6 Times a Day

Chapter 474 It Would Actually Be SO IMPROPER To Stay Clothed. [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Alan took a moment to survey the pleasant scene. A bikini-clad Susan sat on a towel on one side of him while Amy and Suzanne were on the other. Suzanne was just starting to take off her skimpy bikini, since she’d gotten caught up in the discussion with Susan.

Amy, by contrast, was already totally naked, which, since her pubes were shaven, was as naked as the day she was born. It had taken her mere seconds to strip off her clothes and lie face down on her towel.

She looked back up towards Alan and flashed him her usual winning smile. Of the four of them, Alan had fully expected Amy to be the first to disrobe. He was amused to see that he’d been right.

“How you doin’, Amy? Does it feel good to be naked on the beach?” he asked her with a grin. Meanwhile he slipped off his own bathing suit, revealing his full erection. He didn’t care that much if other people saw him; he’d recently gotten used to being naked. He saw, off in the distance, a small flock of seagulls swoop and glide gracefully in the pleasant beach wind. Between the beautiful ocean atmosphere, lovely company, and a pleasant erotic buzz washing over him, he felt very good indeed.

Amy replied, “I love it! It feels GREAT! I mean, a nude beach! That’s the bestest idea, like, ever!” The look of glee and excitement on her face made her appear even younger than she actually was, which also made her seem even more beautiful. “Wouldn’t it be cool if ALL beaches were nude beaches? And not just beaches, but everything! Nude shopping centers! Nude schools! Nude sports stadiums! Wow!”

Alan smiled approvingly. That’s so Aims. She’s naturally all over nude beaches like white on rice. I don’t know where her love of nudity comes from, but it seems to be infectious. Heck, my package is hanging out, swinging all over, and I’m not minding it at all. I don’t even care if those gay guys over there see. It’s not like I’ll ever talk to them or see them again, and Aunt Suzy says they’re not gonna get that close.

And Aims. Look at her. She looks so good like this. Just one look at her cheery smile gets me hard, not to mention her cute, round, naked butt. That’s a damn fine butt, big though it is. Or Aunt Suzy. Turn this way, Auntie. Yes! Turn around some more, you pale Amazon goddess! Awesome. What a great mother-daughter combination!

He had no trouble getting hard, and even flaunted his erection a bit, letting it stick straight out like a flagpole. He asked Amy, “You ever been to a nude beach before?”

“Are you kidding me? Certain people” – she rolled her eyes, both to express her frustration and to motion towards her mother – “never let me. She doesn’t even let me run around naked in our own backyard! Or even in our house! Geez, Louise!” Amy made it sound like she was practically the only teenager in town who didn’t live completely naked in her own home.

She turned towards her mother. “Thanks so much for allowing me to come, Mom. This means a lot to me, and not just because of the nudariffic beach. I feel like one of the gang. It’s like you’re treating me like an adult who actually has a sex drive.”

Suzanne smiled benignly at her daughter as she straightened out her towel and lay down on it. “Sure thing, Honey Pie. I guess maybe I’m too protective sometimes. You have to understand, it’s difficult for me to see you turn into a sexually active adult. I still think of you as my little baby.”

After a pause, she added, “Believe me, I do understand you have a sex drive. I know it all too well; I was a lot like you. It’s just that I don’t think you’re mature enough to handle grabby boys yet. Remember what happened with Jack Johnson? Remember that scary incident with him?”

Amy’s face nearly turned angry. “Arrrgh! Please don’t mention that name! I’m so over that. I was never that traumatized in the first place, but you’re gonna use that as an excuse to prevent me from doing stuff forever!”

Suzanne said, “Now, hold on. I’ve said it’s okay if you help Alan some with his rather special needs, within limits. I understand you have raging hormones; God knows I did at your age. For now, you can let out some of your sexual energy on him. Just stay within the limits I made clear. Okay?”

“M’kay. Does that mean I can kiss him on the lips?”

“Yes, of course. That’s not so bad.”

“Oh, cool! Hey, Bo! Let’s kiss!”

Before Alan could reply, Suzanne complained, “Wait a minute! I didn’t say NOW. Not on a beach like this, when you’re both naked!”

“Darn.” Amy stared down in frustration, drawing patterns in the sand.

Alan scooted over to her. “Hey. One kiss is okay, as long as our bodies don’t touch. Right, Aunt Suzy?”

Suzanne moaned. “Ugh. I suppose. One kiss.”

Amy threw her arms around Alan. “Yeay! Mom, I love you!”

Alan and Amy French kissed, but Alan made sure to keep it brief so Suzanne wouldn’t regret giving her permission. He also took great pains to make sure that Amy didn’t come into direct contact with his stiff boner.

When the kiss was over, Amy’s mood was transformed; she was back to her usual bubbly, happy self.

Suzanne thought, I wonder if I’m being wise. Sweetie is a wonderful, loving young man, and if any horny guy his age can be trusted, it’s him. Look at how he’s resisted simply up and fucking Susan or me, even though the temptation must be incredible. The idea of Amy dating anyone else is a nightmare! I could imagine some sleazeball would take her to a gang bang, and she’d just cluelessly say, ‘M’kay!’

But the problem is, even Alan has his limits when it comes to obeying rules. Look at how he’s started secretly fucking Angel behind Susan’s back, for instance. He’s got raging teenage hormones, just like everyone else. What if he fucks Amy? She has the body of a grown woman but the mind of a child. I’m going to have to make absolutely clear to him that when I set limits with him and Amy, those aren’t rules meant to be broken, like Susan’s changeable ‘boundaries’. Those are for-real RULES! Amy’s just not ready!

Once Amy was looking and acting happy, Alan looked in the other direction, towards his mother. She was still wearing her prescription sunglasses and her skimpy red bikini. Dang! Look at that. The sight of the dark fabric against her light skin is breathtaking, particularly against the ocean in the background. It seems completely improbable that someone so beautiful, such obvious centerfold material, could be a mother to teenagers like Sis and me. But it occurred to him that it could get even better.

He said, “Mom, we’re at a nude beach. Aunt Suzy, Amy, and I – we’re naked. Can you guess what I’m hinting at?”

“I can guess. But Tiger, I can’t do it! Being naked at home is one thing, but out here…” She scooted closer to him and then sat up on her heels in a dramatic cheesecake pose, with her hands behind her head. “Isn’t this good enough? Don’t you think I look good like this?”

Alan gasped. His mother looked like some magazine photograph of a supermodel, now come to life. He had a nearly overwhelming desire to push her backwards down into the sand and fuck her roughly right on the spot. But of course he couldn’t, especially not in the middle of a public beach with other people around.

He tried to hide his approval, managing to gasp out, “That’s nice, Mom, but it IS a nude beach, after all.” It occurred to him that he could use her own favorite phrase against her. “It would be rude to stay clothed, because the rules here are different. It would actually be SO IMPROPER to stay clothed.” He couldn’t help but grin at that, and he could hear Amy and Suzanne giggling behind him.

Susan grinned too, despite her consternation. “Very cute. Let me think about it, okay?” She thought back to her behavior with the surfer, just a few minutes earlier. It was one thing to preen a little in hopes of being chosen as the most beautiful, but it was quite another for her to actually get naked in front of other males, even if they were a long way away and probably gay. She really had a big issue with that.

After more teasing, Susan finally broke down and undid her bikini top, but then immediately lay face down on her towel. That was a big step for her when it came to being out in public, so the others were content to let her be, at least for a while.

Then they all put on waterproof suntan lotion. Though the idea of Alan putting the lotion on everyone else was popular, Susan wouldn’t allow it. Also, as Suzanne wryly noted, “If Sweetie helps, we’ll probably never make it past applying lotion before we have to leave.”

In fact, they didn’t have that much time to spend. They’d had a late start to the beach, it was a long drive there and back, and the days had gotten short with the season. They were only a month from the Winter Solstice and it would be getting cold and windy before long. So as soon as the lotion had been applied, they all ran into the ocean to swim.

Alan could hardly believe his luck at being at the beach with three such incredible women, two of them totally nude. (Susan had put her bikini top back on for swimming, since there was the potential for more people to see her while she was going to and from, and in, the water.)

They all tried body surfing for a while, but the waves were disappointingly small. Still, it was a lot of fun.

Afterwards, Suzanne said she wanted to take a walk with Alan. Again, she was scheming to get him alone for more “impermissible” hanky-panky.

But Susan wouldn’t have it. “Alan is still grounded,” she pointed out. “I’d better come with you.”

Suzanne noted, “I was planning on going that way.” She pointed down the beach. “Ten minutes down that way, the nude beach fades out and it becomes a public beach. A very crowded one called La Jolla Shores. Are you sure you want to go down there, dressed like that?” .𝘤𝘰𝑚

Susan looked down at her skimpy bikini and reflexively put her hands over her chest. “No. I’d be too shy. But I’m not leaving you alone with him! You’re always full of mischief. Take Amy too.”

Inwardly Suzanne groaned, though outwardly she acted unconcerned. In reality, Amy was a serious restraint on her plans. She’d been hoping to find a private spot behind some rocks before reaching the public part of the beach, and really have some fun with Alan. She had a growing need to get seriously fucked, and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold out.

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