A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 750 - Dark Fire Murdering Mutants!

Chapter 750: Dark Fire Murdering Mutants!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Baole’s speed was faster than lightning, and he was like a burning arrow shooting through the sky, heading straight towards the four mutants. As for the four mutants, their killing intent exploded forth intensely. Although their Spirit Intelligence was limited, their instinctive viciousness had made them view Wang Baole as their prey.

Almost instantly, the two sides collided in mid-air above the planet, and the four centipede-like mutants opened their mouths almost in unison, spewing out green flames. These flames weren’t ordinary flames. Their heat was enough to burn the void, and they did extreme damage to the soul.

Immediately, the green flames coming from the four mutants formed a sea of flame, engulfing Wang Baole. Looking from afar, they seemed to have formed a giant green fireball!

This sphere had a diameter of at least ten thousand feet, and the heat it radiated was enough to make the planet dry up. Its suppressive force spread out, and it was enough to make the planet tremble, as though it was finding it hard to withstand the pressure. If the suppressive force continued for a sustained period of time, the planet might collapse!

Truly… the combat strength unleashed by the four mutants was extraordinary, and the green sphere formed by the flames was extremely scary in any Soul Conduit realm cultivator’s eyes. That wasn’t even considering how the four mutants were influenced by their viciousness. They burrowed into the green fireball without hesitation, as though just burning Wang Baole wasn’t enough to appease them. They wanted to go in, tear Wang Baole apart, and eat him.

Instantly, the silhouettes of the four mutants disappeared from outside the fireball as they burrowed inside, heading straight for the seemingly trapped and burning Wang Baole!

No matter how one looked at it, it seemed like Wang Baole was doomed. After all, the four mutants were all at the Soul Conduit realm. So, when all this was seen by a certain someone hiding in the shadows of a distant planet, he thought that Wang Baole was certainly going to die!

This Long Nanzi was hiding secrets after all. My real body didn’t notice him leaving the battleship and returning here at all. Due to its extraordinary cultivation, that silhouette hiding on the planet could still see the fighting happening on another planet clearly despite only being an avatar.

And its existence seemed to be formless, blending seamlessly into the shadows. This was obviously a divine power similar to a shadow clone formed by a special cultivation technique.

It looks like this Long Nanzi might have found some secrets of this civilization. However, he won’t be able to go any further. He’s overestimating himself. While only being at the Nascent Soul realm, he still dares to be arrogant in this mutant civilization? The silhouette snickered, and its body appeared slowly out of the shadows. The face that appeared was that of the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder. It was obvious that the body here was his avatar!

But this is good. With him distracting the Soul Conduit realm mutants, I have a chance to obtain the Fruit of the Eternal Star! After he appeared, the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder let out a soft laugh. As he looked towards the dying eternal star of that civilization, a fire burned in his eyes. With a flick of his body, he got ready to charge towards the planet.

But just as he was about to move, a loud rumble and four shrill screams of pain spread through the surroundings from the planet Wang Baole was on.

This sudden unexpected change stunned the avatar of the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder, making it subconsciously stop and instinctively turn its head to look. What it saw made its eyes narrow, and its expression changed drastically. This shocked the avatar terribly, and it exclaimed, “That’s impossible!”

In the eyes of the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder’s avatar, Wang Baole was trapped on the planet. The green flame engulfing him could be seen changing instantly with the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it changed from green to dark green!

And this color change didn’t end. In the next moment, seemingly due to the black color within the fireball being too intense, it engulfed the original green color, turning the fireball black!

The black flame was the Dark Fire!

The color of the flames changed, and the Dark Fire exploded forth after engulfing the green flame, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings. The shockwave it created was accompanied by loud rumbles, and as the rumbles echoed in the cosmos, one could faintly see that within the sea of flame, there were four centipede-like mutants retreating rapidly. They seemed to have been shocked and terrified, and they were looking to leave the core of the sea of flames!

But it was too late!

In the core region of the sea of flame, Wang Baole’s demon-like silhouette moved and instantly disappeared, reappearing beside a centipede-like mutant. No matter how much the mutant struggled and roared, it couldn’t escape. Wang Baole was expressionless as he grabbed towards the mutant with his right hand!

Rumbles echoed as the centipede-like mutant let out shrill cries of pain. One could visibly see its body collapse and get burned to a crisp until only its soul and the materials needed by the Demonic Eye Art were left. They went towards Wang Baole, forming behind him… a closed giant demonic eye!

Compared to the other surrounding demonic eyes, this one was obviously much larger. But all this couldn’t be seen by the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder. All he could see was that the mutant died after being grabbed by Wang Baole and that its life force was being absorbed by Wang Baole!

Despite only seeing this, the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder was still very shocked. But the killing hadn’t ended. The three remaining centipede-like mutants were all instinctively trying to escape the perimeter of the sea of flames. Despite this, one mutant was still too late.

Two mutants escaped one after the other, and the third mutant was halfway out of the sea of flames. It was then that a strong suction force descended upon the third mutant. Its body trembled furiously and was sucked back into the sea of flames as the mutant roared in pain. It was grabbed by the head by Wang Baole, who strode out from the sea of flames.

The centipede-like mutant’s antennae struggled, even wrapping around Wang Baole’s arms in an attempt to rip his hands off. But the strength of the Thearch Armor and Stellar Nascent Soul showed at this moment. Wang Baole squeezed tightly with his right hand, crushing the centipede-like mutant who had a cultivation level equivalent to the early stage of the Soul Conduit realm!

Behind him, another giant demonic eye appeared, and all the blood and gore caused by the mutant’s death disappeared in the dark fire, not staining Wang Baole’s body at all.

This caused the scalp of the watching Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder to go numb. But his shock wasn’t over yet. In the next moment, as his eyes tracked Wang Baole, the black sea of fire outside his body became a huge mouth that threatened to engulf the heavens. The mouth brought with it an intense air of violence and an intent to obliterate, engulfing the two mutants who seemed to have escaped!

Its speed gave the two mutants no chance to escape, and they were both engulfed in the next moment. As their shrill cries echoed in the surroundings, the aura surrounding Wang Baole exploded forth once again as he walked out of the sea of fire!

Wang Baole’s cultivation started rising uncontrollably as he tried to achieve a breakthrough. However… Wang Baole’s foundation was too strong. While this force was enough for almost any cultivator to break through successfully, it wasn’t enough for him to achieve a breakthrough!

Although this affected him somewhat, in a sense, it was also a good thing. This meant that once Wang Baole achieved a breakthrough, his combat strength would far exceed those at the same cultivation level as him. Hence, Wang Baole wasn’t anxious, and he allowed the sea of fire outside his body to explode forth as he looked towards the other planets.

“Since this isn’t enough, I’ll kill until it’s enough!” Muttering, Wang Baole looked at where the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder was hiding with his peripheral vision, then ignored him. He headed straight for another planet, and his killing spree… started once again!

At the same time, for the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder, not only did his scalp go numb, but he was also extremely stunned. His body shuddered, and he instinctively wanted to escape from there.

Engulfing life, causing his own cultivation to rise to extreme levels. Could this be… the legendary divine power of royalty, the God Art? But it seems to differ from the descriptions. Regardless, it must be a similar top-tier divine power! His body shuddered, but the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder couldn’t suppress his increasing desire and greed!

“If I could obtain this cultivation technique…” Muttering, he didn’t notice at all that, compared to how he was normally, he was acting extremely weird!

For some unknown reason, his desires had been amplified, overpowering… his logic!

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