A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071: Chapter 1071 flowing moon!

The sky was transparent, and one could see that there seemed to be a curtain covering it. The reason why it was transparent was because one could see the pattern embroidered on the curtain.

That pattern… was an irregular sun.

It could be seen that the level of embroidery was very poor, causing the originally round sun to be embroidered into an oval shape, like a giant winter melon. There were also many traces of needlework on it, it was as if the person who had embroidered the sun had tried very hard to adjust it, but clearly… had failed.

However, no matter what, the winter melon-shaped sun still possessed a strange power. It could emit light and heat, Pierce through the transparent sky, and land on the ground.

The ground… was covered with mushrooms.

Mushrooms of all colors spread out on the ground, and one could not see the edge. If one could look down from the highest position, one might be able to see a vast mushroom sea. It was as if there were no mountains or seas in this world, some were flat, while others were countless mushrooms of all colors.

Perhaps it was because there was no moon in this world, so every time night fell, the surroundings would be pitch-black. In this pitch-black, there was no end. It was hard to tell exactly how many mushrooms there were, one by one, they would open their eyes.

“It’s getting dark!”

“The immortals are sleeping!”

“Hahaha, we can play now!”

“Lower Your Voice. If the witch wakes up, everyone will be dead!”

“Yes, yes, the witch is too scary. I saw Goldie being taken away by the witch with my own eyes a few days ago…”

“Which Goldie? There are too many Goldies here. Which one are you talking about?”

Each mushroom was talking. It seemed like they were talking to each other, but if one looked carefully, they were actually talking to themselves. As a result, the entire world was instantly filled with noise. At the same time, the noise reverberated, the mushrooms stood up one after another.

They had grown legs and extended their arms. They also had one eye open on top of their heads. They were laughing and playing with each other, causing the earth to be abuzz with noise and excitement.

Chen Han was one of the mushrooms!

Compared to the other mushrooms, his color was very ordinary. It was even somewhat rustic. His entire head was earthy yellow, and he was very inconspicuous. This made Wang Baole, who resonated with his soul, feel a little emotional.

Chen Han’s reincarnation might be more ordinary with each passing day, but this fellow seems to have some luck. After all, ordinary to the extreme is extraordinary

As Wang Baole sighed, Chen Han spoke.

“It can’t be Goldie. I saw it too. It’s Da Hong. The demoness captured da Hong. I want to prove to our Goldie clan that it wasn’t us!”

Chen Han seemed to feel that the noise wasn’t loud enough. He jumped up and stood on top of the other mushrooms, trying to attract the attention of his companions. This gave Wang Baole a headache. He used Chen Han’s gaze to.., he swept his gaze across the endless mushroom figurines. He felt that it was too noisy and tried to raise his head to observe the sky.

Unfortunately, Chen Han’s attention wasn’t in the sky at all. That was why Wang Baole couldn’t see it. As Wang Baole grew impatient, Chen Han roared continuously and climbed onto the heads of even more mushrooms that were stacked together, suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the pitch-black world.

The light descended from the sky. The moment the light appeared, all the mushrooms on the ground trembled and crouched down. Their limbs disappeared, and they turned into normal mushrooms.

Chen Han and the other more arrogant mushrooms seemed to have been petrified. They froze, not moving at all. The entire world fell into absolute silence at that moment.

Fortunately, Chen Han, who was petrified, seemed to be looking at the sky. At that moment, Wang Baole used its angle to see that a corner of the curtain in the sky had been lifted, revealing an eye.

“Which one do you want to eat today… let me see who isn’t obedient…”as soon as the voice sounded, Wang Baole felt that it was familiar. At the same time, he also sensed that the mushrooms around him were trembling, as if they were terrified.

Even though Wang Baole’s spiritual perception was fluctuating, he wasn’t shocked by the eyes and voice that appeared in the sky. He felt that he was already used to it… he would meet them in every world.

The eyes in the sky came from a little girl, and the voice belonged to Wang Yiyi from Wang Baole’s memories. However, it sounded like Wang Yiyi had been younger.

The voice wasn’t that scary. It was childlike, and it was obvious that it was meant to scare people. However, it was obvious that… to the mushrooms who didn’t have enough intelligence, this was a life-and-death catastrophe.

However, it seemed like Wang Yiyi wasn’t interested in catching the mushrooms today. Instead, she lifted the curtain of the sky, causing the entire world to brighten instantly. It also allowed Wang Baole to see the outside world in that instant!

It was still… the same room that he had observed the last time!

There were no changes to the furnishings in the room. The only change was that there was no Wang Yiyi’s father, the white-haired middle-aged man. Only Wang Yiyi was there. Her appearance was indeed a little smaller than what Wang Baole remembered.

Her hair was tied into two small bags. She looked a little cute. She held the curtain and pouted.

“Isn’t it just embroidering a moon? What’s so difficult about it? Father actually said that I can’t do it. HMPH, there’s nothing that Yiyi can’t do!”

“Isn’t that right?”After saying this, the little girl lowered her head and looked at all the mushrooms. Very quickly, among the mushrooms that didn’t dare to move, there was a clever one who quickly spoke up. Thus, in the blink of an eye, there was a commotion once again, it was all flattery, but it was relatively low-level and straightforward.

Wang Baole didn’t pay any attention to the flattery mushrooms, nor did he look at the seemingly satisfied Wang Yiyi. Instead, he focused his divine sense and followed the sky to observe the room.

He wanted to leave!

This was the deepest thought in Wang Baole’s mind after experiencing Chen Han’s sixth life.

However, this thought was clearly unrealistic. He couldn’t do it now, but it didn’t affect his observation. The house was simple, and there were only toys placed around. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it.

As Wang Baole was observing, Wang Yiyi’s voice was transmitted into the world.

“Blazing sun, flowing moon, Can Ye… it’s so difficult. I’ve learned the blazing sun, but how does the flowing moon flow? How do I draw it… and Can Ye? I Can’t learn that at all. Other than that pervert father, I don’t believe that any other pervert in the world can learn the flowing moon and Can Ye!”Wang Yiyi seemed to be going crazy, her voice also attracted Wang Baole’s attention, causing him to stop observing the house. Instead, he looked at Wang Yiyi with a complicated look in his divine perception.

“Little Missy… what exactly happened to you…”Wang Baole muttered as he stared at Wang Yiyi. However, the complicated look in his eyes soon disappeared, and his mind started to stir again, that was because he saw that Wang Yiyi had gone crazy and had once again activated the spell that she had been trying to cast..

The spell seemed to be called flowing moon. In Wang Yiyi’s hands, there seemed to be invisible threads gathering together and weaving together. They seemed to have forcefully changed the laws, causing the void to change from formless to tangible, turning into ripples, they spread out.

Wherever the ripples passed, it seemed as if time was speeding up. At the same time, as they spread into the mushroom world, the feeling of time passing was even stronger. It only lasted for an instant, as if dozens of years had passed!

This is… The law of time! Wang Baole’s mind rumbled, he knew very well that among the laws of the world, time and space were the most mysterious existences. There were very few who could grasp them, and those who could grasp them were all mighty figures!

For cultivators, they would often never have the chance to comprehend these two laws in their entire lives. This was because there were too few who could grasp them, because they were too difficult, and to a certain extent, they were considered forbidden laws, at the same time… the unique stars that possessed the laws of time and space seemed to be even rarer than the dao stars!

The only thing that Wang Baole had come into contact with in his entire life was the dark dream, which could barely comply with the laws of time.

That was why at that moment, Wang Baole was so blessed that he seemed to ignore everything around him. He ignored everything in the room outside. In his divine perception, in his soul, there was only… the threads of the laws of time in Wang Yiyi’s hands!

As Wang Yiyi continued to expand and fail time and time again, Wang Baole continued to observe and comprehend. He didn’t even realize that in the midst of his comprehension..! Gradually, faint ripples that seemed to resonate with the thread in Wang Yiyi’s hands began to appear around him!

“Ah, ah, ah, I can’t learn it. It’s too perverse, too perverse. It’s impossible to learn it!”As Wang Baole was comprehending, Wang Yiyi’s crazed voice rang out from beyond the heavens.

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