A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: Chapter 1062, Chen Yang!

Chen Yang did not want to die!

Even though he still told himself that this was an illusion, when the other party strangled him, that suffocating feeling and the aura of death arrived, Chen Yang still chose to resist.

Two people whose cultivation was restricted and did not have any magic power started a battle in this cave-like hiding place, and in the end, Chen Yang won.

He was blind in one eye, and with that as the price, he broke the young man’s neck.

However, the grief in the young man’s eyes before he died, as well as the last words he said before he died, caused Chen Yang to be completely stunned.

“You’ll soon understand whether it’s true or not.”

These words reverberated in Chen Yang’s mind until midnight that day. For the first time, there were no deaths of relatives or friends, but an old man appeared in Chen Yang’s mind.

Chen Yang had never seen this old man before, but he had seen his statue before. He was… the creator of the holy sect, one of the only six immortals in the universe. The members of the holy sect all called him the Holy Immortal Patriarch.

“Anyone who participates in this game and completes one request will be able to see this projection of mine

“Don’t doubt it, and don’t hold any hope. This is not a trial, nor is it a test. What you see is real. If you see your family and friends die, then you are truly dead

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. If you don’t want to participate, you can just kill yourself or be killed by others. But if you want to continue participating, then when you kill a hundred people, I will tell you some of the answers you want to know

“And so on. At every node of a thousand people, ten thousand people, a hundred thousand people, a million people, or even ten million people, I will tell you some of the answers. Until the end… I don’t know who is qualified to get the complete answer from me!”

The screen disappeared, and Chen Yang stood there in a daze for a very, very long time. Finally, he walked out of his hiding place. At that moment, his eyes were still shining with the light of the past, although they were a bit dimmer, but they were still there.

A few days later, ninety percent of their group of 100 people had died. At that moment… another group of 100 cultivators descended into the blood-colored prison.

A new slaughter began. One day, one person!

Every few days, another 100 cultivators descended, causing the blood-colored prison to slowly turn blood-red. The ground itself was covered in blood, and the stench of death, decay, and death filled the air, it grew deeper and deeper.

It was as if there was no end to it, as if it would never appear. There was only one living person left. During the course of a day, when one person killed a second person, an invisible force would descend, weakening the killer time and time again, it made the killer weaker and weaker, making it difficult for him to continue. He could only be killed by the person who had the kill quota that day!

The cycle repeated itself, surpassing the nightmare.

Days passed like this. Chen Yang’s ears were gone, and a hideous scar appeared on his nose. One of his legs was crippled.

These costs were in exchange for the image of the Sage immortal that appeared in his mind after he had finally killed a hundred people.

“What is life? Juniors who can hear my words, you can think carefully. I will tell you my opinion when there are a thousand people.”

The image disappeared, and only this sentence remained.

The light that had once existed in Chen Yang’s left right eye was almost gone. After hearing this sentence and seeing the sage Immortal’s figure, the price he had to pay was not just himself. During this period of time, due to various accidents.., after he did not complete the massacre, the tragic deaths of his family members appeared in his mind again and again.

His mother had died, and his grandfather had died..

Every time his family members died, the light in his eyes would disappear a little. These days continued to pass, and it was unknown how much time had passed. One day, the image of Chen Yang’s last family member dying.., when it appeared in his mind, the light in his eyes was like a weak flame, as if it could be extinguished completely at any moment.

At that moment, in the prison that was filled with the stench of blood, and even his own body was dyed red, Chen Yang saw the sage Immortal’s figure for the third time and heard his words.

“Life… is illusory. It’s just a joke. It’s as if there’s not much time left in this universe. In another thirty years, it will disappear and be restarted… and we need a ritual, a ritual… to kill a God!”

This time, the message contained in the voice of the Sage immortal was too great, but when it fell into Chen Yang’s ears, his expression did not change, because in this small blood-red prison, after a few days, he had descended from among the hundred new cultivators, i Saw A. . . Familiar figure.

“Little junior sister…”this was the first time Chen Yang had spoken since the first time he had killed someone. His expression also changed with the appearance of his figure. As he spoke, he trembled and regained his light, he began to look forward to the future.

Two people who had once been engaged to each other met once again in this blood-colored hell. Although there should not be any warmth here, the appearance of junior sister gave Chen Yang’s withered life force even more motivation to continue living, because… that was his hope!

They clung to each other.

Junior Sister’s arrival told him everything. Just as the Sage Immortal had said, his loved ones had all died. The world outside had also undergone earth-shaking changes. Planets began to collapse without any signs.

Countless lives had gone mad for no reason, and the entire universe seemed to be trembling..

Chen Yang fell silent. He no longer wanted to think about the world outside. He only wanted to stay here with his junior sister and work hard until death arrived.

However, things were often different from what he had imagined. Although the two of them were very powerful, as time passed, more and more injuries appeared on Chen Yang’s body. His cultivation base was recovering.., however, his injuries were not as severe as his injuries. One day, the blood prison he was in was finally opened.

He had done it. Before the next batch of descenders appeared, he had finally left the blood prison with only one person alive. This was not because of his actions, but because… another person had committed suicide.

The other person was his junior sister.

“Eldest senior brother, the blood prison has been opened. I’ll help you take a look at this world… What’s going on in this universe,”junior sister whispered softly before she committed suicide.

Chen Yang cried as he held junior sister’s corpse. His cries were loud, and his body trembled violently. The pain grew deeper and deeper, accumulating in the depths of his heart and erupting continuously.

At the same time, he saw the blood-colored prison. When it opened, a blood-colored world appeared in front of him… This world was vast and boundless. It was filled with a sea of blood, and this sea of blood was formed.., it was formed from the blood that flowed out from countless islands.

The blood-colored prison was only a small island. Outside the prison… was an even larger prison. It was still blood-colored, and there was still no hope.

The Slaughter… was still there, and the rules did not disappear. Every day, one person was killed.

As for the targets, they were cultivators who had come out from their own small islands. Because there were so many small islands, the number of cultivators… Chen Yang could not calculate. However, he understood one thing. This so-called game.., it was not just the holy sect that was involved. All of the sects, and all of the younger generation, had been sent in.

If they weren’t killed, they wouldn’t have any relatives to die from. All the punishment turned into an intense pain that tore through their souls.

This was a form of torture!

Although there were many cultivators in this larger prison, each and every one of them struggled out of the slaughter. None of them would be killed easily.

Therefore, most of the time, most of the people were in a state of being punished. Their bodies, souls, and everything else were being torn apart and in intense pain.

“What’s going on…”Chen Yang did not know how much longer he could hold on. He did not even know what he was holding on to. How many times had he thought of committing suicide.

“Perhaps, I want to hear the Answer!”

Time slowly passed in his pain. As he was unable to complete the mission for a long time, Chen Yang’s other eye lost all of its light when the pain reached a certain extent.

The entire world should have turned black in his eyes. However, after losing his eye, Chen Yang only saw the color of blood. It was so thick that it could not be dissolved.

However, he continued to persevere for a long time… until Chen Yang’s arms melted and half of his body rotted away. He could only soak in the sea of blood. The pain was indescribable, but he was still alive, he did not choose to commit suicide.

Although the voice of the Sage Immortal never appeared again, as if he had forgotten this place..

It was unknown how much time had passed, but the other half of his body had also rotted away. Only half of his head was left. He should have died, but he was still alive in this strange state!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

“Everyone is dead. Why are you still holding on?”

“Because I have a grudge in my heart. A grudge against the Sage Immortal, a grudge against everyone, a grudge against this world, a grudge against this universe…”

“I hate this world, I hate all life, I hate my fate! !”

“So… I want to live. I want to see this universe destroyed with my own eyes! !”Chen Yang did not know what he was saying. He only knew that he had gone mad.

The cold voice was silent for a long time. It was as if a year, ten years, or even a hundred years had passed before it came again.

“The six immortals of this universe wanted to create a weapon that could kill me and resolve the restarting of the universe. That was why you and the rest of the living beings had the bitter resentment…”

“The six of them failed, and you… were not their choice. You have been forgotten here. It’s a pity that these six people were stupid and chose the wrong target. Otherwise, if they chose you, whose resentment has reached such a level, you might really be able to kill me…”

“But in the end, your resentment and hatred have karma with me… I don’t know what my character will be like when I wake up in my next life. Perhaps it will be the same as this life, or perhaps I will become extremely kind. But I think… If you become a weapon, it might be very interesting.”

“A weapon that can kill me, a weapon that gathers all your hatred and resentment.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”As the voice echoed, a powerful force gathered from all directions and swept across Chen Yang’s remains, sweeping away his consciousness. At this moment, Chen Yang could not see the world he was in, and it was completely different from when his eyes were still there, it was completely different.

It was pitch-black here. It was like the universe, but there was no color. It was like the starry sky, but there were no stars. There was only a void, and in that void… there was the figure of a woman in a white palace dress.

The woman had a peerless appearance. She stood there leisurely, holding an illusory book in her hand. She lifted her hand and flipped the page in front of her. On that page, there was a picture of all living things, as if it represented everything in the universe.

Now, as she flipped the page, the page was about to be flipped, but at that moment, the woman’s hand suddenly stopped.

“I think… I’ve seen that special soul before…”she frowned. After some thought, she sighed.

“So it’s that soul…”she murmured, her eyes flickering with reminiscence.

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