A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 941

Chapter 941: Chapter 941: Self-improvement!

The paper figurine glanced at Wang Baole. It couldn’t help but wonder if it had misjudged the outer realm cultivator before it. The other party’s suggestion was extremely sinister..

He clearly wanted it to seal the illusory crystals and use them to achieve a certain goal. However, even if it could agree to it, it couldn’t do it.

“It’s useless. Even if you can seal them, the moment the trial ends in seven days, all the seals will collapse. It Won’t affect the next trial at all. Therefore, you…”

Before the paper figurine could finish speaking, Wang Baole’s eyes lit up completely. He spoke quickly, his face beaming with joy.

“Thank you, senior. It doesn’t matter even if they collapse after the trial ends. As long as you can teach me the method to break the seal, it’s fine. Senior, please help me!”

The paper figurine was stunned. After a moment of silence, it shook its head helplessly. This matter wasn’t that troublesome for it. Thinking about the mutual help it had with the cultivator from the outer realm, the paper figurine fell silent. Then, under Wang Baole’s eager gaze.., it nodded.

Seeing that the paper figurine had agreed, Wang Baole became even more excited. Soon, under the instructions of the paper figurine, Wang Baole began to fiddle around on the illusory planet. He spent a full day on the planet, during that time, he encountered many Phantoms and cultivators.

Among the phantoms, there were some planets. The most dangerous time was when Wang Baole sensed the fluctuations of the illusory planet. Fortunately, the paper figurine interfered, allowing him to successfully avoid them.

Just like that, a day later, Wang Baole found the remaining twenty-nine illusory crystals. He didn’t take them away. Instead, after he found them, he had the paper figurine set a seal before putting them back in their original positions.

After all the seals had been sealed, Wang Baole happily found a place to hide and waited there. At the same time, he was learning the method of unsealing that the paper figurine had taught him.

The method wasn’t difficult. In order to make it easier for Wang Baole to learn, the paper figurine didn’t use the techniques of the Starfall Empire. Instead, it used the method of the never-ending DAO domain, leaving behind a flaw that could be resolved.

To a certain extent, rather than teaching Wang Baole how to break the seal, it was more appropriate to say that the paper figurine was teaching him a runic symbol. This runic symbol was like a universal key. Even if he didn’t understand the principles behind it, he could still open it.

Then, at Wang Baole’s request, even his own runic symbol was sealed. At that moment, Wang Baole was already extremely excited, and he looked forward to the passage of time.

While Wang Baole was learning how to break the seal, the elites from the outside world who had come to this place also scattered and began to search for the illusory crystal. The process was a little difficult, there were also a large number of planet Phantoms and a star Phantoms wandering around the illusory planet. They would occasionally encounter attacks.

If they were unlucky and encountered many of them at the same time, or if they encountered them one after another, it was inevitable that they would fail the trial. That was not all. The most important thing was the lack of clues regarding the illusory crystal, which caused everyone to be stuck on this planet, they were like headless chickens, running around aimlessly. They had used up all sorts of methods, but they still could not find the illusory crystal.

However, there were also intelligent people who were certain that the trial would eventually give them clues. Therefore, just like Wang Baole, they had chosen a place to hide early on. They sat quietly and meditated, trying to maintain their peak condition.

There were not many people like that, but there were dozens of them. As time passed, there were less than three days left until the end of the trial. More specifically, twenty hours… The clues finally appeared, a strong ripple suddenly erupted from a spot where the illusion crystal was located, causing all the elites on the planet to be able to sense it immediately!

Wang Baole, who was hiding, also sensed it instantly. He opened his closed eyes abruptly. He wasn’t surprised by this. During his communication with the paper figurine over the past few days, he had known in advance that in the last twenty hours, every hour.., the location of an illusion crystal would be revealed. He also knew very well that the cruellest competition in this trial had already begun.

That was indeed the case. As the first illusion Crystal’s aura erupted and its location was revealed, all the cultivators nearby were shocked. They flew out together. There weren’t many people in the first batch, only a dozen or so, it was inevitable to fight over it, and so were the deaths and injuries.

In the shortest amount of time, someone stood out and snatched the illusion Crystal to escape. Then, the aura of the second illusion crystal spread out in another location.

As a result, the fight began again. Everyone had figured out the rules and knew that one would appear every two hours. Therefore, most of them wouldn’t rush over every time. Instead, they would judge the distance before making a choice.

Just like that, a day passed. The aura of the twelve illusion crystals spread out, and everyone made a decision. The twelve illusion crystals all had owners, and their positions were not hidden. It was as if after they obtained the illusion crystals.., their bodies would continue to be exposed, and they would continue to tempt others to snatch them.

As a result, the continuous competition and killing took place many times during the day. The owners of the twelve illusion crystals had also changed, but three of them were never contested.

One of them was in the hands of the scholarly young man from the first sect of the left Dao. He sat on the peak of a mountain, frowning as he stared at the illusory crystal in his hand. Anyone who sensed the arrival of the illusory crystal hesitated for a moment before eventually avoiding it.

The other one was the bell lady from the nine Phoenix sect. Just like the scholarly young man, no one dared to fight over the illusory crystal after obtaining it. At the same time, she seemed to have some doubts about the illusory crystal as she continued to observe it.

The other one… was the reason why no one fought over it, because all of the previous competitors had been killed!

That person was the black-robed young man who carried a greatsword on his back, and emanated a murderous aura. In this trial by fire, the number of cultivators who had died at his hands could be said to be the highest.

Other than the three of them, the competition for the other positions was ongoing all the time. Even if new illusory crystals appeared every two hours, there was no way to stop the competition.

However… as time passed and the majority of the illusion crystals changed owners over and over again and fell into the hands of their respective powerful owners, under their observation, some people gradually realized that something was amiss.

The abnormality came from the illusion crystals themselves. Under Wang Baole’s request, the paper figurine didn’t hide the seal aura on them, so it was easy for others to detect it.

However, no one had seen the illusion crystal before. Although they felt that there was something wrong with the seal aura, they were not very sure. They could only watch.

Just like that, after the aura of the twenty-second illusion crystal erupted from Wang Baole’s hiding place, people quickly appeared near him.

Faced with these people, a cold glint flashed in Wang Baole’s eyes. He was not a soft-hearted person. Previously, he had been surrounded and attacked by people, and he had been chased by the bell lady. It was impossible to say that he did not have a plan. Therefore, when someone rushed over.., after attempting to plunder, Wang Baole laughed coldly and immediately launched a counterattack.

A loud boom erupted. Under the reflection of the Emperor armor and the Nightmare Eye Art, Wang Baole’s attacks were extremely swift and violent. He injured several people, revealing his cultivation and battle prowess without hiding much, forming a powerful deterrent, this caused the eyes of the people who had arrived to flicker.

The aura of the new illusion crystal was continuously revealed, so the snatching didn’t last long. They dispersed. Some went to search for other weaklings who possessed the illusion crystal, while others rushed towards the place where the aura of the new illusion Crystal had spread out.

They came swiftly and decisively!

From the beginning to the end, regardless of whether it was those who had acted rashly previously or those who had watched from the sidelines, even if they were anxious, they remained rational and only probed. They were like venomous snakes, looking for opportunities. Once there was no opportunity.., they would immediately flee.

Even if someone had attacked first, being only injured by Wang Baole’s counterattack had nothing to do with Wang Baole’s pursuit. However, it also had to do with their extraordinary strength. There were times when they advanced and times when they retreated. It had a lot to do with them.

Looking at their backs, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. After interacting with these elites during this period of time, Wang Baole had gained a better understanding of them. Although they all had extraordinary backgrounds, there were also some who were strong and some who were weak, their levels of scheming also varied, but without exception, no one was a fool. Even Li Lin Zi, who knew how to use the opportunity to sell favors, was naturally not a fool.

That Bell Lady from the nine Phoenix sect has many tricks up her sleeves. She has an impressive mind and is a formidable opponent

There’s also that masked lady who was on the same boat as me. Even now, I still can’t see through her..

“The other person I can’t see through is the refined cultivator from the first sect of the left Dao sect… I don’t even know their names, but he gives me the feeling that he’s even more difficult to deal with than the bell lady

“Other than that, there’s also the little yin lady who used the dark art and… the black-robed young man whose murderous aura is so strong that he killed more than a dozen planets

“If I look at it this way, even the little fatty who was killed by me doesn’t seem to be that simple… there’s also brother Gao…”Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, and soon, there was a flash of brilliance.

“But so what? “Even though my background isn’t as good as theirs and my influence is weak, everything I’ve done in my life has been through my own hands, through my own hard work, and through my own self-reliance. Without anyone’s help, I’ve struggled to stand alone step by step!”Wang Baole muttered, he raised his head proudly, his heart filled with pride and pride.

“Cough, I’m not human?”The paper figurine seemed to be unable to continue listening. It coughed beside Wang Baole.

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