A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 875 - Sly Old Fox!

Chapter 875: Sly Old Fox!

“Baole, what you said is right. Although I don’t know the specifics, I know that the Violet Gold civilization’s place is a mark that outsiders are unable to steal. The first emperor of the Divine Eye civilization obtained it by chance back then. It can only be transferred when the royal family is willing to do so wholeheartedly. And to the Violet Gold civilization, helping the Divine Eye royal family destroy the three greater sects is a piece of cake. Naturally, they won’t incur huge losses just for a small gain and affect their chances to enter the Planet cemetery.

“So, they decided to ally and cooperate with the royal family.”

Listening to that point, and combining it with the information he obtained previously, Wang Baole mostly understood the reason for the battle. But when he thought of how the Divine Eye civilization, which he already saw as being in his possession, was going to be taken away from him, Wang Baole still felt indignant in his heart and was in a dilemma.

“How many Planet realms does the Violet Gold civilization have?” So Wang Baole hesitated and asked again.

“There are a total of five greater sects in the Violet Gold civilization. The Heavenly Spirit Sect is ranked fifth and has three Planet realms. If we add them up together, the entire Violet Gold civilization should have 18 Planet realms!” Seeing Wang Baole’s indignance, Zhao Yameng sighed softly and continued speaking.

“According to the plan, they originally didn’t need to come here in waves. But an unforeseen event happened to the Divine Eye royal family and made it such that the Eternal Star gate couldn’t be completely opened in one go to enable the whole Violet Gold civilization army to descend…” Speaking to that point, Zhao Yameng swept a glance at Wang Baole and already had guesses and answers in her heart.

“After the accident happened, the Heavenly Spirit Sect was assigned to be the first wave of descenders. Their mission isn’t to eliminate the three greater sects by themselves but to open the Eternal Star gate again here and enable the second wave to descend successfully. They will complete the elimination of the three greater sects together while preparing to enter the Planet cemetery.”

Wang Baole furrowed his eyebrows. He understood why the Heavenly Spirit Sect retreated to the Eternal Star after suffering a setback in the battles against the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and Violet Gold New Dao Sect. Although Wang Baole also felt that the Divine Eye civilization would be eliminated after hearing that information, the indignance in his heart made him feel that as opposed to just giving up, he should try fighting since there might be a chance to turn things around.

Thinking to that point, Wang Baole took a deep breath.

“Yameng, stay here for the time being. When this thing is settled, I’ll take you back to Earth no matter the outcome!”

Being suddenly captured by Wang Baole, and with the scene being witnessed by many Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples, Zhao Yameng also understood that even if she returned and her master protected her, it would be difficult to explain herself. So she nodded. Just like that, as Wang Baole took a step, he brought Zhao Yameng along as he left the underground of the main star where his true body was with a flick of his body. When he appeared, he was already in the cosmos. With another flick, he moved with astonishing speed as he headed straight for the Sovereign Planet.

The two of them returned very quickly as Wang Baole sped back. After sending Zhao Yameng to the Soul Rift Legion base, Wang Baole wasted no time, instantly arriving within the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s mountain gate.

His status and identity were different from before. When he arrived, he didn’t even need to report his arrival. And he didn’t hide his Divine Will disturbances, instead, dispersing it directly while he arrived.

“Patriarch, Long Nanzi greets you!” Even though the Sovereign Patriarch gave him a sufficiently high status and started calling him Fellow Daoist, Wang Baole was still very tactful and proficient at interpersonal relations. He was very clear that he wasn’t a Planet realm. It would be fine if he didn’t display his strength, as being humble wouldn’t have much effect and would cause people to underestimate him. But now that his strength had already been recognized, being humble would have a different effect on people.

So the moment his Divine Will spread, a vortex instantly appeared in mid-air in front of him. The vortex was like a skylight, as it showed the world where birds were chirping and flowers were blooming within it. One could see a lake and a penthouse beside the lake. At that moment, the patriarch was sitting there and nodding while smiling at Wang Baole through the vortex. He felt very satisfied in his heart at the fact that Wang Baole was still referring to him as the patriarch. However, deep in his eyes, a sense of greed unnoticeable by outsiders flashed past when he saw Wang Baole.

“Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, I trust you’ve received my voice transmission? Come over!” Hiding his inner greed, the Sovereign Patriarch got up while smiling.

Wang Baole took a stride and stepped into the vortex. When he arrived, he was already outside the penthouse and beside the Sovereign Patriarch. The moment he arrived, he bowed to the patriarch with cupped fists.

“Patriarch, I was still cultivating just now. Please forgive me for coming late.”

“No worries, Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi. I invited you here to discuss the intel I’ve obtained. The Heavenly Spirit Sect is only the first wave that the Violet Gold civilization sent here. The Heavenly Spirit Sect seems to have suffered a setback now, but they are preparing to make the royal family activate a second teleportation to enable the second wave to arrive here… We have to retaliate as soon as possible!”

“Hmm?” Wang Baole blinked. He originally planned to say something similar to convince the patriarch to enter the fray so as to set up his future plans. He didn’t expect the Sovereign Patriarch to say it himself. Therefore, he hesitated for a while.

“Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, with your expression now, can I assume that you’re planning to give up on the Divine Eye civilization?” The Sovereign Patriarch’s expression instantly became extremely serious as he dispersed his cultivation from his body. His eyes also displayed a sense of viciousness.

All his actions made the doubt in Wang Baole’s heart intensify. But he understood that the information he obtained from Zhao Yameng might be secrets to ordinary cultivators. However, that didn’t include Planet realm cultivators like the Sovereign Patriarch. So he wasn’t surprised that the patriarch said that. It was just that although the patriarch’s attitude followed Wang Baole’s intentions, the process was a little weird.

He expected to have to argue with the patriarch before they could reach such a consensus. But now, the patriarch was saying that by himself. Wang Baole couldn’t help but have other guesses. But he didn’t hide his expression, instead, displaying it on his face to gather more information.

The Sovereign Patriarch looked at Wang Baole with a stern expression and heaved a long sigh.

“Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, I know you’re not a coward who fears death. But I also know that the Violet Gold civilization is extremely strong and the dominant force in the nineteenth domain. I also understand that although the Divine Eye civilization is far away from them, its destruction is unavoidable. Are you really willing to see our home get invaded, our brothers enslaved, and us leaving our homes like stray dogs? This is our civilization! This is our home!”

Hearing the Sovereign Patriarch’s words, Wang Baole displayed a hesitant expression. To him, the Divine Eye civilization mainly stole and pillaged. They were originally a group of bandits, and he felt it weird hearing such words from a bandit’s mouth.

“Also, do you really think you can escape from danger? Even if you escape from here, can you escape from the nineteenth domain? If you can’t, how will you escape from the nineteenth domain’s overlord? The only difference is whether you die standing or kneeling. Rather than choosing to escape and giving up as though begging on your knees for mercy as you await your death, why not choose to fight? Maybe there’s still a chance. Even if we fail, we’ll die gloriously in battle with no regrets!” The Sovereign Patriarch said those words resolutely and decisively. In fact, there was even a hint of righteousness and patriotism.

“What do you mean, Patriarch?” Wang Baole went silent for a while, gritted his teeth, and spoke with a deep voice.

“Stop the second activation of the Eye of the Eternal Star and delay the descent of the second wave of Violet Gold civilization. At the same time, find a chance… to kill all Divine Eye royalty. Once we achieve that, we will have the upper hand and completely delay the arrival of the Violet Gold civilization’s reinforcements!”

After the patriarch said that, Wang Baole’s heart jolted as that weird feeling intensified. That was because this was basically identical to his previous plans.

His plan was to find a way to bring away the Divine Eye civilization if he could stall until his cultivation reached the Planet realm and fuse it with Earth’s civilization. He would then infuse it into Earth’s Eternal Star and make it a subordinate of the Federation. Such a thought was selfish, but Wang Baole didn’t care about the Divine Eye civilization. He only cared about the Federation.

Although that was a very risky move and could bring the Federation the trouble that was the Violet Gold civilization easily, in the Never-Ending Dao Domain, riches were often obtained from dangerous places. He believed that even President Duanmu and the Ethereal Patriarch couldn’t help but choose to gamble after weighing the pros and cons.

In reality, if the Federation could really infuse the Divine Eye civilization and become the leader, causing the Divine Eye civilization to become its subordinate and bring the lives of all cultivators within it under the Federation’s control due to the Eternal Star, then… it would be akin to feeding the Federation a huge nourishing pill. He could greatly increase the level of the Federation, and everyone’s cultivation could be improved as a result of that!

Although there were risks, they weren’t extremely huge. And Wang Baole had some hidden trump cards that could avoid accidents as much as possible.

But the prerequisite for all that to happen was dragging the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and Violet Gold New Dao Sect down with him. But now, he didn’t even need to drag them. Instead, they wanted to drag him down with them…

It’s a little different. The Sovereign Patriarch wants to kill all of the royals. But my plan isn’t to kill but to capture!

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