A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 797 Life In Draconia (2)

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Chapter 797 Life In Draconia (2)

??Caelum was about to answer her, but Fiona beat him to it, ”Yes, we are,” she said. ”Would you like to join us?”

He was shocked when he heard his wife ask the kingdom’s queen to join them on their trip to Drakonia. He was just about to apologize until Llyniel answered with an honest smile, ”I would love that as I’m going that way anyway.”

Fiona beamed before speaking, ”We left our wagon at the Merchant’s Depot.”

Llyniel nodded and started walking with the two of them but made a point of standing away from Caelum. Her behavior baffled him, but he did not say anything as the two women gossiped with each other.

Caelum was left to his thoughts while they strolled down the cobbled street, passing people and soldiers. He noticed that no one recognized Llyniel, who was dressed like a typical farmer, which made him internally chuckle, as he knew this particular queen was vital for her age.

The trio walked for ten minutes until they arrived at the Merchant’s Depot, where they stored their wagon for safety. Caelum found it baffling to start a business like this and many others around Draconia.

But Caelum soon found out it was the king’s personal business that the Dragonheart Company controlled.

‘Where did the company even come from?’ Caelum and his friends were shocked as the stores just appeared overnight and took the island by storm with its potions, elixirs, and many other goods they sold.

There were rumors of a moon elf who ran it for the king, but no one had ever seen her. While thinking, Caelum heard Fiona ask Llyniel, ”Your Majesty, why are you wandering around alone?”

”Darling is very protective over me, so I’m never truly alone,” she pointed at her feet.

As they glanced at her silhouette, they noticed scores of crimson eyes peering back, imparting a sense of guardianship over the queen. Caelum surmised it must be linked to the king, and his intuition proved correct as Llyniel pressed on.

”He assigned all us girls countless Shadow Creatures who attack anyone that wishes to do me harm,” she said. ”But don’t worry, they are friendly and happy to protect me.”

The couple gulped and couldn’t keep their eyes off the shadows until a bump on the road brought them back to reality. Caelum looked around and realized they were crossing the bridge that led to Drakonia.

Caelum nodded in mild bewilderment and asked Llyniel to start a conversation, “What brings you to the city?”

“I’m off to visit the government farms that my beloved and Baily established,” she responded with amusement. “It’s been quite enjoyable.”

Fiona’s smile widened as Caelum nodded in understanding. The wagon fell into a comfortable silence until Llyniel began to hum an ancient elvish melody, its soothing tones washing over him and his wife as they journeyed along the tranquil road.

The trio traveled for a few hours until they crossed over another bridge and entered Northern Draconia, only to have the roads get busier, causing Caelum to complain and Fiona to shake her head.

While that happened, Llyniel said, catching them off guard, ”Caelum, Fiona, it was lovely meeting you two, but I must get to work now.” ๐Ÿr๐š eno๐˜ƒ๐ฅ.c๐—ผm

The couple turned to her and said farewell before the wood elf started walking across the grassland until they spotted several buildings surrounded by a wall guarded by soldiers in beautiful white armor.

Fiona spoke up, ”Who are those soldiers? I’ve never seen them before.”

”I’m not sure, but they are important as they guard Queen Llyniel’s workplace,” Caelum replied as they passed a column of Homeguards who greeted them.

After that, they sat silently while traveling along the roads and taking in the scenery. Miles of grassland were to their right, and their left was Golden Sands Cove, home to the kingdom’s first naval base.

Dozens of fortresses dotted the land, and new towns and cities have been built since the kingdom’s founding. Caelum and Fiona were shocked; the last time they were here, there was only one town and a half-built city.

A loud horn was heard when they passed the cove, which scared the couple. Fiona yelled in fright as she grabbed Caelum’s arm. Meanwhile, he looked at the source of the sound, which shocked him to the core.

Out of the cove emerged a colossal black warship, its towering masts reaching for the sky and its sleek hull cutting through the waves. Behind it trailed dozens of other ships, each a symbol of Draconia’s naval might.

Fiona gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in awe. “Is that…?”

Caelum nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. “It’s the Draconian First Fleet,” he murmured, scarcely believing his eyes. “They’re setting sail for the first time.”

As they passed another wagon on the road, they overheard snippets of conversation from its occupants. “Did you hear? It’s the First Fleet, finally ready to defend our shores,” one voice exclaimed.

”My son is a gunner on the DRN Terror while my daughter is captain of the DRN Erebus. They told me they will fight with the pirate islands,” one voice commented.

“It’s about time,” another voice said. ”Draconia will be unstoppable now. I hope they give those sea bandits a taste of their cannons.”

Following that, Caelum and Fiona continued, with his wife turning to him and asking, ”Will our daughter be alright? What ship was she assigned to?”

”The DRN Archer’s Pride,” he replied. ”The Flagship of the First Fleet.”

After that, it only took another two hours to reach Drakonia, and when the couple saw it, they were shocked yet again, causing Caelum to mumble, ”How fast can those soldiers work?”

Caelum was looking at a well-developed, bustling city with beautiful white walls rising high into the sky, defending it against most armies and allowing the people behind it to feel safe and protected.

The two of them spotted buildings that looked like a mix of stores, workshops, and tall housing, which Fiona figured out were the famous apartment blocks that the king personally designed.

They had to admit it was beautiful and felt jealous of the people living there. When Caelum and Fiona were last here, it was a still city, but nothing like it is now. Drakonia was a thriving hub of trade and commerce, and the Draconian Government controlled the island.

Some buildings had multiple windows, and their fronts were decorated with ornate carvings and white dragon banners fluttering in the breeze. The streets below were alive with activity as vendors peddled their wares, people went about their daily lives, and soldiers patrolled the thoroughfares.

Caelum and Fiona marveled at the sight before them, their eyes darting from one impressive structure to another. The city seemed to stretch endlessly, its bustling energy palpable even from a distance.

“By the gods,” Caelum whispered, his voice filled with awe. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Fiona nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with wonder. “The government has done a good job with the city,” she replied. “I never imagined Drakonia would grow so quickly.”

As they made their way closer to the city gates, they passed by bustling markets teeming with merchants and traders from all corners of the kingdom. After that, the Caelum led Fiona to the Tax Office, which was just off the main square.

After twenty minutes, they stood outside a six-story building made from the same white stone as the city wall. Caelum noticed it had the Wyldheart Coat Of Arms, which featured a dragon breathing fire on a world that looked majestic, thanks to the artist’s work.

Fiona spoke as she looked at the building, ”This wasn’t here the last time we paid our taxes.”

”You’re right, my love,” Caelum said without taking his eyes off the building. ”Let’s finish this to sell the extra crops and go shopping.”

She nodded, and the duo entered the Drakonia Tax Office, guarded by Dragon Legionnaires who watched their every move. When they stepped through the building threshold, they saw a large foyer with rows of beautifully decorated desks.

It was over the top but enough to show it was a government building. Caelum looked around but didn’t know where to go until a young man approached, ”Citizens, I’m Rico Greenfield,” he introduced himself, ”Is there anything I can help with?”

The two looked at the newcomer and saw a twenty-

something-year-old wolf demi-human wearing a green uniform and slicked-back blonde hair. Caelum shook his head and responded with a smell, ”We’re here to pay our Homesteads taxes.”

Rico nodded, ”Follow me please.”

After that, the young man spun on his heels and walked toward a row of doors to the left of the foyer. As they followed behind, he entered one. They were now in a small meeting-looking room.

Once inside Rico spoke, ”What are your names?”

”Caelum and Fiona Greenleaf,” Fiona answered.

”Name of your Homestead?”

”The White King’s.”

”Thank you for that,” Rico said. ”Now, wait here so I can get your files.”

Caelum nodded as he sat down, followed by Fiona, who asked, ”I wonder how much we will have to pay.”

”I paid 100 gold on our last visit,” he replied. ”Hopefully, it isn’t that much we need to save for the younger three.”

Fiona nodded, ”Agreed. I could find some work to do or help you on the farm.”

Caelum smiled before leaning over and placing a love-filled kiss on her forehead, which caused Fiona to go red. He chuckled while speaking, ”Even after all our years together, you still blush this much.”

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