A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 692 - Slaying a Soul Conduit Realm Cultivator!

Chapter 692: Slaying a Soul Conduit Realm Cultivator!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Wang Baole?”

A strange black eye and Wang Baole’s strange, terrifying figure sent alarm flashing across the Soul Conduit realm cultivators’ faces. Incredulity lit their eyes. They hadn’t expected Wang Baole to free himself from the red mist. The sight of countless souls falling to their knees and prostrating themselves before Wang Baole, as if they were in the presence of a king, was both shocking and unbelievable.

Regardless, they were experienced, battle-worn Never-Ending Clan cultivators. Their initial shock didn’t stop them from eyeing one another immediately, then unleashing a sudden burst of speed, transforming into four blurs that charged towards Wang Baole.

They didn’t hesitate. They immediately unleashed their most powerful attacks!

With a wave of his hand, Chi Lin summoned a gray Daoist robe. It hovered above his head, seemingly filled out by an invisible person, exuding an aura of death as it lunged at Wang Baole.

The other three cultivators had their own trump cards. One of them formed a series of hand seals, and his body blurred into dual images. One transformed into a huge black lizard that then fused with the other. The fused body opened its huge gaping mouth. Wafts of bad breath drifted out. He exuded incredible power that surged upwards and threatened to tear everything apart.

Another waved both his hands and then ripped his body apart, revealing three heads and six arms. He clearly wasn’t bothered about exposing his true identity. He was going to overpower Wang Baole with his strong physical body.

The trump card of the final cultivator was the strangest and most bizarre. With a single step, he split himself into multiple replicas. They came from all directions, each glowing with a bright blue light that was clearly poisonous!

Wang Baole watched dispassionately as his four opponents charged at him with murderous intent. He lifted his right hand and waved suddenly. The souls that had prostrated themselves before him suddenly lifted their heads. Their mouths opened, and screams that were soundless yet pierced one’s senses were unleashed from their gaping mouths. The souls rushed towards the four Soul Conduit realm cultivators fearlessly!

They were swift and many. They surged towards the four cultivators like an ocean of souls. They might be much weaker than the cultivators, to the extent that their vast numbers couldn’t turn the tides in their favor, but they were still useful in gaining more time for Wang Baole.

Waves of spirit energy rippled across space momentarily. An emotionless Wang Baole spared not a single glance for the four Soul Conduit realm cultivators, who were momentarily trapped by the ocean of souls. Instead, he approached the mist holding Feng Qiuran prisoner, appearing next to the mist instantly and pressing his right palm on its outer layer.

In an instant, the souls that remained inside the mist or had wormed their way into Feng Qiuran shuddered violently. They felt a fearsome will casting a terrifying shadow over them. It was cold and harsh, and it spoke only one word.


The single word almost blasted the souls into pieces. They fled instantly, charging outwards. The red mist couldn’t withstand the vast hordes of souls struggling to rush out simultaneously. It exploded instantly. Masses of souls spilled out, revealing a barely breathing Feng Qiuran.

Feng Qiuran was a powerful Soul Conduit realm cultivator. Even though she had been trapped for an extended period of time and had suffered a long period of refinement, her mind was still clear. Her pupils contracted when she saw who had rescued her. She recognized Wang Baole, albeit vaguely. Her eyes were uncontrollably drawn towards the black, shut eye hovering behind him.

The sight seemed to send her into a daze. It was like staring into a black hole that was spinning continuously. She felt as if her soul was being pulled out from her body. Startled, she bit the tip of her tongue. The pain cleared her mind. She was quietly shocked. She had no idea what the black eye was, but she could tell that Wang Baole hadn’t activated whatever powers the black eye contained. Regardless, it had managed to cause her momentary loss of focus. The terrifying power the black eye held must be unimaginable.

“Wang Baole, you…”

“Grand Mistress Qiuran, the souls can only hold back the four Soul Conduit realm cultivators for a short moment. That’s not enough time for us to escape. Are you able to take on one Soul Conduit realm cultivator?” With a wave of his right hand, Wang Baole threw out multiple pill bottles.

His voice was calm. It was different from the chill emanating from his person, as well as the terrifying aura the black eye hovering behind him was giving off. Even his voice in her head was cold.

“Yes!” She took the bottles and drank them in a single gulp. Then, she nodded fiercely and swept her gaze sideways. In the next moment, she was on her way to one of the trapped Soul Conduit realm cultivators. She immediately started attacking as the souls continued to trap the Soul Conduit realm cultivator within their midst.

Alarm flashed across the Soul Conduit realm cultivator’s face when he saw Feng Qiuran unleashing her attack. They immediately engaged in fierce battle. Incredible waves of spirit energy surged from their clashes.

There were three other Soul Conduit realm cultivators left. Wang Baole’s eyes flickered as they swept past the three trapped cultivators, finally pausing on Chi Lin.

“We have to make this quick…” Wang Baole muttered to himself. He turned towards Chi Lin with a single step. With the fall of his foot, red meridians emerged from his body and wove themselves around him, materializing into the Thearch Armor!

His form might have slimmed down, which meant that the armor no longer looked as enormous as it had before, but the violent aura that it exuded didn’t lessen. The black eye behind Wang Baole added to the armor’s fearsome appearance. He had transformed into a demonic god. He took a second step and appeared next to Chi Lin, raising his left hand and punching!

Behind the punch was the power of the Supernova, the Thearch Armor, his Stellar Nascent Soul, and the Demonic Eye Art!

The accumulated power momentarily surpassed the limits of what an ordinary Nascent Soul realm cultivator should possess. In fact, it wasn’t power that a Nascent Soul realm cultivator could contain. However, Wang Baole had an incredibly resilient physical body and his Thearch Armor serving as a vessel for his power. That allowed him to unleash power that was beyond what a Nascent Soul realm cultivator was allowed to possess!

It was a punch that could rival one unleashed by a Soul Conduit realm cultivator, one that not only matched a punch by a Soul Conduit realm cultivator at the early-stage but surpassed it entirely. It was like receiving a punch given by a true mid-stage Soul Conduit realm cultivator!

Alarm colored Chi Lin’s face. He howled, raised both arms, and with a sudden wave, summoned the gray Daoist robe that had been hovering above his head before him. The gray Daoist robe flew down and stood before him, prepared to stop Wang Baole’s attack.

He prepared to make a hasty retreat as well, smacking his forehead with a force that exposed his intention to tear his host body apart and reveal his true Never-Ending Clan form. Read more chapters at L isnovel

It was the right move. He acted swiftly, but it was still too late!

Just as the gray Daoist robe flew ahead of Chi Lin and the latter threw himself back, a white light flickered in Wang Baole’s eyes. The demonic eye behind him, which had been shut all along, suddenly… blinked open!

The cosmos shuddered. Silence descended. Space and time and all living things came to a standstill!

Chi Lin was one of them. He froze, as if the thread connecting his body and spirit had just been snipped, and as if all thoughts had suddenly fled his mind. He stood immobile as Wang Baole stepped around the gray Daoist robe and passed Chi Lin in a single swift moment. The right arm of the Thearch Armor flared with the light of the Divine Armament.

It was too late to retaliate or dodge the attack, too late for his Never-Ending Clan form to escape from his host body. The Divine Armament arm slashed forward in a sweep, ending the battle… Blood splattered as Chi Lin’s head flew into the air. As his head parted from his body, the latter instantly shriveled up, its blood and flesh drained immediately by the Thearch Armor. Chi Lin’s soul was devoured by the black eye in the same instant. Behind Wang Baole, next to the first black eye, appeared another… a second shut eye the size of a fist!

So, it’s that simple, killing a Soul Conduit realm cultivator. Wang Baole shut his eyes. He could sense another separate cultivation inside his body. His Demonic Eye Art was growing more powerful, inching slowly and steadily towards the fourth level of the cultivation technique.

The expression on his face was calm. There was no joy nor sorrow. This was the price one paid for practicing the Demonic Eye Art. He no longer felt anything when killing others. In fact, a faint and indescribable hunger began to unfurl inside him. It was urging him to continue killing.

Interesting. Does the Demonic Eye Art possess its own will? Is it trying to control me… Wang Baole assessed the waves of hunger inside him, then turned towards the second Soul Conduit realm cultivator who was currently trapped. An icy glint flashed across his eyes as he made his way towards the Soul Conduit realm cultivator!

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