6 Times a Day

Chapter 838 What A Day! [’Someone’ Sponsored]

‘Someone’ Special [12 / 12]

Finishing off with a whooping 6k words. Once again much thanks to ‘Someone’


Alan untied Xania’s ropes. In retrospect, he felt that he should have untied them a while ago. He hoped her arms weren’t too sore and that she wasn’t too mad at him.

With a great sigh of relief, Xania broke free and stretched out.

To his surprise, she didn’t immediately slap him for keeping her tied up so long and generally being a cheeky pest. She didn’t suddenly resume fucking him either.

Instead, she was content to continue with her rest and recovery for a while. And as she did that, she realized she had more to think about and say about his problems.

She resumed talking while rubbing her arms and luxuriously stretching them up to the sky, deliberately striking one sexy pose after another as she did so. “Thank you for that. Aaaaah! That feels soooo much better… I do have a few more points to make, now that I’m not being tortured.”

He scoffed, “‘Tortured?'” If there was any chance that his erection would go flaccid sometime soon, that was lost because of the sight of her stretching.

She said, “Okay, maybe not tortured. Actually, I feel a lot better already. I just needed to stretch.” She started to turn her head towards the Pestridge house.

But he said, “Don’t look! Trust me, please! Don’t look!”

She felt a thrill race down her spine and zap her pussy. “Oh shit! Someone’s watching! How many?!”

“Ignorance is bliss. Trust me on this.”

She suddenly felt so worked up that she wanted to do some more vigorous fucking. But she forced herself to keep still. She decided to take his advice and try to ignore the stares – little realizing there weren’t any stares, at least not from the Pestridge house.

Instead, she asked, “By the way, are you really going to spank me?”

“Of course! It’s just a matter of when, and how frequently. As to whether I spank you today or not, the jury is still out.”

She shivered all over. This kid is too much! He’s acting like he owns me already. Like it’s a done deal. Like he’s going to spank me whenever the hell he feels like it, as if he has the right to do that! Bullshit! I’m not one of his damn fuck toys. But still… it’s so… totally fucking AROUSING! Dammit!

She preened and posed some more under the guise of continued stretching, since she knew he was watching closely. Her brain wanted her to keep talking, but her body wanted to be fucked, so she was sending out mixed signals.

She said, “Let’s see. Ah, yes. Glory. So you need to dull her senses and keep her so preoccupied that she doesn’t pick up on things. Whether by plan or not, you seem to have your whole house that way already. Suzanne’s brain is totally out to lunch, she’s so obsessed with you. I’ve never, ever, seen her turn into mental oatmeal like this before. But that still makes her sharp as a tack compared to Susan. I didn’t know your mother before, but I can only assume she wasn’t this constantly sex-crazed before.”

He replied, “No, she wasn’t. She’s normally fairly smart, though not brilliant like Aunt Suzy. But yeah, Mom’s not exactly coming across like a sharp tack these days. She’s really in the whole ‘big-titted mommy’ submissive thing, and I gotta say I’m loving it. As for Amy, she’s not in a sexual fog, she’s just naturally that way. It’s hard to see it at first, but she’s actually pretty smart too. However, she’s also kind of like, I dunno, in her own time zone or something.”

“I see.” Xania moved with lightning speed and grasped his stiff erection before he realized what was happening. “A-ha! Now you’re at my mercy! I can get back at you for being such an evil bastard! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

He would have been very concerned, since a man’s penis can be injured so easily, but the look on her face showed she was just being playful. As a result, he joked in a deadpan style, “I warn you, if you try anything nasty, I’m gonna tell you more rope-related puns.”

She looked at him with mock horror. “Egads! Anything but that! Still, I’d better keep holding this, just to make sure you stay on your best behavior.”

With both hands tightly gripping his erection, she resumed her serious analysis. “In any case, you need to deal with Glory. I think it’s safe to assume that she already suspects your incestuous relationship, at least with your sister. Think about it. She knows you’re screwing some of the most attractive girls in school, and that you love big tits. Katherine’s breasts are only small relative to the likes of Brenda’s. She’s actually very endowed for her age. And she’s possibly THE most beautiful girl in the whole school.”

As Xania kept talking, she started subtly jacking off Alan’s erection. But she was on such a roll that he didn’t get a chance to comment on that.

She continued, “Glory must have thought about the possibility. She knows about your six-times-a-day treatment, so how plausible is it for your sister or mother to help out with your orgasm needs? VERY! I’m sure she can imagine a slippery slope of where a little bit of innocent help could lead, just as it really did. The only thing you have going for you is Katherine’s prudish reputation. Susan’s too, come to think of it. Does Glory know about that? Have they met?”

“Yeah. Glory’s met Susan at different school things. Back then, Mom definitely came off as a born-again prude. She still dresses and acts like that when she goes outside, although now it’s just an act.”

“Good.” The way she was stroking his cock was becoming more obvious, as well as more pleasurable. “Luckily, both reputations seem to be surprisingly intact outside the house, from what you’re telling me. Although, there’s no hiding Susan’s bosomy beauty, no matter what clothes she wears. But if you’re really serious about Glory long term, you have to figure that she’s gonna find out about you and your special family bond sooner or later. Naturally, you obviously want it to be later, when you’re inseparable, and you want to break it to her gently.”

Xania’s hefty melons bounced up and down in time to her pumping hands on Alan’s pole. “In the short term, keep her fully preoccupied until you can sort things out. Keep seducing her, romancing her, and especially sexing her until she simply can’t let you go. I suggest the full vibrator treatment.”

“What’s that?”

“You have to keep her cunt stuffed with plastic cock nearly twenty-four hours a day. If she’s always on the edge of a climax, she won’t be worrying about you and incest.”

“But how will I do that? I mean, she has to teach. She takes her teaching role quite seriously. She’ll never agree to it.”

“You just leave it up to me. Actually, now that I think about it, the same strategy might help you with Heather too. If you keep her in a fog… But then again, with Heather it might backfire and she’d be encouraged in all the wrong ways. I’d have to know more about her to say for sure. I’d love to meet both of these women so I can feel them out, but that’s for another day.”

“You mean feel them up?” he half-joked.

“That too.” She winked. She looked down at his boner. His pre-cum was flowing freely now, allowing her hands to slip and slide all over his throbbing shaft. But she kept on talking like nothing sexual was happening between them. “Right now, let’s work on your Glory vibrator plan. I don’t know if you’re aware, but there’s a growing toy collection in this house, so you have all the tools. There are some pretty high tech ones here, too. I’m quite impressed that you have a unit in there called the Televibe. It’s perfect for your needs. Do you know about that one?”

“No. I’m completely vibrator-ignorant. I think Aunt Suzy bought most of those, so she’s the one to ask.”

“I’ll teach you how to use it before you go to school. I think you should start on her today.”


“Time is of the essence. She could learn your secrets at any time. You need to up your efforts immediately if you hope to keep her, and even add her to your harem.”

“Okay. Although I’d argue I don’t actually have a harem.”

“Look at me!”

He looked at her, especially her bouncing breasts.

“I’m referring to my hands.” 𝐞𝗻𝐨𝘃𝗹.𝐜𝐨𝗺

He turned his gaze to her hands.

“I’m jacking you off buck naked in your backyard while your mother, your sister, Amy’s father, and God knows how many other people watch. And somehow, I find myself giving you advice on how to better seduce still more women. Believe me, you have a harem!”

He knew that was hard to dispute. But he dodged having to respond to that. “I have to go pee. I’ll be back in a second, but then I’m going to tie you up again and play with your pussy some more, because I’ve been neglecting it. Then, of course, more fucking, and spanking, and who knows what else.”

“Bastard!” But she didn’t demand he shouldn’t do some or all of those things. She was having too much fun to really complain. She suspected that no matter what he did to her, even a spanking, she’d end up cumming a lot.

She lightly slapped his cock, as if she was mad at it, and then she let go.

Alan did in fact have to go to the bathroom. The urge to pee caused his penis to go flaccid again, as soon as he walked away from Xania. But there was another reason he went back into the house. Time was passing and it was coming up on seven o’clock, which meant that he figured Susan and Katherine had to be up by now and getting ready for the start of school at eight o’clock.

However, to his surprise, he didn’t see anyone in the kitchen or dining room area. He went to the phone near the kitchen counter and called Amy’s cell phone. When she answered, he gave her some very strange instructions.

Amy readily agreed to follow them right away. with lots of happy “M’kay” answers.

Then he went to the downstairs bathroom. After that, he gathered up all the vibrators from the underwear drawer and put them in a big bag. Thinking ahead, he put Susan’s cell phone in the bag too. He brought the bag back to Xania by the pool,

He tied her back up. “You know Xania, not only am I beginning to think of you as a great advisor, but I also am starting to picture you with these ropes on. I think we’ll have to tie you up like this for all future visits.”

She put up a little protest, but didn’t seem to mind terribly much. “Alan, you’re wasting some good rope. I’m just not naturally into this, though I’ll admit that you’ve got me going for the moment with your clever schemes. I’m too scared to look, but I’ll bet there are no neighbors who can see, and you’re just yanking my chain some more.”

That heavily disappointed him. He thought he had her fully convinced that at least Eric Pestridge was watching.

She went on, “Whereas, unlike me, you’ve got some lovely ladies who would take to being tied-up like fish to water. I’m thinking of your sister, your mom, and most especially Brenda. So why me? I hardly know Brenda, but Jesus Christ, is she begging for it or what?!”

He cautiously replied, “We’ll see. There’s no reason why I can’t tie up everyone, starting with you. But let’s get back to Glory. Then, since you’ve been so insightful and helpful, I have some other issues to discuss, and we’re running out of time.”

So Xania explained her vibrator ideas to use with Glory.

Funnily enough, Susan had been in the kitchen and closely watching events in the backyard when Alan decided to come inside for a bathroom break, but she fled before she was seen, hiding in the den until he went back outside.

She wasn’t afraid of being caught watching. Instead, she feared that if she got close to him, she simply wouldn’t be able to control her over-aroused body. And while she would have dearly loved to give him a great titfuck or suck his cock dry, she didn’t want to interrupt what he was doing with Xania. She knew she had plenty of chances to pleasure his cock, and she was eager to see him fully tame Xania. She snuck back into the kitchen as soon as the coast was clear.

Only a minute or two after Alan went back outside, Katherine came downstairs. She saw Susan standing at the kitchen window, blatantly gawking at Alan and Xania out back. She knew Susan sensed her presence, but she didn’t say a word to her until she was standing right next to her. Then she merely said in a voice that was somehow both subdued and aroused, “Mom… The ropes… The ropes!”

Susan turned to her ever so briefly, and noticed that Katherine was standing within arm’s reach. She said nearly accusingly, “Angel, if you so much as touch me, anywhere at all, I swear to the Lord that I’m going to cum and scream and scream and cum and cum and scream some more!”

Katherine grinned; she didn’t see why that would be such a bad thing, and yet Susan seemed very distraught about it. She playfully touched Susan’s nearest elbow with a single fingertip.

Susan wagged a finger at her. “Seriously, I’m warning you!”

Katherine considered touching her a lot more, but decided to have mercy on her. She asked, “So, I take it you find the ropes as arousing as I do?”

Susan turned to actually face her and said with a desperate edge, “So much! Oh dear Lord! So much!”

She turned back to the backyard view and resumed gawking at Xania in particular. “Just look at her! Is that not the most arousing thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life?! Xania Goodleigh, a professional psychologist with a PhD, has been reduced to my son’s bound and helpless fuck-toy after staying here just one night! So HOT!”

For once, Katherine had little to say, because Susan had said it all when she erotically moaned “So HOT!”, just as if Alan were in the middle of fucking her senseless. But after some moments she asked her mother, “Can you just imagine if that was you? I picture him doing that to me, and I get-”

Susan suddenly turned to her daughter and said with real anger in her eyes and her voice, “HUSH! I don’t want to hear one more word out of you! If you say anything about it, I’m likely to just…” – she waved her hands in the air as she struggled to find the right words – “I don’t know… spontaneously combust! From excessive horniness!”

Katherine giggled at that, especially at the added wild hand-waving.

Susan turned back to resume watching Alan and Xania. She griped, “It’s not funny! UNGH! My pussy is so tingly and needy that it hurts!”

Katherine still snickered. “Come on. It’s a little bit funny, at least.”

Susan grinned despite herself. “Okay, it is. But seriously, hush. And watch closely! It’s not every day that you get to see a proud, independent, worldly-wise woman get tamed. Watch and learn!”

Katherine decided that was good advice, so she just stood and watched Alan and Xania while being careful not to touch either her mother or her own private parts. Just like Susan, she knew that the view was so thrilling that masturbation would almost be overkill.

Back outside, Alan hadn’t yet noticed that Susan and Katherine were staring from the kitchen. But a few minutes into Xania’s talk about vibrators, he interrupted her and whispered urgently, “Don’t look now, but someone’s watching you. From the Pestridge house. It’s Suzanne’s husband, Eric. I’ll admit that I was bullshitting before. It was too early, and the neighbors apparently all slept through your screaming. But now Amy’s dad is finally up.”

Xania turned her head as casually as she could. Since Alan hadn’t said much about the neighbors watching for a while, she’d decided he had to be full of it. But, sure enough, she saw the shadow of a man standing at the only upper-floor window with a view of the Plummer’s pool. Her heart started racing and her jaw actually hung open in shock.

But what Xania didn’t know was that it was actually Amy, wearing a man’s hat and jacket to make her silhouette look like a man’s.

“Oh God!” Xania exclaimed quietly, as her sense of panic surged up and nearly overwhelmed her. She was suddenly acutely aware that she was buck naked. She started to cover up, only to realize that she’d just been bound by ropes again. That made her want to scream in frustration. The best she could do was lean forward, trying to keep her back to the Pestridge house window.

She hissed in dismay, “How can I continue with this, knowing that he’s there?! We have to get out of here! NOW!”

Alan just smirked and smiled. “Nope!”

She turned her head again to get a better look at the neighbor. “Oh no! He’s STILL there! Is he going to just stand there and stare at us forever?!” She hissed at Alan, “DO something!”

Alan casually replied, “I imagine he’s probably masturbating. We don’t have porn-star professional-model-quality naked women tied up and hanging out at our pool just any morning of the week.”

He laughed to himself as Susan and Suzanne’s daily nude sunbathing popped into his mind. He explained with complete calm, “Actually we do, except for the tied-up part. You should see how often Mom and Aunt Suzy skinny-dip out here.”

Xania somehow whimpered and growled at the same time. Her body was fidgety with fear and lust, but she struggled to stay still to draw less attention to herself. She hoped against hope that “Eric” would lose interest eventually if all he could see was her bare back and ass.

She thought, Oh God! I’ve never felt so naked in my life! She’d been avoiding looking at the Plummer house for a long time, for fear of what she’d see there. But she glanced over at it, thinking that she might make a break for it and try running there with her hands bound… only to see Katherine and Susan staring at her!

She was so horrified that she turned her head away immediately, trying to pretend that she hadn’t just seen them. Their presence killed her sense that she had somewhere to escape to. She had a fearful vision of running all the way to the sliding glass door at the back of their house and then finding it locked, with no way to open it. She imagined Susan and Katherine just staring and pointing and laughing at her from the other side of the glass.

She was getting really scared! And yet, thanks to her fetish for public exposure, her lust soared just as much.

Alan said calmly, “I’ll tell you what. You need something to distract you and take your mind off of him watching you. Something just like your plan to deal with Glory comes to mind. And as a matter of fact, I just happen to have some vibrators right here.”

He reached into the bag and pulled out a vibrator. “What a funny coincidence! Let’s see. Oooh! Mr. Excitement. One of the favorites around here: twelve inches long and black. Mr. Pestridge will be able to see that go up your cunt from all the way over there. We can put the clit stimulator attachment on as well. And, oooh! Here’s a lovely little anal number…”

Xania hissed quietly, “Alan! God damn you! I’ve only begun to describe this vibrator plan, and you’re already using it against me? That is so completely unfair! You are such a clever asshole!”

“Hmmm. Could be that I am. That’s another thing I want to discuss: how all these women fawning over me, praising me, practically worshiping me at times are slowly turning me into an egotistical, evil asshole. I think of it as the ‘Good Alan’ vs. ‘Bad Alan’ battle.”

He brought the dildo closer to her crotch. “But until we have that discussion, Mr. Excitement, meet Xania’s pussy. Xania’s pussy, meet your new, well-hung, black lover. But please, don’t let me interrupt. You were saying about Glory and vibrators?”

“Alan, come ON!” She turned her head and watched “Eric” at the window as Alan inserted the big vibrator.

In doing so, he turned her completely around so the insertion would be visible from Amy’s window. Then he pushed it all the way in her.

That immediately doubled Xania’s sense of helplessness and humiliation. Now, instead of trying to look at the window, she hung her head and tried to make herself small. She leaked like a faucet, trembled all over, and panted heavily.

She tried to continue with giving him advice about how to deal with his other women, but she couldn’t even get started with the vibrator buzzing away in her and the thought of Suzanne’s husband watching her. My God! This is so WRONG! Why am I letting him do this to me?! That guy up there must think I’m a total slut!

She frequently looked up and saw the silhouette in the same position, rarely moving. She didn’t want to look, but she couldn’t resist. FUUUUCK! Earlier, I asked myself how it could possibly get any worse than being seen stark naked and bound, with cum all over my face and chest? Well, add a vibrator lewdly sticking out of my pussy to all that! HOLY FUCK! Alan is diabolical! I’m gonna die of shame, here and now!

Meanwhile, Alan said things to her like, “Look how long he’s been at the window. He clearly must be staring at SOMEthing out here. I wonder what that could be?”

Xania whispered back, “How can you be so calm about this?! He’s staring at you too, you know!”

“Yeah, that’s it,” he said teasingly. “I’ll bet he’s staring at me. So that means you have nothing to worry about. He’s probably checking out my tits and ass. Or maybe the glistening cum on my face.”

She complained under her breath, “Bastard! I hate you!” But with each passing moment, she was getting more and more aroused. Alan wasn’t even touching her, and yet she was hotter than an oven.

He explained further, “Seriously, why should I care if he’s staring at me? He must be thinking, ‘That Alan is one lucky kid. Look, now he’s cupping one of her tits like he owns her.'” Naturally, he cupped a tit as he said that, and started kneading it in full view of the window. “Meanwhile, he’s probably thinking about you: ‘Who’s the kinky slut?'”

She panted with excitement, “Stupid fuckin’ double standards!”

She was really getting off on Alan fondling her for the supposed stranger’s benefit. Just that much touching nearly sent her over the edge. The main reason she didn’t was because she didn’t want Eric to see and hear her cumming out of control. And despite all the many wild sexual things she did in front of Susan and Katherine (and others!) last night, she was terrified of them watching her now too.

After a few more moments, Alan thought, Three things. One, Aims has to go to school and needs to prepare. She’s a doll doing what I’d asked, but it’s cruel to keep her there at the window forever. Two, I pretty much promised Xania a second fuck. Now’s a good time as any, because she’s hopeless at explaining things with the way she’s panting right now. And three, there’s a fine line with this sexual humiliation stuff. I want Xania scared, but not so scared that she’ll look back and regret this later.

So he took the vibrator out of her. A considerable amount of cum came gushing out along with it.

“What are you doing?!” Xania immediately complained.

He bent her over a lounge chair so he could take her doggy style.

She was panting hard. “And what are you doing to me now?! Stop!”

But he didn’t stop. In fact, he started rubbing his cockhead up and down her slit. “I can’t let Mr. Pestridge down. If I’ve got my own porn star sex toy, he’s gonna wonder why I’m not fucking her already.”

He inserted his hard erection instead. He started fucking her doggy style. mostly because he’d promised to do that earlier. But he also figured it would look good for “Mr. Pestridge” (in fact, Amy) in the window.

He whispered to her, “As long as he’s watching, let’s give him a good show, okay? In for a penny, in for a pounding.”

Xania just whimpered at that. She started cumming before he really got started and then kept right on cumming in one great long multiple orgasm. But she was so petrified about the neighbors and especially Eric Pestridge supposedly watching that she hardly made a sound.

About a minute into his thrusting, Alan looked over at his house and saw Susan and Katherine standing just outside the sliding glass door, staring out at them. “Oooh! Bonus! Look, Xania. We have more guests. Hi Sis! Hi Mom!” He waved at them with exaggerated hand gestures.

Xania couldn’t bear to look, but she looked over at the Plummer house anyway. Sure enough, she saw Susan and Katherine standing near their sliding door to the patio, smiling and waving back. They both wore the barest of clothes. Their ample tits wobbled and swung back and forth inside skin-tight and obviously bra-less shirts with every wave of their hands. They seemed very mirthful, as if they found Xania’s predicament delightful. They also showed no sign of jealousy that Xania could see.

“Fuuuuuuucccck!” Xania exhaled in exasperation. What the hell is with this kid?! Those two over there are so hot, and he practically owns ’em! Meanwhile, he’s- UGH! He’s fucking me so damn GOOD! I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life, and the two of them keep staring at me!

Oh God! And Suzanne’s husband! He’s probably jacking off as he watches me! And for the love of God, how many other neighbors are watching too?! I can’t look in any direction! I’m so FUCKED! In more ways than one!

Alan was amused – and of course, highly aroused – as he took a closer look at what his sister and mother were wearing. Susan wore panties and a thin shirt several sizes too small. Katherine wore even smaller panties and a smaller and tighter top. They both had dressed to show off their hard nipples. He’d asked them the night before not to wear anything too arousing until his studies were over, and so figured that this was their idea of “not arousing.” He was further amused to see that Katherine was awkwardly reaching back and occasionally groping at Susan’s pussy even while she waved at him with her other hand.

Even though Xania was busy getting nailed, she caught the occasional glimpse of mother and daughter, usually between thrusts. “Is this what it’s like with them every morning?” she asked him with an incredulous voice. She’d given up on trying to resist getting fucked, and in fact, her pussy was so very, very hot that she eagerly welcomed it. Her body swayed in time to Alan’s thrusts.

“Actually, they’re a bit overdressed today,” he admitted truthfully, as he kept on steadily drilling her. “They probably wanted to see how you were taking things before going into full-on ‘dress sexy to suck cock through breakfast’ mode. How ARE you taking things, by the way?”

“UGH!” She didn’t say it, but after he said that it was obvious to both of them that she was taking a lot of cock, and taking it deep. Even though he was talking in a somewhat casual voice, he was riding her hard and fast. She wanted to churn and grind on his hot pole. But with her arms tied behind her back and the way he was steadily pounding forward, she was helpless to change positions or do anything but fuck back onto his dick.

He had her bent over a lounge chair, but he’d made sure that her breasts were hanging over the other side of it. That way, they were able to swing freely, and right in front of the Pestridge house too.

Xania tried not to think of what Eric Pestridge must think of her, getting fucked in such an outrageously lewd position. She was so excited that she was worried she’d pass out. I’m such a slut! Such a slut! I knew I was bad before, but… Oh God! I’ll never be the same, will I?!

Then, as if she hadn’t been embarrassed enough already, Alan shouted out, “Hey Sis! Why don’t you come out here and join in the fun?”

Katherine waved some more, but declined the invitation, since she knew he was joking and trying to wind Xania up.

Xania realized with a start that Alan shouldn’t be saying that to Katherine with Eric listening! She hissed quietly, “Shut up! Do you realize UH! What you just – OH! UH! Just said out loud?! God! UGH! Do you – UGH! YES! Do – AH! Do – UH!”

He slowed down a bit so she could finish what she wanted to say.

“Do you want Amy’s father to hear that?! OH! So good! Don’t you think UNGH! Yes! Think that – OOH! He’d find that odd?!” The threat of having everything discovered by Amy’s father only excited her further, and even after Alan slowed she still could barely get a coherent sentence out.

He slowed down further so he could reply without frantic panting.

To his surprise, Xania responded to the change of pace by churning her hips and milking his erection with her vaginal walls at the same time. It felt intense, and showed her remarkable sexual talent.

He found that talking wasn’t that easy, after all. “All I said was… Phew! …join in the fun… Ah. Ah… Maybe… Hold on… Maybe, maybe, I mean that Sis and I should double-team YOU! … Oh God! Jesus! Just a… Hold on… What’s wrong, wrong with that? … After all… Just a, just a sec…”

With one great final effort, he managed to finish his thought, “After all, when you have a bound and naked porn star, isn’t that the kind of thing you d-d-d-do, do to her?”

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