6 Times a Day

Chapter 368 Kitchen Fun Continued

After a relatively normal and tease-free dinner with her mother and brother, Katherine went next door to hang out in Amy’s bedroom and see her latest sketches. Amy and Kat usually hung out in Kat’s bedroom to avoid Amy’s brother and father, but since Susan wanted time alone with Alan, Kat acceded to her wishes.

Alan was hopeful there would be more sexual games with his mother, but he was also weary. Not only had he already climaxed six times that day, but some of it was fairly exhausting, especially the emotionally and physically intense times with Heather. Additionally, he was worn out from another day of his tennis tournament, and he still had his original low-energy problem.

Perhaps Susan had read the weariness in his eyes, because she didn’t immediately drop herself between his legs as soon as Katherine had gone, as he’d half expected her to do. Instead, she said, “I haven’t even made you dessert, Tiger. Why don’t we make some kind of special dessert together? We could bake a cake.”

“Mmmm. Great idea.” He enjoyed cooking, and he always enjoyed eating a good cake.

So they set to working on a chocolate-covered angel-food cake. At first, everything seemed surprisingly non-sexual. Susan even remained dressed like a typical mother (not counting her lack of underwear, of course). Alan was glad for the respite.

They went ahead and put the cake in the oven, then got to work on the frosting.

Everything had been going as expected, but Alan noticed that his mother was making enough chocolate frosting for at least two cakes. He asked about it, but she was coy, just saying, “That way we don’t have to worry about nibbling.”

He joked, “You mean, we can have our cake and eat it too?”

She laughed. “Exactly.” She then sexily sucked a big gob of frosting off her finger, followed by a wink.

After they finished making the frosting, they washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He was so spoiled that he rarely did such things anymore, since he’d started all his sexual activity, but he realized that there were still mundane things to take care of, even on Tuesdays.

Then the cake came out of the oven and they applied the frosting. Despite their constant nibbling, they still had a huge bowl of frosting left unused. Susan “accidentally, on purpose” got some of it on her shirt before saying, “Oh dear. It would probably be best if I take my shirt off before I ruin it further, don’t you think?” She winked, and then took off her apron, shirt, and dress for good measure.

The only things she kept on were a pair of panties and her high heels. She’d put the panties on after taking off the rest of her clothes. Alan was a bit surprised, as she rarely wore panties anymore. But then he realized that she was gearing up for more sexual fun and wanted to make clear which region was off limits. He felt rested by now and was up for more games. He half-playfully, half-seriously swatted her on the ass. “What did I tell you, Mom, about wearing panties in the house? Are you disobeying me again?”

She bowed with a flourish, as if he were royalty. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, Lord Alan. Please forgive your humble servant. You’ll see why I’m wearing them in a minute. After that, maybe you should spank me for violating the rules.”

He had half a notion to spank her some more right away, but curiosity led him to wait to see what she was talking about.

However, despite being on the alert, he was taken completely by surprise by what happened next. She leaned over the very large bowl of frosting and dipped her big tits down into it. Then she used her hands to lather them up good while carefully keeping her dangling hair out of the way.

She stood up, and said with a big smile, “Whoops! Would you look at that? Accidents will happen!”

The two of them laughed. She thrust her chest out at him. “Don’t just stand there, my favorite son. Take off all your clothes and lick up this mess before it falls all over the floor!”

He didn’t question such an appealing command. At first he lapped up the frosting with his tongue as she stood before him, but too much frosting continued to drip from her breasts. So she cleared off the kitchen counter and lay down on it. Now he could hover over her and lap up the frosting to his heart’s content.

He very quickly worked his way past the frosting, until he found her nipples. Then he focused on that area, periodically pushing more of the frosting to her areolae with his hands. That way he could stimulate her nipples and eat the frosting at the same time.

They both loved it. “Mom, you’re a fucking genius!” he cried out at one point.

“Now, Tiger, no profanity please. Just keep sucking on my tits. Mmmm! Like that! That’s a good boy!”

So that’s what he did.

Suddenly she asked out of the blue, “Do you think that what we’re doing is immoral? Would God really approve of this? Or are we debauched beyond reason?”

He stopped to carefully consider his reply, because he knew this was an important subject for her. “Mom, there’s what God calls a sin, and then there’s what society thinks is right and wrong. Society forces people to conform. Pretty much anything weird or different is called wrong and even sinful by certain people. That doesn’t mean it is. Is there anything in the Bible that says what we’re doing right now is wrong? Of course there isn’t.”

She sighed contentedly. “Thanks. You’re so right. I really needed to hear that. I’m the kind of person who gets too hung up on what society says for me to do, but I’m trying hard to change. Your fuddy-duddy mom still knows how to have fun!” With that, she launched a tickle attack.

He struck back, and soon both of them were laughing as hard as they could.

As they continued playing around, things got messier and messier. Because he was almost lying on her, soon his (luckily hairless) chest was covered with chocolate frosting, and then more and more of her became covered too.

They moved the bowl of frosting to within arms’ reach, and then they painted each other with it. For instance, he would draw a chocolate heart on her thigh, then lick it up. Then she drew a chocolate boner and balls on his chest and licked it away, focusing on one of his nipples as she did so. However, most of the focus was on him playing with her chocolate tits.

They both tried to act like it wasn’t happening, but the fact was that his dick was very erect and in constant contact with her body. Because she was wearing panties, which was now rare, he felt free to rub his cock anywhere it wanted to go without worrying about things going too far. As a result, he frequently rubbed it against her pussy, and sometimes even directly along her pussy lips or against her clit. Her panties prevented penetration, but they both got off in a big way from all the rubbing.

After a couple of minutes, he asked, “Can I have my goodnight kiss early? A special chocolate-y kiss?”

“Just this one time, since we have to eat the frosting…” she said hesitantly, but there really wasn’t that much hesitation.

He stuffed his mouth with frosting, then fed it to her with his tongue.

Soon they were necking with total abandon, with his cock pressing into her pussy even more than before. The front panel of her panties was completely soaked through. Their only problem was that they couldn’t roll around, since they were liable to fall off the counter, or at least make an even bigger mess all over the counter top.

After a couple more minutes of kissing, she finally said, “Okay, big boy, enough of me. My pleasure doesn’t matter. Now it’s your turn.” They sat up and then got down onto the tiled kitchen floor, bringing the frosting bowl with them.

As they sat facing each other, she pointed to the bowl and said, “All right, Tiger. You know what Mommy loves to do, and what her mouth was made to do. Stick your hot, thick thing right in there, in the middle of the bowl. Then I’ll suck it off.”

He did so eagerly, and as he did he half-joked, half-complained, “I’ll tell you where I’d really like to stick my hot, thick thing.”

She punched him lightly in the arm, but she was far too happy to really mind even such a taboo tease.

As he dipped his erection in the frosting, he said, “Darn! Who the hell are you and what did you do with my mom? I would never have imagined you would think up this kind of crazy, sexy stuff. Sex and chocolate. What a great combination!”

She didn’t reply, because she was eager to taste his chocolate-covered erection. She licked it completely clean, bobbing on it for a couple of minutes more just to be completely thorough about it. Then she covered it again in chocolate and started all over. Meanwhile he continued to knead and suckle at her chocolate-covered tits.

At some point he asked, “Hey, what about our cake?” The cake was just sitting there, uneaten.

“I know what I’d rather eat,” she growled as her tongue slathered his stiffness with renewed vigor. The cake was left untouched. She still had frosting all over her, so he devoted some energy to licking it up while using the rest of his concentration to flex his PC muscle repeatedly.

Eventually he shot his load into her mouth from a few inches away. This time he was holding and aiming his dick, so he made sure to be sloppy about it, nailing her cheeks, nose, chin and glasses. His cum mixed with the chocolate frosting that was already there.

For many men, their cum would have been too bitter or sour to mix well with something as sweet as chocolate. But mostly thanks to all the fruit Alan ate, his cum was sweet enough to make the cummy chocolate into a delicious combination, kind of like a chocolate fruit tart.

Or at least Susan thought so. She eagerly guzzled it all up. Her moans of intense pleasure while eating were such music to his ears that he nearly felt ready to do it all over again. That was a problem with his mother: he could never get enough of her and her enthusiasm, and her perfect sexy body.

When they were both done, they lay exhausted on the kitchen floor and, as if waking from a deep sleep, gazed around the kitchen surveying the damage. The floor was smeared with frosting, as was the counter, both of their bodies, and much else besides. Susan’s panties were completely brown from frosting. The extra bowl of frosting was now mostly empty – perhaps half of it had ended up in their mouths.

“Oh dear,” Susan sighed. “What a disaster area. That was something, wasn’t it?”

“Mom, I may have to give this Tuesday the award as the best Tuesday ever, just from the frosting thing alone. Well, second best. Our first Tuesday can probably never be topped. But on the other hand this one’s not over yet. Let’s do this again, really soon.”

“It was great, Tiger, but I don’t know how much we can repeat it. I must have eaten a couple thousand calories, easy. Your mother’s figure didn’t just get this way magically, you know. This is like a Chernobyl disaster for my diet.” She looked up. “And look! There’s the cake. Oh my. Who’s going to eat that?”

“Don’t worry. I think- Hey! What are you doing?”

She’d put her face back into his crotch and resumed licking, even though he was flaccid. “I’m cleaning your cock and balls. All the really best cocksuckers finish off with a nice cleaning.”

“Mom, you really don’t have to do that.”

“Are you saying I’m not a good cocksucker?” She kept right on licking his balls.

“No, it’s just… Never mind. Anyway, I think I’ll end up eating most of the cake. I’m sure it’ll be delicious, though not as great tasting as your tits. If you ever get hungry, just suck on my dick. That could be a great diet technique, just like sucking a lollipop instead of a cigarette.”

She laughed giddily. “Okay!”

Encouraged, he added, “We could even make a best-selling diet book. We could call it something like, ‘The Oedipus Guide to Losing Weight Fast: A High Protein, All Semen Diet For Mothers Who Really Love Their Sons.'”

Susan chuckled, but said more seriously, “Don’t mention that name. That ‘O’ name. Or the ‘I’ word. We’re just having fun while I help you with your treatment.” She went back to licking one of his balls while fondling the other one a bit.

“Okay,” he replied evenly. He realized belatedly that words like “incest” could ruin her mood, so he quickly changed the subject. “God, I just had a thought. What if you were lactating? Then I could have chocolate and milk at once, straight from the same nipple! Wow. … By the way, what did you think of my chocolate dick? Was it delicious?”

“Tiger! Don’t even ask me. Of course! Don’t you know how much I love swallowing your cum? What’s really great is how unnaturally sweet your seed is. Everyone says that cum is usually salty, and sometimes bitter or sour. But yours is like a sweet dessert, with a subtle but intriguing sour touch. Kind of like sweet and sour Chinese food, actually. Anyway, it goes soooo well with chocolate! I think we’re going to have to have a lot more fun with food. I’ll bet your cum goes well with just about anything.”

“Maybe we’ll just have to try it with every kind of food there is.”

She punched him in the leg, since it was too far for her to punch his arm while still cleaning his balls. “Maybe. And maybe you’re incorrigible. Taking advantage of your defenseless mother. Really!” she tsk-tsked playfully.

Finally she finished and sat up. Then she got more serious, crossing her arms under her chocolate-smeared tits as if she were mad at him. “But enough fun, buster. What if someone saw this mess? Let’s get this cleaned up right now. First we’ll have to shower.”

He suggested, “No. Wait. First let’s clean up all the counters and eat some of the cake. I know we’re still dripping, but we can drip onto the floor and clean that up later. I need a short time to recover, because then we can take a shower together and bring in the last of the frosting bowl, if you know what I mean.”

Her eyes lit up. “I do! I do! Oh no. I can feel my hips getting flabby as we speak, but it’ll be so worth it. Far from this being a diet, I wonder if any woman ever got fat just from consuming so much cum.”

“Hey, that gives me an idea,” he said. “Imagine a Dear Abby type letter about my all-cum diet book: ‘Dear Sir. Thanks to your excellent book, I’ve lost forty pounds and everyone says I look like a teenager again. Needless to say, my eldest son was a bit surprised at first when I started sucking him off, but now he’s just as big a fan of your book as I am, and maybe even a bigger one.”

He continued to pretend to read, “But I have a problem. I have three younger sons. Once I started guzzling the seed from my eldest son on a daily basis, I could hardly neglect them. And then with all of them having their friends over after school so often, I felt bad ignoring their buddies’ needs as well. As a result, I’m naked with a teenage prick down my throat just about all the time. I hardly have any time to eat food anymore, but I’m consuming so much cum that I gained five pounds just in the last week! What should I do? Sincerely, Cum-soaked in Seattle.'”

Susan laughed. “It’s a good thing you don’t have any brothers. What’s your imaginary reply?” 𝗼𝘃𝗹.𝗼𝐫𝗴

“That’s easy. ‘Dear Cum-soaked, Remember that you don’t always have to swallow.'”

Susan giggled, then licked a gob of frosting off of Alan’s skin and ate it. She would have preferred his cum, but those gobs were already all gone. “That’s easier said than done, Son. I just hope for that imaginary woman’s sake that her sons’ cum doesn’t taste as good as yours. For me, not swallowing just isn’t an option!”

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