A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 497 - Your Mother Is…?

Chapter 497: Your Mother Is…?

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Based on what he understood so far, Wang Baole immediately guessed that the three leaders must be Daoists Feng Qiuran, Mie Liezi, and You Ran, with the lady being Feng Qiuran.

The disciples standing behind them all carried the same facial expression as Feng Qiuran and company. The two behind You Ran had their eyes shut, apparently in deep thought, while the two behind Feng Qiuran, though expressionless, still carried a look of kindness in their eyes.

There was only one person beside Mie Liezi. He looked to be younger than thirty years old, and he appeared cold and unapproachable as he cast a contemptuous gaze on Wang Baole and the others.

Even though he had some basic understanding of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, Wang Baole still sighed in his heart when he noticed the situation. He felt troubled, as knowing was different from seeing it with his own eyes and experiencing things first hand. He was somewhat frustrated at the mission he had to carry out this time.

Zhao Yameng, Zhuo Yifan, and the other Federation Seedlings had the same thoughts as him. They all lowered their heads, their hearts experiencing a myriad of emotions. Inevitably, there were some who had begun to regret their decision, feeling that it was perhaps better if they had chosen not to come.

“Don’t the cultivators from the Federation have some manners? There are mighty figures here, and all of you aren’t greeting them? A low class and uncultured bunch indeed.” While all the Federation Seedlings lowered their heads nervously, a Nascent Soul realm elder sitting in the lower seat laughed and spoke calmly.

That elder had a head full of long red hair that was extremely eye-catching. He looked very unfriendly, and his tone was scornful.

The moment he spoke, Feng Qiuran furrowed her eyebrows, somewhat unhappy, though she didn’t chide him for it. Those words, coupled with the ambiance, made every single Federation Seedling who was hearing and seeing it uneasy. They felt insulted, and the rhythm of their breathing also changed.

Without a doubt, the comment that they were low class and uncultured was too hard to swallow.

Zhao Yameng clenched her fists, while Zhuo Yifan narrowed his eyes. Kong Dao made the most obvious show of unhappiness, with an aura of ferocity emanating out from him. Despite falling short in terms of his level of cultivation, he had the necessary show of might. On the other hand, while some of the other Federation Seedlings still hung their heads low, most of them chose to lift their heads up and put on an attitude that showed that they weren’t to be belittled.

Wang Baole didn’t give off any aura. In reality, he had kept his head up high without lowering it from the beginning. Now, as he listened to the elder’s words, he threw a gaze at the elder as he muttered in his heart that this Nascent Soul realm cultivator was just a small fry. He was no one to be afraid of for him, someone who had killed many other Nascent Soul realm cultivators before.

With that thought, Wang Baole took a deep breath and stepped forward in the quiet hall, greeting the three Soul Conduit Elders on the higher seat with cupped fists.

“I am Wang Baole, a Federation envoy. I have been appointed by the President to lead my fellow cultivators from the Federation to come on board the Vast Expanse Dao Palace and pay a visit to the three seniors here!” Wang Baole spoke loud and clearly, putting extra emphasis on the term ‘Federation envoy’.

As his voice reverberated, the Federation Seedlings standing behind him all took a deep breath, greeting Feng Qiuran and the other two figures with cupped fists.

“Cultivators?” As Wang Baole spoke, a scornful remark was heard from someone near the higher seats. The person who was speaking wasn’t from the trio that consisted of Feng Qiuran. Rather, it was the youth standing beside Mie Liezi who carried a scornful look.

“Liang Long, how unruly of you!” A chilly look flashed across Feng Qiuran’s eyes as she spoke emotionlessly. That youth named Liang Long immediately responded by cupping his fists at Feng Qiuran, as well as his Master, Mie Liezi.

“I admit my mistake. However, hearing these unintelligent beings address themselves as cultivators like us makes me feel so uncomfortable that I have forgotten my bearings. Please punish me, Elder and Master!”

This time, without waiting for Feng Qiuran, Mie Liezi, who was sitting beside him, began to speak.

“Elder Feng, I will discipline my own disciple! Liang Long, you are to go into seclusion for a month as punishment!”

“Yes, Master!” Liang Long bowed towards Mie Liezi with cupped fists. When he raised his head to look at Wang Baole, he looked even more scornful. Feng Qiuran, who was sitting at the side, was now looking at Mie Liezi with a peculiar look in his eyes. The entire hall was instantly filled with a tense atmosphere.

Wang Baole and the Federation Seedlings, having been insulted twice since their arrival at the hall, were all silent as they buried their unhappiness in their hearts. Many of them responded by clenching their fists, as they were unable to release their anger and could only keep it suppressed.

A chilly look also appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes. He was a hot-tempered person and had a strong backing, especially with Little Missy around. Furthermore, based on his judgment, the fact that Duan Muque had sent them here meant that he had a certain level of confidence that there shouldn’t be any major compromises to their safety despite the possibility of danger.

Even though he was not fully confident, he felt that if the Federation Seedlings simply swallowed their pride in response to the way they had been treated, there would definitely be similar insults being hurled at them in the future. Rather than keeping silent each time, it might be better to express it and use the chance to ascertain the Vast Expanse Dao Palace’s attitude towards this collaboration.

With that thought, Wang Baole’s anger intensified. With a flash appearing in his eyes, he set his target at Liang Long, who was beside Mie Liezi. He raised his leg and took a step forward.

“Junior here has once read an autobiography when I was in the Federation. It was mentioned in the autobiography that everyone uses double standards to treat themselves, as well as the people around them.

“I had once thought that such attitudes only existed within the Federation. However, today, Junior here has realized that attitudes like that are also being exhibited here!”

“My fellow Federation cultivators and I have just arrived and have not physically adjusted to the new environment, which made us feel uneasy. However, because of that, we have been reprimanded for being rude, and Fellow Daoist Liang Long here even interrupted me while I was greeting the three elders. Is that what is meant by being respectful here? I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Liang Long his reason for interrupting me!” As Wang Baole spoke, most of the Federation Seedlings standing behind him were shocked as they felt a torrent of emotions. However, there were also a small group of people like Li Yi who were angered by Wang Baole, as they felt that he had made a wrong move.

To them, matters like these would pass if they simply bore with it. There was no need to blow matters up the moment they arrived.

Wang Baole wasn’t done speaking his mind. After expressing his anger, he took a deep breath as he greeted Feng Qiuran, who was on the higher seat, with cupped fists again.

“Senior Qiuran, Junior here didn’t manage to suppress my anger after hearing the insult that we are dimwits. Please excuse me.”

As Wang Baole spoke, everyone in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace instantly turned their attention towards Wang Baole. A glow flashed across their eyes as their gaze stayed on Wang Baole. It seemed that most of them had never imagined that the people from the Federation would dare to speak so impolitely despite having just arrived. That was especially so for Feng Qiuran, who was now looking at Wang Baole with a peculiar gaze in her eyes.

“How audacious!” With everyone’s eyes still on Wang Baole, the red-haired Nascent Soul realm cultivator who was in the lower seat snorted, his voice similar to Heavenly Thunder as it shook the entire place. At the same time, Liang Long, who was behind Mie Liezi, laughed contemptuously as he heard Wang Baole speaking about him. He opened his mouth to speak in response.

“You…” However, even before he could finish his sentence, Wang Baole’s cultivation was unleashed. As a loud boom reverberated, his body seemed to have transformed into a small hurricane that spread in all directions, and he turned abruptly to look at that red-haired Nascent Soul realm cultivator.

“Senior, you are the unruly one for insulting us Federation cultivators for no rhyme or reason!

“As for you, Liang Long, shut up! As the Federation envoy, I, Wang Baole, was representing the Federation to greet the three seniors. This is a form of interaction between two civilizations, and you have no right to interrupt twice and insult us in the process!”

“If you open your mouth again, I’ll kill you!” An intention to kill vaguely flashed across Wang Baole’s eyes. After that, he cupped his fists and greeted Feng Qiuran again.

“Senior Qiuran, the Federation has been very sincere in this alliance, and our sincerity is obvious. Kong Dao, and everyone else, please introduce yourselves to Senior Qiuran!” As Wang Baole spoke, Kong Dao, who was behind him, immediately greeted Feng Qiuran with cupped fists.

“I am Junior Kong Dao, and my father is Duan Muque, the President of the Federation!”

“I am Junior Zhou Lin, the direct line disciple of Plume Manifestation Connate Sect!”

“I am Junior Fang Mu, and my father is a senator of the Federation Senate!”

“I am Junior…”

Words like these emerged continuously from the mouths of the Federation Seedlings, reverberating in the entire great hall. Zhao Yameng’s voice was also heard from somewhere behind Wang Baole.

“I am Junior Zhao Yameng, and my mother is the Governor of the Martian Colony!”

Wang Baole didn’t react immediately upon hearing those words. He was about to introduce himself confidently when he suddenly realized what he just heard. He immediately turned, widening his eyes to stare at the expressionless Zhao Yameng while his mind buzzed.

“Your mother is…?”

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