped away, the glow spread out and enveloped Wang Baole’s body.

This scene made Wang Baole blink his eyes. He felt as if he had overlooked something..

In the next instant, Wang Baole understood his oversight… he also noticed that the surrounding elites, who were also enveloped by the glow of the illusory crystal, had strange expressions on their faces as they looked at him.

I… I… Wang Baole was instantly filled with grief and indignation. He realized that he had unlocked the seals for the others, but he had forgotten his share… it wasn’t his fault, brother Gao’s lack of cooperation in the beginning had distracted him. In the end, the bell maiden and her servants had wasted Wang Baole’s time.

In the end, he had forgotten about his illusory crystal. After all, in his subconscious mind, he knew that it didn’t matter if the seal was unlocked or not, so he naturally didn’t care too much.

Wang Baole wanted to hide it, but there wasn’t enough time. As the light shone and the teleportation power gathered, the thirty of them instantly became blurry.

Seeing this, Wang Baole could only sigh and console himself.

It’s fine, it’s fine. I’ve said it before. Even if I can’t crack it, I can still teleport..

As he consoled them, the heavens and earth turned. The thirty of them disappeared completely. They were pulled by a huge teleportation power and left the illusory planet.

The next moment, when the teleportation ended and the group appeared, what appeared before them was a world that was completely different from the illusory planet!

This world had a long, winding, but majestic, rolling river. Inside the river was not water, but… extremely intense magma. The high temperature it emitted caused the entire world to look slightly distorted, and those that were being meandered by the long river were ten existences that looked like mountains!

The reason why they looked like mountains was because they were made of stone. However, their shapes were not like that. Each mountain’s shape… was like a huge furnace!

At the top of each furnace mountain, one could see the image of a drumstick floating in the air. The image was very blurry, and one could only make out a rough outline. However, it was clear that… They were slowly condensing, it didn’t seem like it would take too long for them to materialize!

“Star guiding drumstick!”Wang Baole’s eyes narrowed as he muttered to himself.

He wasn’t the only one who recognized the drumstick. The eyes of the others flickered as well. It was clear that, with the help of the manuals from their respective clans and sects, even if the trial this time was different from the usual ones, the final outcome would still be the same, they all needed to obtain the star guiding drumstick!

It was also at this moment that the vast voice that appeared before every trial reverberated in the heavens and earth once again.

“This is your final trial by fire. Out of the thirty of you, ten will be chosen to receive the drumstick. These ten… will be resting for the day when we offer sacrifices to the heavens in the Falling Star Empire. Then, they will strike the drum of the heavens, drawing in tens of thousands of stars and obtaining good fortune

“Now… Begin!”

The voice was like thunder, echoing out in all directions. Even when it finished speaking, it caused the entire world to tremble, and caused everyone’s breathing to quicken. They had fought their way all the way to this day.., their goal… was to obtain a special planet and use it to advance to a planet!

Now… success was right before their eyes. As long as they could snatch the drumstick, they would be granted the opportunity to do so. Whether or not they could attract a special planet in the future would depend on their own potential!

The various clans and sects had their own methods, which would allow them to increase their ability to attract planets at critical moments in a short period of time!

However, just as everyone was about to split up into ten mountains in the sky, the bell lady suddenly turned her head and looked coldly at Wang Baole. Her lips moved slightly as she sent out a telepathic thought.

“I’ll give you one last chance. become my war slave and I’ll guarantee your glory for the rest of your life!”

It’s all my fault. I didn’t recheck if the update had been completed. I covered my face and apologized

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