A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 779 - Confirming His Position!

Chapter 779: Confirming His Position!

“Little Wu?” Wang Baole took a sideways glance at the youth, whose clothes were gaudy and had numerous little mirrors on them. Thinking that the youth’s national crest was a parrot, he felt that it suited the youth. He thought that the youth’s father was very similar to him when it came to naming people.

Thinking to that point, he was about to nod when he suddenly narrowed his eyes to take another thorough look at the youth. This look was obviously different from the previous ones he gave, and it immediately gave Little Wu a lot of stress. He looked like he didn’t know what he said wrong.

Interesting, why didn’t I react previously… The language he speaks definitely isn’t that of the Federation or the Divine Eye civilization, but I can actually understand him. Also, I can understand the contents of the jade scroll he gave me! Wang Baole’s heartbeat quickened unwittingly, and he took out the jade scroll again to look at it. This time, he was very sure that if he looked purely at the words within it, they were foreign to him. However, these words seemed to have a strange power that made him understand them instantly!

While this was both extremely mysterious and slightly contradictory, what Wang Baole felt was even weirder was the fact that he hadn’t noticed this at all previously. It was as though the youth’s language had a mysterious power that made others ignore this fact.

Black Earth Empire? Wang Baole pondered for a while. As the youth became increasingly nervous, Wang Baole raised his hand to grab the youth and held him in his hand as he stepped up into the cosmos. With a leap, he flew straight towards his battleship.

With Wang Baole’s cultivation, he almost covered the distance in the blink of an eye. After he entered the battleship, Zhuo Yixian, who was trapped there and couldn’t move, immediately saw the stranger in Wang Baole’s hand.

As his eyes narrowed slightly, Wang Baole had already thrown Little Wu aside and released Zhuo Yixian.

When he was released, Zhuo Yixian seemed to lose all of his strength, and he stumbled a few steps backward. He was about to pay respects to Wang Baole when he suddenly felt something was amiss. Slanting his head, he discovered that the stranger Long Nanzi brought with him was actually staring at him with enmity.

“Master, this is…” Zhuo Yixian paused. After feeling that the stranger’s cultivation level was also at the Core Formation realm, he had some guesses in his heart.

“Same as you,” Wang Baole said coldly and ignored the two of them. He sat cross-legged, controlling the battleship to return to the Divine Eye civilization while pondering about the Divine Armament Little Wu gave him.

As the battleship sped through the cosmos, Little Wu wriggled around. First, he took a quick look at Wang Baole, who was meditating with his eyes closed, then he slanted his head to look at Zhuo Yixian.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Yixian was also sizing up Little Wu. When their gazes met, and under Zhuo Yixian’s confusion, the enmity in Little Wu’s eyes intensified. With a flick of his sleeves, and as the little mirrors on his body rang, he said coldly, “Lowly human, you are in the presence of a prince. Why aren’t you on your knees!”

Zhuo Yixian was momentarily stunned into silence.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? So be it. Seeing how idiotic you look, there must be something wrong with your brain. But remember, from now on, Daddy is number one, I’m number two, and you’re number three. Got it?” Little Wu raised his chin, and his gaze was filled with arrogance. He took out a handkerchief from his body and threw it to Zhuo Yixian.

“Come, wipe my caligae weaved using hair by my one hundred thousand concubines clean.”

“You must be crazy!” Zhuo Yixian reacted at that moment. He humphed, and hostility appeared in his eyes.

“You dare?” Little Wu was about to roar angrily. But, upon thinking about how Wang Baole was meditating and that he couldn’t disturb him, the two words that were supposed to be shouted were instead spoken softly. However, his body moved in a split second, heading straight for Zhuo Yixian. When he neared Zhuo Yixian, he raised his right foot and kicked Zhuo Yixian’s stomach.

This scene was very similar to how Wang Baole kicked him previously.

Zhuo Yixian felt a strange sense of anger. He was already feeling very indignant after coming to the Divine Eye civilization. Seeing how the crazy guy was bullying him, he couldn’t tolerate it and immediately retaliated. Instantly, the two of them started fighting within the battleship.

As they were both scared of Wang Baole, they didn’t dare to use their Dharmic treasures and divine powers. Instead, they infused spirit energy into their limbs. They seemed evenly matched physically, but Zhuo Yixian was very quickly at a disadvantage. Obviously, even Wang Baole thought Little Wu’s resistance to hits was incredible. So, although Zhuo Yixian’s attacks weren’t mere tickles to Little Wu, they were much less painful compared to Wang Baole’s attacks.

In just ten or so breaths, Zhuo Yixian was obviously at a disadvantage. That was especially so after Little Wu leaped up and pinned him under his body. Hence, angry growls and sounds of struggling instantly grew louder. It was impossible for Wang Baole not to notice this, and he had already opened his eyes to watch this with furrowed brows.

“Enough!” After a moment, and seeing how Zhuo Yixian’s expression changed, Wang Baole spoke coldly. Once he spoke, Little Wu immediately retreated. With flattery appearing on his face, he spoke quickly.

“Daddy, I was wrong!”

Zhuo Yixian got up, his swollen face making him look pathetic. The anger in his heart was almost heaven-shaking, but he didn’t dare to offend Long Nanzi and thus spoke softly.

“Master, he started it first.”

Ignoring the two of them, Wang Baole closed his eyes again, thinking about the Divine Armament recipe Little Wu gave him. While he understood it a bit more, he also felt that it could be applied to the eighth level of the Heaven Shaking Divine Justice Shield. He had a few thoughts about it. Hence, he didn’t notice that after he closed his eyes, Little Wu seemed to be very pleased with the superiority of the way he addressed Wang Baole and mouthed to Zhuo Yixian.

“I call him daddy, while you call him master. Can’t you see who’s superior?”

“Crazy!” Zhuo Yixian suppressed his anger. He really disliked Little Wu, so he sat in one corner and ignored him. Just like that, as Little Wu taunted Zhuo Yixian many times, time passed slowly.

Very quickly, the battleship they were in returned to the Divine Eye civilization and entered the area controlled by the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect. It then landed on the Ice Phoenix Legion’s satellite beside the Sovereign Planet.

The moment he returned, Wang Baole went to his cave abode hurriedly and was prepared to go into seclusion to test his thoughts about the Divine Armament recipe. He felt that if he refined the Heaven Shaking Divine Justice Shield using the method he thought of, breaking through to the eighth level would be a piece of cake. In fact, it could even reach higher levels.

This made Wang Baole very excited. So after arranging for Zhuo Yixian and Little Wu to guard the door together after returning to his cave abode, he started on his research.

However… Wang Baole, who was busy researching artifact refinement, quickly became frustrated. Truly… without his presence, the two people outside his door fought again as though they were oil and water. In addition, the rumbles they caused were loud. As the rumbles echoed in the surroundings, they also attracted the attention of many Ice Phoenix Legion female cultivators who were passing by. Like watching dogs fight, many female cultivators were commenting and observing the commotion.

The noise made Wang Baole extremely unhappy, so he summoned his donkey, who was playing somewhere, back. While he ordered it to take care of the two people, he also warned it sternly.

This method was definitely effective. To the donkey, who was just playing happily but was summoned back, this made it very unhappy. So even though it recognized Zhuo Yixian, it was still very annoyed. Whenever Zhuo Yixian moved, it would hee-haw, bare its teeth, and crunch onto the rock beside it, letting out a threatening sound.

This was even more so for Little Wu, who was a stranger to the donkey. That was especially so after it heard Little Wu call Wang Baole Daddy. This made the donkey secretly feel a tinge of danger. So, whenever Little Wu moved, the donkey didn’t bite the rock. Instead, it licked its lips while staring at him.

This gave Little Wu a lot of stress. But Little Wu seemed to be very familiar with pleasing the strong… Therefore, he stopped fighting Zhuo Yixian and started sucking up to the donkey. He started calling the donkey Second Master and even gave it massages. This made the donkey see him in a better light while it hee-hawed.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Yixian was extremely terrified. On the one hand, he feared the donkey’s viciousness. On the other hand, he also felt that the donkey was very similar to the pet of someone in his memory that he really hated.

But his gut feeling told him that it was impossible, so he could only think that the civilizations were different, but their ferocious beasts looked the same.

Just like that, as the pair of clowns got along with the donkey, half a month passed. As for Wang Baole, who was within the cave abode, although he looked wan and sallow after half a month’s worth of research, his eyes grew brighter with each passing day.

The eighth level of the Heaven Shaking Divine Justice Shield… can be settled!

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