A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 760 - Returning to the Eternal Star!

Chapter 760: Returning to the Eternal Star!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

With the assistance of a large number of puppets, and after giving up on durability, speed, and even greatly reducing the offensive strength, the battleships were built, though they weren’t really battleships anymore.

Perhaps describing them as large scale Dharmic Artifacts was somewhat appropriate, so the production time was reduced to the extreme. Because of this, the number of battleships produced rose sharply.

In the short span of a few months, Wang Baole produced nearly 1000 of these battleships. To reduce costs, Wang Baole didn’t even include the cores necessary for the battleships to be controlled via consciousness.

Therefore, the battleships produced were no different than trash in a certain sense. However, this was their state before self-destructing. Once they self-destructed, their combined power could unleash a storm capable of shaking the heavens and earth.

Because Wang Baole spent almost all of his energy on pairing the battleships’ materials to achieve maximum explosive power when they self-destructed, instead of saying they were battleships, one could say that they were all bombs that could explode at any moment!

Wang Baole was even worried that the power unleashed after their self-destruction wouldn’t be enough, so he added in the Federation’s artifact refinement techniques. In the end, he still wasn’t satisfied. However, after deliberation, Wang Baole decided against including the dark demonic eyes. Although doing so could increase the explosive power of the battleships, it also ran the risk of exposing Wang Baole.

So be it, I can only reach this standard now. Sitting cross-legged in the internal area of the meteorite, Wang Baole looked at the close to 1000 battleships around him and sighed with a tinge of regret. Afterward, he lowered his head to look through his storage bracelet. Seeing the remaining materials he had, his eyes slowly narrowed.

Although I didn’t include the cores needed to connect to my Divine Sense and can’t spread out my Divine Sense to control the battleships precisely… I don’t need to control them, I only need to control my puppets! A strange glow appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes. This was his plan all along. He would control a large number of puppets, and the puppets would control the battleships.

That way, when the battleships self-destructed, the puppets would self-destruct too. Even if the explosive power couldn’t be compared to the former, they would still have an effect.

Ink Dragon Legion, you dare to rob me? This time, I’ll blow you to smithereens! Wang Baole hmphed, then stopped thinking about the battleships. Instead, he started thinking about how to deal with the Ink Dragon Legion commander, whose cultivation was at the False Immortal realm.

Wang Baole was very clear that if he had no way to deal with this person, all his planning would go to waste. In fact, if he attacked, it would be akin to committing suicide.

The difference between our cultivation levels is too big. Unless the true body came to fight me, I would be no match for her… But, it’s not impossible for me to just trap her and not fight… Wang Baole rubbed his chin, and a glimmer flashed between his eyes after he deliberated.

As for trapping, I’m pretty proficient in that aspect… As Wang Baole thought, a whole bunch of Dharmic Armaments like the Golden Bell Shield, the rope, array formations, and so on appeared in his mind. But he gave up on all of them in the end.

“I have limited resources right now. Even if I could produce them, it would be hard for me to gain a numerical advantage, and it’s highly likely that an accident would occur,” Wang Baole muttered and suddenly raised his head to look at the puppets working busily around him. In this period of time, to produce battleships more quickly, Wang Baole had created thousands of puppets.

Each battleship only requires three puppets to control it. In that case, I will be left with around 7000 puppets… Wang Baole’s eyes slowly shone brighter as he rapidly calculated the possibility of this event in his head.

Incorporating the Dharmic Armament system of the Divine Eye civilization and strengthening them infinitely, I can combine them together in units of one thousand to form a spherical seal… My goal isn’t to trap the False Immortal for a long period of time, it would be enough for me to just trap her for ten breaths every time!

This way, I can trap the False Immortal seven times, and for ten breaths each time! Thinking to this point, Wang Baole made a decision. This was the method he could think of that wasted the least resources and materials. So, he wasted no time and went into seclusion once again in the very next moment, starting to continuously upgrade and augment his puppets so that he could seal the False Immortal.

Just like that, time passed once again, and another three months went by!

As the 7000 puppets were all augmented and the one thousand battleships were assembled, Wang Baole’s storage bag was emptied by almost 90%. Coupled with the full cooperation of De Kunzi, Wang Baole’s plan of becoming a one-man army was accomplished.

It’s still not enough, I’m missing a life-saving technique! After storing his puppets and battleships, Wang Baole stood on top of the meteorite and stared at the cosmos ahead. He muttered and stepped directly into the cosmos with a flick of his body, leaving behind the meteorite he had resided in for half a year as he headed straight towards a coordinate.

Halfway through his journey, Wang Baole’s appearance changed rapidly. When he left the area controlled by the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and entered the public area, his appearance had changed to become that of Zhuo Yixian. On the one hand, he did this in order to not expose his trail. On the other hand, during this period of time, De Kunzi had told him that the Ink Dragon Legion had made him a wanted man throughout the entire Divine Eye civilization.

My life-saving technique is making use of the teleportation of the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons, enabling myself to use its aura anywhere to teleport instantly within a large area and appear beside the Eternal Star!

Therefore, I must purchase the right to use the Divine Eye civilization’s Eye of Ten Thousand Demons once!

Wang Baole muttered in his heart and sped up. The coordinate he was heading towards… was exactly where the Divine Eye civilization’s Eternal Star was located.

This wasn’t a thought he came up with on the fly. He had already thought of this previously when planning his shocking action on the meteorite. So in this period of time, he indirectly asked De Kunzi about the methods involved in activating the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons.

Wang Baole asked his questions in an ingenious way, such that De Kunzi didn’t dare not answer him despite being suspicious. Hence, Wang Baole had a very clear understanding of this aspect today.

Unless an individual has a special mandate, they are unable to offer a sacrifice to the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons and activate it. Only armies have this right!

Wang Baole’s speed was extremely fast, using only three days’ time to reach the boundary of the Divine Eye civilization’s Eternal Star. When he saw the giant Eternal Star from afar, he stopped and briefly felt its horrifying suppressive force. He clenched his teeth and sped up further, getting closer and closer to the Eternal Star.

As he neared the Eternal Star, extreme heat emanated from it. The destructive power coming from the Eternal Star made even Wang Baole’s soul tremble. When he neared the limits of what he could withstand, he immediately retrieved an identity token from his storage bracelet!

This token was the emblem used to represent the Holy Crest Sect Legion. As Wang Baole retrieved it, he followed the method told to him by De Kunzi, making the designated hand seal with one hand to activate the legion’s token. He then spoke loudly towards the Eternal Star.

“Holy Crest Sect Legion Vice-Commander Long Nanzi requests permission to activate the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons!”

As Wang Baole activated the emblem and his voice spread, not much change happened to the Eternal Star, but it seemed to cause a disturbance to the high heat within it. Wang Baole wasn’t impatient and waited silently for about fifteen minutes. It was then that Wang Baole noticed that a black spot was slowly appearing on the Eternal Star!

As it appeared, the black spot started expanding rapidly. Following that, an inexplicably massive will slowly awakened, as though it had woken up from its slumber within the Eternal Star. Finally, when the black spot expanded to a certain degree, a huge eye replaced the Eternal Star and appeared in the cosmos.

That was the Eye of the Eternal Star!

That was the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons!

At this moment, Wang Baole’s body shook, and the Demonic Eye Art within his body activated on its own. The desire that had appeared previously exploded forth more intensely once again.

Next, I must use my own Divine Sense and incorporate it within the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons to make a pact with it! Wang Baole was extremely excited. But even though he double confirmed with De Kunzi that he didn’t withhold any information from him and told him all that he knew, he still paused due to the desire expressed by the Demonic Eye Art in his body.

But this pause didn’t last for long. Very quickly, a decisiveness appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes. He stopped hesitating and dispersed his Divine Sense, allowing it to near the horrifying awakened consciousness within the Eye of the Eternal Star ahead.

He didn’t fully incorporate his consciousness and only established a weak connection with the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons’ consciousness. Yet, Wang Baole’s head rang and seemed to have made a pact. A wisp of black gas spread from the Eye of the Eternal Star and surrounded Wang Baole’s body, giving him the right to transmit once.

According to the process De Kunzi described, at this point, everything could be said to have ended, and Wang Baole could retract his Divine Sense. At this moment, the consciousness from within the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons also slowly dissipated, and the eye transmogrified from the Eternal Star started to blur, seemingly about to fall asleep once again.

Seeing that everything was about to end, Wang Baole suddenly struggled. If he just left like that, he felt that he was missing out on something. That was especially due to the desire spread by the Demonic Eye Art in his body. This caused him to mutter for a few breaths and violently clench his teeth as the Eye of the Eternal Star was about to close, when the consciousness within it had already largely dissipated.

What’s there to be scared of, at most, I’ll just make a new avatar! Thinking to this point, Wang Baole no longer suppressed the desire of the Demonic Eye Art within his body, unleashing it completely.

As he unleashed the Demonic Eye Art in his body, the Eye of the Eternal Star, which was about to close, suddenly… opened once again!

At this moment, the will that was about to dissipate also exploded forth!

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