A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 933

Chapter 933: Chapter 933, Illusory Star!

As soon as the voice rang out, Wang Baole’s hair stood on end. He looked around, but there was nothing else in the room other than himself. He couldn’t even detect anything with his consciousness.

The voice seemed to be Wang Baole’s hallucination, and it didn’t appear again. Wang Baole remained vigilant for a while. He even tried to speak, but there was still no response. He opened his storage bag and quickly checked the storage ring inside, then, his expression turned ugly.

He was certain that he hadn’t misheard. The reason why the shrill voice was familiar was because it gave him the same feeling as the paper figurine’s laughter when it left the storage ring!

It didn’t leave… or did it return after leaving? Wang Baole sensed that there was nothing else in the storage ring other than the wishing bottle and the galaxy bow. However, he had a vague feeling that.., the paper figurine… might be beside him!

Whatever. The paper figurine must have some ulterior motives with me. Otherwise, why would it return! Wang Baole pretended to be relaxed as he pondered. He sat down cross-legged and began meditating again. It seemed like he was adjusting his cultivation, but in reality, various thoughts were running through his mind, his consciousness remained in a scattered state.

Time passed slowly, and soon, half a day had passed. After half a day, the elites on the boat, which had no paper figurine paddling and seemed to be guided by some kind of force, had already gotten used to it, most of the people in the boat had left their rooms and gathered into small groups.

There were large and small groups, about a dozen of them. One of them was formed in the forest. Fatty was among them, as was brother Gao, who had towering hair.

However, there were also many people who did not pay attention to the others and were alone. For example, the masked woman and the cold black-robed cultivator, who was filled with a murderous aura, were in different groups, as for the other two, who had caught Wang Baole’s attention previously, who were among the four strongest prodigies, they were clearly very prominent in their status.

There were more than twenty people gathered around the bell-shaped woman. Even though brother Gao was not among them, the cultivators who gathered around the bell-shaped woman, despite the admiration in their eyes, were clearly cautious and fawning over her.

As for the refined cultivator, he seemed to be used to having people gathering around him. He only lowered his head to read a book and didn’t pay much attention to the dozens of people who had automatically appeared around him, however, the people who had gathered around him were clearly paying close attention to his every move. They would step forward as soon as they needed anything.

It was because the crowd had dispersed that Wang Baole was able to hear the whispers of many people. Of course, most of these discussions weren’t a secret, so no one deliberately hid them. For example, he knew the identity of the bell-shaped woman!

“In the side sect’s holy region, the nine Phoenix sect is the leader of the endless starry skies. This sect ranks third in the side sect’s holy region in terms of overall strength!”Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. Before he knew about the side sect’s side sect, he didn’t have much of an understanding of the so-called nine Phoenix sect, however, things were different now.

He knew very well that the nine Phoenix sect was a powerful force that was countless times stronger than the purple gold civilization. It wasn’t much different from the Xie family either. To a certain extent, it could be ranked on the same level.

At the same time, Wang Baole had also heard about the origins of the scholarly cultivator. To a certain extent, he could be considered a fellow countryman… that was because they were both from the left dao sacred territory, but they were from the nine Prefectures Dao, which was ranked first in the left dao sacred territory, they were the only personal disciple of a certain Vice Dao Lord!

It could be said that with their status, a single sentence… could cause the purple gold civilization to be terrified. After all, the purple gold civilization had to accept the leadership of the Nine Prefectures Dao, based on their affiliation.

Wang Baole had also heard about the background of brother Gao Ren. He was from the Weiyang Dao Domain. Other than the Xie family, he was from a newly-established merchant family in the DAO domain. His influence was extraordinary, especially in the past few thousand years, from the outside, he could barely compete with the Xie family.

The Xie family had allowed him to grow. There was clearly some reason that outsiders didn’t know about.

Each and every one of them has an extraordinary background. Wang Baole pursed his lips and thought to himself, I’m not bad either. The dark child of the dark sect and my senior brother are even more ferocious. If I were to tell them, they would definitely scare a lot of people to death.

With that thought in mind, he felt much more at ease. At the same time, he could tell that the masked woman didn’t want to reveal her identity and refused to interact with everyone. As for the young man dressed in black with a longsword on his back and a murderous aura.., he didn’t seem to have any background. It was obvious that he was wary and hostile towards anyone who approached him.

Wang baole could vaguely make out some clues. However, the duration of the voyage was too short. It was only one day. If it had been longer, Wang Baole believed that he would have been able to gather more information.

When Wang Baole used his divine perception to listen to the conversations of others, there were many cultivators who did the same. However, there were many things that were useful to Wang Baole. However, to them, they already knew about it, so they didn’t pay too much attention to it, what they paid the most attention to… was Wang Baole’s background!

After all, Wang Baole’s appearance, even if he didn’t think that it was stunning, in the eyes of others, was already extremely detestable.

If it was just detestable, it wouldn’t be a big deal. However, his strength was clearly extraordinary, and he even seemed to be able to compare to the four strongest prodigies. This naturally attracted many people’s attention.

“Xie Continent? The Xie Family? I’ve never heard of the Xie family having such a name. This name… reminds me of the ignorant and extremely shameless xie haiyang from the Xie family.”

“Plundering the Purple Gold Civilization’s quota? Forcefully boarding the ship and capturing him alive in front of all of you, despite the star stopping him?”

“What? The fallen star emissary didn’t stop him from taking the spirit spirit fruit!”

“He even allowed him to row the boat and draw on the Immortal Energy to cleanse his body?”

As the news spread, those who heard the news were all visibly moved. They scanned Wang Baole’s room with their telepathic thoughts. Even the bell maiden, the refined cultivator, and the youth in Black did the same, everything that Wang Baole had done was shocking.

There had never been such a thing as rowing a boat. Although he wasn’t the first person to eat the spirit spirit fruit, his status as the first person was too high. Everyone couldn’t help but compare and think about it.

In addition, Wang Baole was selling spirit spirit spirit fruits and boat rides… all of this made the cultivators who had spent the red crystals look strange.

“Has this guy gone mad from poverty?”

“I believe that he’s from the Xie family now!”

“I think that he’s most likely Xie Haiyang’s younger brother!”

Wang Baole heard all these discussions. He coughed and didn’t intend to pay them any attention. However, when he heard someone say that he was Xie Haiyang’s younger brother, he was a little displeased. He thought to himself that he was his brother.

However, it wasn’t appropriate for him to forcefully explain this matter. Furthermore, such a guess was beneficial to him. Therefore, after letting out a snort, Wang Baole didn’t pay too much attention to it. Instead, he raised his head and looked out the window at the Black Paper Sea outside.

Following his gaze, he could see a huge ball floating on the black paper sea in the distance. If he looked closely, he could see that the ball was actually a star!

In reality, such a planet could often be seen on the Black Paper Sea during the day’s voyage. It seemed to be in a different direction from the sea where he had first entered. That was why it hadn’t been there before, but now, it could be seen frequently.

They didn’t seem big, but Wang Baole had a feeling that once they stepped into the sea, the heavens and earth would immediately reverse and turn into a world.

“A planet floating on the surface of the sea…”he murmured. The day’s voyage gradually came to an end. As the speed of the ship slowed down, not only Wang Baole, but all the cultivators on the ship saw a planet far away on the surface of the sea, it was a planet that stood out from the rest!

The planet was like a dream. At first glance, some people couldn’t see anything, while others could only see a fog. At second glance, the image changed again. It seemed like the planet was changing all the time, however, no matter how much it changed, after looking at it for a longer period of time, everyone on the ship could see that it was a planet!

“Illusory star? !”When these two words appeared in everyone’s minds.., the illusory star instantly began to expand without limit. At a speed that even the eyes could not follow, it expanded to the extreme. It even gave people the illusion that it was even more majestic than the entire Black Paper Sea, then, it seemed to devour the ship that everyone was on… and directly fused into it!

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