A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 860 - You're at the Planet Realm. So What?

Chapter 860: You’re at the Planet Realm. So What?

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

A thunderous boom reverberated in the air, and an enormous vortex spun furiously around Wang Baole. His hair danced in the wind as waves of cultivation surged from him ceaselessly and flooded his surroundings like the waves of a wild stormy sea!

The unleashing of his cultivation was like the sudden arrival of a tsunami. It sent the cosmos around him shuddering, transforming Wang Baole into the focus of everyone on the battlefield’s attention!

And this… was merely 70% of his full power!

Regardless, the sight of him slaughtering a perfected stage Spirit Immortal realm cultivator had been awe-inspiring. The ordinary cultivators on both sides of the battlefield had been stunned. Even Fairy Ling You had been taken aback. The commander of the Black Armor Legion, who had once saved Wang Baole’s life, was also surprised, and there was a faint look of confusion in his eyes.

They had all been shocked by the aura and cultivation that he had displayed when he first arrived on the battlefield. The current shock that they were experiencing was worlds apart from what they had felt earlier. He had killed a perfected stage Spirit Immortal who had burned his cultivation despite being at the late-stage Spirit Immortal realm. The difference in power had been too staggering!

“Long Nanzi…”

“What kind of golden ticket did he stumble across while he was missing?”

“Is this the rise of another powerful Planet realm cultivator in the Divine Eye civilization?” Respect and fear colored the eyes of the Spirit Immortal realm cultivators in the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect as they stared at Wang Baole.

They weren’t the only ones looking at Wang Baole. The Sovereign Patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and Daoist Gu Mo had both widened their eyes. Despite the intense battle that was going on, one thought still flashed across the Sovereign Patriarch’s mind as he glanced at Fairy Ling You. The more he thought about it, the more he found the two of them to be a great match.

As for Daoist Gu Mo, a myriad of emotions was flashing across his face. Resignation flickered in his eyes. He was prepared for their defeat, but if the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect were to emerge victorious, he knew… that the honor of commanding the most powerful legion in the sect would no longer belong to him.

He didn’t want to give it up at all, but his doubts were stronger than the sense of unwillingness he felt. He knew that with the Violet Gold civilization’s invasion, Wang Baole’s rise to power was a welcome sight to countless people. It was something that many supported. In fact, based on his understanding of the Sovereign Patriarch’s character, he knew that if they were to emerge victorious from this battle, the Sovereign Patriarch was going to treat Wang Baole with unprecedented warmth!

These thoughts flashed across Daoist Gu Mo’s head, while… shock overwhelmed his opponents. The two perfected stage Spirit Immortal realm cultivators knew how powerful Qing Kunzi was. Their intimate knowledge of Qing Kunzi’s strength was the cause of the loud buzzing in their heads. Everything that had just happened seemed like something out of an incredible and unbelievable dream.

Wang Baole had fought effortlessly and overpowered Qing Kunzi easily throughout the entire battle, up to the point where the latter’s flesh and spirit had been destroyed. The entire battle had been beyond their wildest dreams. They hadn’t expected something like that.

They had thought that Qing Kunzi would gain an easy victory. The Heavenly Spirit Sect members had looked on with anticipation and excitement at the start of the battle, while the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect members had been filled with anxiety and dread.

After all, Qing Kunzi had been at the perfected stage of the Spirit Immortal realm. He had stood at the pinnacle of the Spirit Immortal realm with his level of cultivation, power, and strength. He might not have been a match for a cultivator at the Planet realm, but the leap from the Spirit Immortal realm to the Planet realm was one across a great realm. In fact, Qing Kunzi had reached the peak of the great realm before the Planet realm.

Besides, he had burned his own cultivation, exhausting his cultivation in order to unleash more power. That might not have allowed him to reach the level of a Planet realm cultivator, but it definitely allowed him to surpass ordinary perfected stage Spirit Immortal realm cultivators. He would have been at the peak of his power.

In such a state, it shouldn’t have been difficult at all to kill a late-stage Spirit Immortal realm cultivator. But… he had failed. In fact, he had been overwhelmed to the point where he couldn’t fight back and was slaughtered!

That scene had been a shocking psychological blow to everyone. It had shaken them to their core. They had thought… that only a cultivator at the Planet realm or above was capable of doing something like that!

The final wave of cultivation that Wang Baole had unleashed had appeared to be at the late-stage Spirit Immortal realm, but the impression it had given others was of power that was freakishly strong and beyond the Spirit Immortal realm. They had never seen such powerful cultivation in a Spirit Immortal realm cultivator. They had only seen it before in cultivators… at the Planet realm!

The sect lord and elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect and the Sovereign Patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect had been secretly shocked at the power that Wang Baole had displayed. But as cultivators at the Planet realm, they soon realized what had been missing.

There’s no suppressive force of a Planet realm cultivator. He’s not at the Planet realm! The Sovereign Patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect was the first to realize that. The sect lord and elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect came to the same conclusion moments later. Then, in the next moment, something flickered in the eyes of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch. Without hesitation, he formed a series of hand seals and unleashed the suppressive force of his planet. It enveloped both the sect lord and elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

It wasn’t enough, though. It might have appeared that the two leaders of the Heavenly Spirit Sect had reached a stalemate in their earlier fight with the Sovereign Patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect, but that was because the sect lord of the Heavenly Spirit Sect hadn’t given his all in the earlier battle. On the other hand, the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch had been fighting with his life. Having just witnessed what had happened, the sect lord’s eyes were now burning with murderous intent. He summoned his planet and unleashed his full power. His elder was finally given an opportunity to attack!

The elder resisted the suppressive force of the Sovereign Patriarch’s planet and turned around as well, unleashing his full cultivation and shoving his palm through the cosmos and towards Wang Baole!

The price for that attack was his suffering the suppressive force of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s Sovereign Patriarch to a certain degree, as well as the mouthful of blood that he spat out after the attack. The Sovereign Patriarch couldn’t stop the elder’s attack in time. The palm that the elder had pushed through space transformed into a huge handprint that then blasted towards Wang Baole with terrifying power.

The handprint spanned ten thousand feet wide and emanated the power of a Planet realm. The early-stage Planet realm elder had used his full power when he unleashed that attack, sending the suppressive force of his planet out, rumbling in the cosmos, tearing the abyss apart and leaving the cosmos shuddering in its wake. All cultivators that stood in the path of the attack, regardless of friend or foe, disintegrated into dust as soon as they came into contact with it!

The strength of the attack was terrifying. The suppressive force that the handprint emanated was strong enough to hold down a Spirit Immortal realm cultivator. It thundered and approached Wang Baole rapidly, almost in the blink of an eye.

A fierce light flashed in Wang Baole’s eyes as he snapped his head up suddenly. This was the first time he was feeling true danger since he had experienced a breakthrough in his cultivation. It didn’t make him nervous, though. In fact, he was trembling with excitement. Battle lust flared up in his eyes. He pressed his hands together in a flurry of hand seals, then raised them into the air and swept them across the sky.

The seventy percent cultivation that he had spread out emerged unhidden then, flaring into being. The vortex around him grew in size rapidly, stretching to ten thousand feet almost instantly. The power that he was displaying sent cultivators from both sides falling back. The power that Wang Baole had just unleashed appeared to be a match for the approaching Planet realm handprint!

As he unleashed his full cultivation, an enormous black eye emerged at Wang Baole’s back. It hovered in space, sending tremors down the spines of everyone who saw it. Wang Baole’s identity was made clear then.

This was because… when the enormous black demonic eye appeared, the divine eyes hovering behind the twelve emperors flashed fiercely, as if responding to its arrival. The divine eyes hovering behind the backs of the hundred thousand puppets did the same. If one were to look closely, they would find ten divine eyes layered onto one another instead of just one divine eye.

A million divine eyes had materialized and resonated with Wang Baole’s demonic eye. His Emperor Armor also started to glow with a blinding light then. Cloaked in light, Wang Baole turned his face skyward and burst out laughing.

“So what if you’re at the Planet realm… What can you do to me?” He charged out and towards the approaching Planet realm palm as he spoke. As they collided, Wang Baole’s right arm transformed into his Divine Armament and swung down at the palm like a blade!

The demonic eye at his back snapped open at that moment, followed by the million divine eyes snapping open simultaneously. Instantly… countless projections of divine eyes appeared on the Planet realm palm. As Wang Baole’s hand swung down, the projections… exploded!

The cosmos shuddered as the abyss was torn apart. It was as if a star had just collapsed into rays of blinding light. Amidst the dazzling, blinding light, the fight between Wang Baole and the Planet realm palm unfolded like a battle between good and evil, light and dark, drawing all attention on the battlefield… like the bright dazzling rays of the sun.

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