A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 803 - A Huge Sacrifice!

Chapter 803: A Huge Sacrifice!

Through the thorough explanation of the vine civilization’s female cultivator, Ling Shan, Wang Baole’s eyes grew wide, and he couldn’t help but inhale. Taking a close look at the burly female cultivator in front of him, he mumbled, “You can do that?”

Wang Baole felt that he had widened his horizons. Simply put, the only way for one to exchange for plant stones was for them to leave their bloodline within the vine civilization. Because the vine civilization was a matriarchal society, they were very persistent in looking for bloodlines. They searched for the bloodlines of all outstanding organisms within the universe and incorporated them into their own civilization, thereby causing their civilization to continuously develop, evolve, and achieve their maximum potential.

Although Wang Baole saw this method as somewhat primitive, since the vine civilization had Eternal Star realm mighty figures, it was obvious that it was on a much higher level compared to the Federation. So, Wang Baole had no right to comment much. He could only sigh with emotion while thinking that, with the vastness of the universe and its uncountable amounts of different types of civilizations, many paths of progression that outsiders would struggle to understand would be formed.

It was just that… after Wang Baole asked for the prices thoroughly, he looked at the jade slip in his hand and realized that to exchange for an amount of resources that he would find satisfactory, he required at least hundreds of thousands of plant stones…

Even if he reduced his requirements and lowered all of his needs to the bare minimum, he would still need around ten thousand plant stones. If that was the case… the difficulty of obtaining materials would be increased infinitely. That was because a normal life essence could only be exchanged for one plant stone.

“So, are you interested in a trade deal with the vine civilization?” After telling Wang Baole everything he wanted to know, Ling Shan swept her gaze towards Wang Baole while speaking with her eyes full of anticipation.

But after she finished speaking, Wang Baole wasn’t given a chance to reply before her expression suddenly changed as though she was listening to something. It was as though a mighty figure had sent her a voice transmission. At the same time, Wang Baole also felt a gaze that came from the cosmos sweep across his body thoroughly.

When Wang Baole became fearful, Ling Shan’s expression changed to one of disappointment. When she lay her gaze upon Wang Baole’s body again, she shook her head and sighed.

“Fellow Daoist, your body is more special… I’m afraid you’re unable to meet our requirements.” After speaking tactfully, Ling Shan looked towards Little Wu, who kept his head down from the start and seemed to be hiding beside Wang Baole. When she did so, her eyes shone brightly.

“However… this fellow Daoist here meets the vine civilization’s requirements perfectly. If he is agreeable, we can quote a price of two plant stones for one portion of life essence!”

Once Ling Shan spoke, Little Wu’s expression changed completely. Wang Baole also had his eyes grow wide.

“Daddy, save me…” Little Wu’s body trembled, and he was about to cry. Wang Baole also felt very displeased in his heart. He knew his condition and guessed that the Eternal Star realm mighty figure should have more or less noticed that his body now wasn’t his true flesh body. That was why Ling Shan spoke in that manner just now. However, he still felt that he was beaten by someone in a certain aspect.

Humph, this is because my flesh body isn’t here. If it was, I think this vine civilization would quote a price of ten thousand plant stones in exchange for a portion of life essence. After all, I’m the Federation President, Junior Brother of Chen Qing, and the only Dark Child of this generation! Thinking in this way, pride spread in Wang Baole’s heart as he suppressed his indignance somewhat. Afterwards, he started analyzing Ling Shan’s words. His eyes also gradually lit up as he looked at Little Wu while shaking his head instinctively.


Hearing that, Little Wu was immediately moved. He heaved a sigh of relief in his heart and secretly thought that his daddy treated him well after all…

But just as he thought that, Wang Baole’s words entered his ears.

“This foster son of mine has an incredibly huge background. He is the prince of the Black Earth Empire and is a direct descendant with an extremely pure bloodline. One plant stone isn’t enough, there must at least be five!”

“Daddy, don’t be like this, I’m still a child!” Hearing Wang Baole’s words change, Little Wu felt almost all of his hair stand on end. Many memories of what he heard regarding the vine civilization in his homeland previously appeared in his mind. As his hair stood on end, he instinctively tried to escape.

But Wang Baole was faster. In an instant, he neared Little Wu and pressed on his shoulder. A genial smile appeared on his face. It also expressed anticipation and happiness.

“Little Wu, didn’t you say you had 100 thousand concubines at first? This small thing now is nothing to be worried about. I don’t need you to use all the power you used to conquer 100 thousand concubines. You just need to use 10% of that power. Go and obtain 100 thousand plant stones for me.”

“Daddy, hear me out. I really can’t, I…” Little Wu cried. As he did so, he grabbed onto Wang Baole’s leg and wouldn’t let go no matter what. His voice was wretched, and his expression showed extreme fear.

Seeing that, Wang Baole became softhearted for a moment, sighed, and looked towards Ling Shan.

“This is my dearest son, so I only have one request. Do your best!”

Wang Baole sighed with emotion in his heart and secretly thought that he was still too softhearted and couldn’t stand seeing others cry. So after saying that, he waved his hands, tilted his head, and said, “I’m handing him over to you!”

Hearing Wang Baole’s agreement, Ling Shan and the several female cultivators beside her immediately became excited. They discussed for a while and sized up Little Wu again, even sending voice transmissions to their clan elders. After repeated confirmation, they were extremely satisfied with Little Wu, so Ling Shan smiled slightly.

“Don’t worry, Fellow Daoist, this isn’t the first time our vine civilization has exchanged resources with humans. Rest assured that your son won’t be put in any danger. My clan sisters in charge of this will be bringing him over.” While speaking, Ling Shan raised her right hand, weaved hand seals, and pointed. Immediately, a giant vortex suddenly appeared in the empty space beside her.

As the vortex buzzed while spinning, as though a path was created out of nowhere, dozens of silhouettes with lithe and graceful figures walked out from it. These ladies all had skin as white as snow and looked extremely beautiful. Some even had heavenly fragrances fit for a national beauty. What made Wang Baole’s pupils grow wide the most was that these ladies were all shy. They didn’t seem to be faking it, but their disposition and other areas were all extremely pure.

That greatly confused Wang Baole. He looked at those ladies, then looked at Ling Shan and company. His brain couldn’t react to that so quickly. As for Little Wu, he also stared with wide eyes and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. Immediately, he stopped crying and put on a proper expression as he got up rapidly. After arranging his clothes, he bowed towards Wang Baole with cupped fists.

“Since Daddy has ordered me to do something, I must complete my mission no matter what!” After speaking, he turned around quickly, as though he was scared that Wang Baole would go back on his decision, and walked towards that group of ladies on his own accord. His jolly steps made Wang Baole feel even more uncomfortable in his heart.

But things were already as they were, and Wang Baole hadn’t thought of stopping them. Under the accompaniment of Ling Shan, he was assigned a penthouse to rest. Before leaving, Ling Shan told Wang Baole that because the exchange amount was rather huge this time, he would have to wait for at least half a month.

Towards that, Wang Baole expressed his understanding. So, in the next half a month, although he didn’t see Little Wu again, Wang Baole toured the vine civilization under the accompaniment of its cultivators. Wang Baole was especially interested in the vine civilization’s artifact refinement. It just so happened that Ling Shan had a certain level of expertise in artifact refinement. Therefore, she shared her thoughts on artifact refinement with Wang Baole, and he did likewise during their casual conversations, and they both benefited from it.

Just like that, half a month slowly passed. When Wang Baole finished touring almost the entire vine civilization and increased his artifact refinement expertise through application, Little Wu… returned.

While one couldn’t exactly say that he looked completely different, he wasn’t too far from it. Returning while being supported by two female cultivators, Little Wu had black eyebags and looked like his vitality was greatly sapped. The moment he saw Wang Baole, Little Wu threw a jade slip towards him.

“Daddy, I’ve tried my best, let me rest for a while…”

Seeing Little Wu like that, Wang Baole was visibly moved and felt warmth in his heart. That was especially so after he saw the number of plant stones on the jade slip actually exceeded his requirements and reached 160 thousand. Seeing that, Wang Baole was even more touched.

Even the two female cultivators who brought Little Wu back felt amazed.

“Fellow Daoist over here actually completed the exchange amount five days ago, but he insisted on persevering just to make his daddy happy. Such willpower is extremely hard to find.”

Hearing their words, Wang Baole’s expression gradually became weird. But he didn’t think too much of it. After settling Little Wu down, he immediately contacted Ling Shan and started exchanging. Very quickly, Wang Baole used up all 160 thousand plant stones and purchased large amounts of precious materials.

After finishing that, although Little Wu was reluctant to leave, Wang Baole said goodbye to the vine civilization cultivators and left the star system. He stepped into the cosmos once again and continued speeding towards places even further away.

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