A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 811 The Three Dragons

Chapter 811 The Three Dragons

?[Kassandra and Demetra’s POV]

Kassandra and Demetra stood on the Northern Draconian Sea Wall, waiting for Archer’s signal. The shark girl turned to her and commented, ”We will be sisters soon, Kraken. So that means you should give me one of your tentacles?”

She looked at the blue-haired girl who was smiling back at her and answered, ”Shut up idiot, you will be able to eat some of the Swarm monsters. No doubt that they have sea creatures under their control.”

Demetra nodded, but soon, they saw a violet fire shooting into the sky and lighting up the northern part of Draconia. The two jumped off the wall when they saw this and hit the rough ocean waves.

‘Time to join the fray,’ the Kraken girl thought while diving into the sea. ‘I hope Archer is okay.’

Kassandra transformed into her Kraken form while Demetra was in her large Demon Shark form. They rushed toward the 1st Fleet, where Archer was, and when they got close, they saw a swarm of sea monsters rushing toward the ships above.

Demetra didn’t waste any time and rushed forward before chomping on a mutated-looking whale with sharp teeth and oily black skin. The Demon Shark sliced it in two before quickly eating the creature’s organs.

While doing this, Kassandra used her many tentacles to crush a group of Terror Sharks into meatpaste before eating them. The two titans went to work and slaughtered many sea monsters.

As this happened, explosions erupted above as the Royal Draconian Navy engaged with the Swarms Armarda. Demetra finished off her prey and rushed toward the enemy ships, but some emanated from the flagship that pushed her away.

A strange sound caused the two titans to back away. They could only watch as the surface world lit up and hundreds of ships went to war. Kassandra noticed something rushing at her from below.

Within seconds, something crashed into her, becoming a massive Dragon Turtle that started biting into her flesh. Kassandra let out a roar before tangling the newcomer with her tentacles as Demetra circled.

‘This damn thing hurts! I hate turtles!’ Kassandra thought while fighting the newcomer.

The massive blue Demon Shark crashed into the monster and bit down on its shell, causing it to crack and distracting it. This allowed Kassandra to escape the Dragon Turtle’s bite, which was tearing at her skin.

Demetra darted into the darkness below before shooting back out like a rocket and tore off one of the Dragon Turtle flippers as Kassandra wrapped her tentacles around it and pinned it in place.

‘Its beak is like a razor. But at least it can’t bite us anymore,’ Kassandra thought while holding the monster.

The sudden attack allowed Demetra to attack the underbelly, tearing straight through it and causing its organs to burst out of its body. The two titan girls were about to celebrate when they heard a roar echoing through the water.

Kassandra looked into the distance to see a swarm of monsters heading straight for them. A massive, strong water dragon led them. When it got close, something shifted, as a giant dark green serpent appeared from the darkness and clamped down on the newcomer.

When Demetra saw this, she turned to the Kraken Princess and said, ”She smells like Archer.”

‘Who is this person? I didn’t know Arch knew such a large monster that could swallow me whole,’ the Demon Shark mused as a shiver ran down her spine.

”Mary,” Kassandra answered. ”She’s a Primordial Nameless Thing and one of Archer’s wives.”

The two of them watched as Mary tore into the dragon and wrapped her body around it before crushing it, causing an explosion of blood and bone to erupt. When she killed that, she moved on to more creatures.

Demetra and Kassandra didn’t want to miss out, so they charged and smashed into two giant whale-like monsters.


[Back to Archer]

Meanwhile, Archer was standing on the bridge of the DRN Archer’s Pride, which was charging toward the Swarm Armada. While this happened, Olivia screamed, ”Every ship in the 1st will fire and take out as many ships!”

”Yes, Ma’am!” A sailor answered before talking into a box, and seconds later, every gun in the fleet was aimed at the incoming enemy. That’s when the world went white as thousands of cannons of all shapes fired.

The noise was defeating and hurt Archer’s ears, causing him to recoil as the wave of shells blocked out the sun. He watched as they fell on the Swarms battleships, which caused a massive explosion.

Archer covered his eyes as the bomb went off, pulverizing the enemy. However, they were tough and plowed through with more than enough ships. Olivia screamed through a box next to her, ”Prepare for combat! Dragon Marines hold the line when they board and force them into the sea!”

Just as she said, the Swarms of shops burst from the crowd and headed for a Battleship. Archer was going to get involved, but he saw three Destroyers speed forward and block the vessel’s way.

The Battleship reacted and broadsided the ship, but it still crashed into a Destroyer, cleaving it in half. The other two smashed into the Swarms ship’s hull. Thanks to his eyesight, Archer watched 600 Dragon Marines board the vessel alongside the Dragon Sailors who joined them.

A battle erupted on the decks as the Ratlings and Blightborn fought back. The Dragon Marines were skilled and trained by the Dragonblood Knight commander, who was a fierce warrior, and it showed during the fight.

Three marines worked together to take down a Rat Orge and pierced its head with their spears while others covered them. They slowly made their way across the deck of the Swarm ship.

Battles like this were going on all over the battlefield as the enemy boarded the Draconian ships while they returned the favor. The ships free of enemy combatants fired on them with the anti-personnel weaponry called Doomstorm Batteries on the vessels.

They resembled Flak guns from Earth and peppered the Swarms decks with mana bullets that exploded on contact, causing dozens of ships to sink when sprayed with the Doomstorms.

Archer watched a Draconian Battleship pass by, flanked by two Crusiers and six Destroyers. The small group barreled into the Swarms Flagship, causing chaos to erupt as Dragon Marines washed over the ships.

While watching this, he spotted a mutated human mage hovering over the fleets, causing him to grin before using Blink to appear in front of the creature. Archer threw a solid punch that connected with the being’s chest.

An enormous clap was heard, sending the mutant crashing into one of its ships. This caused a massive explosion, killing the enemy, which pleased Archer as the experience flowed into his body.

After that, an earth-shattering roar was heard, causing his head to swing in the sound’s direction as he spotted a giant blue dragon, ‘It’s a water dragon! What are they doing here and why are they with the Swarm.’

When he saw this, Archer transformed into his dragon form and rushed toward the new enemy. He didn’t want it to attack any of his ships, so the two giants clashed in the air, causing chaos.

The water dragon was bigger than him, but Archer’s scales were like diamonds that shattered some of the enemy’s teeth. He was unlucky, as some of the teeth made it through and pierced his skin.

Archer roared in pain, but he didn’t stand idle. He clawed the dragon’s body, causing blood to drench the ships below. His foe was just as wild, and the two traded blows while fighting like flying cats while the two fleets battled below.

While fighting, Archer managed to get the upper hand and threw the dragon into the distance, but it was joined by two more, which took him by surprise. They were red and yellow dragons, which were fire and thunder.

He quickly scanned the three.


[Water Dragon]

[Level: 405]

[Rank: Dragon Master]


[Fire Dragon]

[Level: 443]

[Rank: Dragon Master]


[Thunder Dragon]

[Level: 480]

[Rank: Dragon Master]

‘This is going to be hard,’ Archer thought, realizing the three were weaker than him. However, they were dragons, which meant their Rank wasn’t a full representation of their overall strength.

Archer shrugged before deciding to do his best to hold them off. His fleet was winning against the Swarms, but they would be decimated if the dragons were allowed to join the battle.

With that decided, he cast Blink and appeared above Ignis, the fire dragon. Archer stopped on its back and bit down its spine, causing his foe to flail. The thunder dragon ascended before swooping down and clawing at him.

But Archer was devious, and when it got close, he cast Cosmic Shield, deflecting the attack and causing the yellow dragon to grow angry. After that, he bit down harder and started clawing with all four limbs.

Red scales were flying all over the place, but Archer sucked them all into the Item Box, which would earn him a small fortune. After that, he stopped biting the fire dragon before casting Azur Cannon into its body.

A violet glow erupted from his body, slammed into the red, and sent it crashing into the water. Archer soon noticed Demetra charging toward the struggling dragon. She opened her mouth and chewed it in half.

This sent the thunder dragon into a wild frenzy, causing it to fire a Thunderblast into the water. However, the Demon Shark had already dragged the Fire Dragon’s corpse under so she could eat it.

Following that, Archer took a deep breath and fired his breath at the yellow dragon. The sudden attack caught it off guard and slammed into its body.

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