A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 784 - Come Hit Me!

Chapter 784: Come Hit Me!

Thinking to this point, a glimmer flashed between Wang Baole’s eyes. As he weaved hand seals with his right hand, the Divine Justice Shield circling his body immediately exuded resplendent light. But the light dimmed immediately after. In a few breath’s time, the Divine Justice Shield became almost transparent and didn’t stand out at all.

This is showcasing the concealment ability of my Divine Justice Shield. Wang Baole coughed and felt a sense of deja vu. He couldn’t help but think back about how he did something similar when he was studying at the Ethereal Dao College.

Could it be that I have stepped onto the wrong path by becoming the Federation’s president and that I should actually become a businessman? Is that why Xie Haiyang was so kind towards me? Wang Baole was moved, but he didn’t stop at all. In the giant battlefield that contained many armies, he sped forward like a shooting star.

Immediately, he charged into a crowd of enemy cultivators. The moment he entered, there were bloodthirsty enemy cultivators who attacked him viciously. As a rumble sounded, seven to eight Dharmic Artifacts exuded a sharp aura and landed in front of Wang Baole.

As these Dharmic Artifacts were about to land, layers of light membranes suddenly appeared in front of Wang Baole. There were a whopping 20,000 layers stacked on top of one another. Following the Dharmic Artifacts’ speed, they seemed to voluntarily come into contact with them, and many rumbles immediately echoed. Those Dharmic Artifacts all trembled and collapsed internally, but under the reflected force, their external appearances were compressed to such an extent that they couldn’t break open. They were all sent flying back by the 170% reflection force, only exploding when they flew in front of their respective owners.

Shrill cries of pain immediately spread through the surroundings. Although they were muffled by the sounds of battle, the seven to eight cultivators still spurted out copious amounts of blood as their bodies were sent flying back, seemingly heavily injured. This scene shocked everyone in this small area.

Not waiting for other enemy cultivators to come to their senses and coordinate their actions, Wang Baole moved his body and charged into the crowd again. Shrill cries sounded wherever he went. Truly… he was like a porcupine. If one didn’t hit him, he wouldn’t hit them. If one hit him, it meant certain death.

At the start, Wang Baole’s appearance only caused a commotion in a small area. But as he charged around the battlefield, almost everyone who attacked him retreated while crying in pain. It was fine if they didn’t go all out, as they would only suffer heavy injuries at first. However, for those who went all out when attacking him, they were likely dead!

It would be fine if it was just like that. However, seemingly to increase the aura of his Divine Justice Shield and increase its asking price in the future, Wang Baole roared as he charged forward, acting as though he was afraid of not getting people’s attention.

“Come hit me! Don’t run away!

“All you cowards! Why are you running? Come punch me if you’re man enough!

“Fellow Daoist, attack me with your strongest trump card!!”

As his voice spread through the surroundings and his body kept charging around, it spread to an even wider area. That was especially so when combined with his actions. This made Wang Baole seem indescribably despicable to everyone at that moment…

Gradually, as Wang Baole charged around, he was like an eel, creating more and more disturbances in the battlefield. In the end, as shrill cries of pain sounded, almost everyone retreated rapidly and changed their expressions the moment they saw him. Such disturbances like these also naturally attracted the attention of the two sides’ mighty figures who were locked in battle!

Very quickly, an elder from the fifth army headed straight towards Wang Baole with his perfected Soul Conduit cultivation. It was obvious that this elder had been fighting far away previously and didn’t understand how powerful Wang Baole was. So… as he charged towards Wang Baole, the words he spoke brought with them a sense of cold arrogance.

“A mere mid-stage Soul Conduit like you dares to be so arrogant just because you have a high-level Divine Justice Shield? I’ll teach you a lesson now!” The elder’s voice exploded forth within the battlefield as he headed towards Wang Baole like a shooting star. Facing the elder’s words and silhouette, Wang Baole felt extremely happy in his heart. Seemingly afraid that his opponent would go back on his decision to attack, Wang Baole charged forward with his maximum speed.

In the blink of an eye… the two of them came into contact in mid-air, and a loud rumble that shook the surroundings sounded out. The elder’s eyes suddenly went wide, and his head shook. As his body trembled violently, all of his limbs exploded. He spat out blood as his body was sent flying back, and the shrillness of his cry shook the hearts of anyone who heard it.

As for Wang Baole, he blinked and also let out a shrill cry while clutching his chest. He stumbled as he moved backward, and even the Divine Justice Shield around him seemed to almost collapse.

Although it was rather fake… not everyone could react so quickly. Immediately, there were those who wanted to steal Wang Baole’s Divine Justice Shield and crashed towards him with a flick of their bodies.

But in the next moment, as they neared Wang Baole, the originally dim Divine Justice Shield lit up once more. As the sounds and shrill cries combined, the cultivators who wanted to steal the Divine Justice Shield were all sent flying back.

“Despicable, way too despicable!” Not waiting for those people to speak, Wang Baole roared first. But the effect was obviously extremely bad. This was because no matter how much Wang Baole tried to act like he was weak, no one would believe it. As he sighed, he could only look full of vigor and energy as the surrounding crowd all cursed him in their hearts.

But there was nothing they could do. They could only hide or avoid him since they couldn’t beat him. Hence… an extremely strange scene quickly appeared on the battlefield. When a group of people was engrossed in the heat of battle, so long as someone shouted that Long Nanzi was coming, all of them would retreat and stop unleashing their divine powers.

Wang Baole was like a parting line. While he seemed to form partitions wherever he went, he was also like a plague that everyone avoided… In reality, even his allies… feared the Divine Justice Shield that made Wang Baole seem like a porcupine. After all, the reflection force of the Divine Justice Shield didn’t differentiate between friend and foe.

Regarding this, the oval-faced female cultivator who invited Wang Baole to attack was flabbergasted. Even though this went according to her previous expectations, Wang Baole’s execution was too perfect. It was to the point that she unconsciously inhaled continuously after seeing this scene. It made her feel as though she had opened Pandora’s Box… Obviously, the battlefield changed completely after Wang Baole appeared.

Wang Baole was also helpless. Seeing how everyone was avoiding him, he sighed while raising his head to look at two False Immortals fighting in the sky faraway. Thinking for a moment, Wang Baole charged towards them with a flick of his body.

Not waiting for him to come near, the two False Immortals immediately retreated and… stopped fighting!

They weren’t stupid and had already felt that something was amiss regarding Wang Baole. They also thought about how it was unknown whether Lord Ling Tao was dead or alive and the extremely depressed words Dao Master Watercloud spoke before he left. After that, they came to a vague conclusion.

That’s way too cowardly! Wang Baole smacked his forehead. He wanted to display his Divine Justice Shield, but he had no opportunities to do so. So, after taking a look at his surroundings, his gaze finally landed on the highest point. It was where… Daoist Red Dragon and Fairy Ling You were fighting!

I don’t know whether my Divine Justice Shield can resist Spirit Immortals… in theory, it should be able to. Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He wanted to try, but he didn’t do so in the end. It wasn’t that he was unwilling to, it was because… the time given for the challenge match was up!

The challenge match wasn’t going to go on forever. The armies were given two hours. Within those two hours, if they could occupy their opponent’s land or make their opponent yield, they would win.

But now… even though Daoist Red Dragon stalled Fairy Ling You, the others still couldn’t complete the invasion. So, as the bell chime echoed, the challenge match ended.

Wang Baole could be said to have had a great effect in this battle. But as the challenge match ended, not many people noticed that, on the altar under the feet of the oval-faced female cultivator, several unnoticeable runes went dark after being slightly bright previously.

Those runes… were the Ice Phoenix Legion’s trump card. After all, Wang Baole was merely an accident. According to their original plan, the trump card formed by those runes could stall things until the challenge match ended.

As it ended, the mighty figures who laid their gazes on the area all gazed deeply at Wang Baole. As they slowly retracted their gazes, suddenly… the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect patriarch’s voice resounded in the heavens.

“Ice Phoenix Legion, you no longer need to initiate another challenge match. You will be promoted to fifth place with immediate effect. The armies ranked after them will all move one position as well!

“Long Nanzi, you may come pay your respects at noon tomorrow!”

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