A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 655 - I Will Never Submit!

Chapter 655: I Will Never Submit!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Mie Liezi and Daoist You Ran’s appearance stunned Wang Baole. His shock grew when he saw the dozen figures lined behind Daoist You Ran in the next moment!

They were all familiar faces. Most of them were Nascent Soul realm cultivators who belonged to both You Ran’s and Mie Liezi’s factions. Daoist You Ran’s disciples Zhou Chudao and Huang Yunshan appeared amongst them!

Their faces were dark with solemnity. Most were pale as if suffering from heavy blood loss. Their spirits seemed suppressed. However, they were all standing behind Daoist You Ran, in support of him!

Wang Baole recalled whatever he knew about Daoist You Ran, as well as his instinctive wariness towards the man. The scene before him confirmed his guesses—the truth was right before his eyes!

Daoist You Ran had betrayed the Dao Palace!

The thought surfaced in Wang Baole’s mind as he witnessed Mie Liezi forming a series of hand seals and pushing as he continued running. The resultant explosion blocked an invisible attack that had been aimed at his retreating back. He was clearly grievously injured. Even though he managed to fight off the attack, blood still found its way out from his mouth. He staggered, then began to laugh almost manically.

“You Ran, why are you doing this?”

Daoist You Ran stood in mid-air, then laughed out loud when he heard that. His laughter was tinged with something dark and unfathomable. He didn’t unleash a second attack. Instead, he replied coolly.

“Mie Liezi, why are you still playing at ignorance? You should’ve known the answer the moment I ambushed you. Why else would you unleash your most powerful attack in your injured state just so you could escape to the second level… Do you really think that I don’t know you’re trying to draw Feng Qiuran over and join forces with her?”

“We’ve been friends for so long. You can just let me know if you’re thinking of stalling for time. I’ll let you do it, too.” Daoist You Ran smiled and told Mie Liezi.

The pained and haggard look on Mie Liezi’s face was replaced with something dark when he heard what Daoist You Ran said. The latter had guessed right. He had known the answer when Daoist You Ran had ambushed him. Daoist You Ran had betrayed the Dao Palace. He had immediately thought about the techniques the Never-Ending Clan had possessed in enslaving their opponents when he had witnessed how Daoist You Ran seized control over the majority of Dao Palace cultivators with a strange spell.

That was why he had fought with tooth and nail to rip the earth apart and flee to the second level. His goal had been to find Feng Qiuran, join forces with her, and overpower Daoist You Ran. Daoist You Ran had chosen to ambush him instead of engaging in an open battle with him. That meant that he wasn’t so powerful as to be completely invincible!

There was still hope!

However, Daoist You Ran had just exposed Mie Liezi’s intentions. His nonchalance was beginning to make Mie Liezi panic.

Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng were hidden at a nearby mountain while Mie Liezi and Daoist You Ran hovered in mid-air. They observed the battle with shock and alarm. Having heard what Wang Baole had discovered on the third level, Zhao Yameng quickly came to a conclusion.

There was a great likelihood that Daoist You Ran was involved in the battleship’s appearance. In fact, he was likely the mastermind behind this entire thing. The appearance of the earlier Never-Ending Clan elder made it easy to guess Daoist You Ran’s true identity.

Wang Baole had come to the same conclusion and panicked silently. His true form was frantically trying to suck the battle robes dry. It didn’t matter how much spirit fat he was accumulating—nothing mattered as long as he could speed up his absorption of the battle robes’ spirit energy!

Wang Baole secretly sped up his absorption rate. In the skies, Mie Liezi’s eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light. He stared at Daoist You Ran, then asked suddenly, “Where’s Feng Qiuran?”

“I like your straightforward questions,” Daoist You Ran smiled and said as he shook his head slightly.

“Feng Qiuran isn’t dead. How can I bear letting both of you die? But there’s no chance of her arriving in time to help you. She’s trapped in an array formation that I’ve prepared specially for her. Besides…” Daoist You Ran’s eyes narrowed as he took a sudden step forward. Mie Liezi retreated immediately.

However, Mie Liezi was clearly injured seriously. He had reacted swiftly but was still caught up to by Daoist You Ran. Explosions rumbled in the air as the two engaged in an aerial battle.

The battle was short-lived. Daoist You Ran’s skin was suddenly torn apart by the emergence of an additional four arms, and his six hands came together to form a series of hand seals. A black mist materialized and transformed into a huge cauldron that smashed into Mie Liezi.

Amidst a loud boom, Mie Liezi spat out a mouthful of blood. He stumbled and was flung straight into the mountains, which caved in under the sudden force. As Mie Liezi struggled to his feet, the huge cauldron turned into countless thin threads that forced themselves into Mie Liezi’s body.

Mie Liezi shook violently at the intrusion and spat out another mouthful of blood. His chest began to cave in while one of his arms snapped. He laughed bitterly and fought to lift his head. His eyes were fixed on Daoist You Ran.

The expression on Daoist You Ran’s face remained unchanged. He stretched his six arms as he got used to them, then smiled.

“It’s been a while since I revealed my true form. The bodies of Dao Palace cultivators might be much more convenient, but… they’re too weak!” He shook his head as he gazed into the distance, eyes sweeping the horizon. He had noticed the hidden Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng.

They were of no importance. Be it Zhao Yameng or Wang Baole, they were all mere insects to him. The latter might be an adopted disciple and the fourth Grand Supreme Elder, but that meant nothing at all. What mattered was one’s cultivation!

At this moment, he only cared about Mie Liezi. With a wave of his hand, dozens of silhouettes appeared behind him. They surrounded the grievously injured Mie Liezi in a blink of an eye. Daoist You Ran walked towards Mie Liezi slowly.

It was clear from Wang Baole’s eyes that he was struggling to control himself. However, a look of determination soon settled in his eyes. He pulled Zhao Yameng along as he retreated hastily.

Mie Liezi had noticed their presence, but he didn’t spare them a single glance. His eyes remained fierce, but bitterness darkened his heart. He didn’t begrudge Wang Baole’s hasty departure. If he had been in Wang Baole’s place, with only a Core Formation realm cultivation, he would have escaped without hesitation as well.

He was bitter because if he hadn’t been ambushed and suffered serious injuries, he wouldn’t be reduced to such a pathetic state. Daoist You Ran had hidden the depths of his cultivation well, and Mie Liezi wasn’t his match. As he despaired, a fierce light suddenly flashed across Mie Liezi’s eyes.

Daoist You Ran shook his head and made a hand seal. Black threads burst out from Mie Liezi’s body and bound him tightly!

Mie Liezi shook violently, and the veins on his forehead pulsated. He tried to struggle out of his binds but to no avail. He could only watch as Daoist You Ran strolled leisurely towards him.

“Mie Liezi, I admire your character. That is why I’m giving you a chance so that you can remain free… Everything you achieved will be for naught if I imprint the slave’s seal on you. Your mind will be severely damaged. You know that. Besides, the Dao Palace has fallen. There is no hope of it ever rising again… Kneel before me, and I will allow you to become my warrior servant. I promise to replace your physical body after a century has passed so that you may become a true member of the Never-Ending Clan!” There was a cold light in Daoist You Ran’s eyes as he said that.

He wasn’t lying to Mie Liezi. There were two people in the entire Dao Palace that he viewed favorably. One was Mie Liezi, and the other was his disciple, Dugu Lin!

They were the only two people whom he felt deserved a chance to join the Never-Ending Clan. He had nothing but disdain for the rest—even Feng Qiuran, who was at the Soul Conduit realm. She was soft-hearted and thus, weak!

“Kneel to the Never-Ending Clan?” Mie Liezi burst out into laughter. It didn’t matter that he was currently bound so tightly that pain laced through his body and made him shake uncontrollably with agony. His laughter went on and grew louder.

“I, Mie Liezi, may not be a good man, but I’m a disciple of the Dao Palace. I kneel only to the heavens and the earth and to my Dao Palace ancestors. I kneel to no one else!”

“Who do you think you are? Who does the Never-Ending Clan think they are to believe themselves worthy of me falling to my knees before them?” There was mockery in Mie Liezi’s eyes. He spoke the truth. He wasn’t a good man by any standards, but he had his principles. His loyalty belonged to the Dao Palace!

His hands might be drenched in blood. He might have thought about sacrificing the entire Federation for his goals. But… everything he did, he did for the Dao Palace. His loyalty and devotion to the Dao Palace would never waver!

As Mie Liezi’s voice resonated in the heavens, something flickered in Wang Baole’s eyes. He didn’t like Mie Liezi at all, but he could sense the resolve in Mie Liezi’s words.

Mie Liezi was trying to anger Daoist You Ran into killing him!

Daoist You Ran stared at Mie Liezi, then narrowed his eyes. He yanked his right hand upwards. The black cloud that was imprisoning Mie Liezi suddenly transformed into countless black runes that seared themselves into Mie Liezi’s body. Mie Liezi jerked. He suddenly stopped laughing. All life began to drain from his body.

Daoist You Ran formed a series of hand seals. Mie Liezi, who had been drained of all life, suddenly lifted his head. His eyes… were absent of all consciousness.

“Since that’s the case, you’ll simply have to become a slave.”

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