6 Times a Day

Chapter 355 Maybe There’s Hope For You Yet!

But Brenda wasn’t quiet enough.

Around the kitchen counter, Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Alan all exchanged knowing smiles as they heard strangled shrieks and muffled cries coming from the nearby bathroom.

Susan whispered the obvious. “Did you hear that? Brenda’s having an orgasm! A big one, too! Gaawwwd, that makes me so hot! Especially given what you’re doing, Suzanne.” She playfully teased her, “You’re soooo baaaaad!”

“What?” Suzanne played dumb. But she grinned widely, jacking off Alan even more blatantly than before. In fact, with Brenda gone, she pulled Alan along with her to the middle of the kitchen, giving Susan and Katherine an unhindered view of what her hand was doing inside Alan’s slacks.

Susan was too worried to enjoy the view. “Not there! We want to drive Brenda wild, but let’s not be TOO obvious about it! She’ll be back soon.”

Suzanne considered that, then nodded. “You’re right, even though I doubt she’ll be back that soon. I’ve got an idea. Sweetie, there’s something I want to show you in the den.”

The way her fingers were working his sweet spot was distracting to say the least. At first he could only manage to ask, “The den?” But then realization dawned on him of why she wanted to use the den. “OH! The DEN!”

Suzanne nodded. “That’s right. I want to show Brenda just how much of your cock I can fit down my throat! Let’s do it while she’s still in the bathroom! Chances are, she’ll come back the shorter way, by the den. Especially if she hears us in there!”

Alan tried to resist that idea, but Brenda’s photos and Suzanne’s handjob had gotten him far too horny. “Oh, man! How can I say no?!”

“You can’t! Come on, let’s go!” Suzanne pulled her cum-soaked hand out of his slacks, and started to push him towards the den. But then she stopped and said to Susan and Katherine, “If Brenda makes it back, keep on keeping on. Play dumb. Act like you don’t know what we’re doing in the den, and yet make it obvious that you do.”

Katherine nodded. “Right! The Sergeant Schultz approach.”

Suzanne paused until she caught that reference to the TV show “Hogan’s Heroes.” “Right!” She hurried off with Alan.

Once they were safely in the den, Alan pulled his slacks down and held his boner straight out, hoping for some serious action.

But Suzanne simply stared at the door that he’d just closed behind them. She whispered, “We need to leave the door open a crack.”

He whispered back, “Oh my God! Mom’s right: you’re soooo bad!”

She turned her head and gave him a smirky grin. “I know. You’ll never be bored with me, Sweetie. But what about the door? We’ve gotta act fast.”

“So you really think she’s gonna spy on us?”

“Oh, definitely. I’ve got an idea: let’s split the difference. This door is a bit loose. If you’re really careful, you can balance it so it’s aaaalmost open a crack. Technically, it stays closed, but one can see it’s not quite closed all the way. And if one so much as touches it from the outside, it opens an inch or so. As a schemer, I know these things.” She was arranging the door just so, even as she spoke.

Alan groaned and rolled his eyes. He didn’t have much say in the matter. But then he ceased to care, because Suzanne finished with the door, then quickly removed her dress. Since she wasn’t wearing underwear, she was down to just high heels in a flash. She closed the distance between them, reached for his cock, and planted her lips on his for a juicy kiss.

About a minute later, Alan found himself lying face up on the short sofa in the room. His T-shirt was still on, and his slacks were merely pulled down his thighs enough to safely expose his balls and rampant erection.

In stark contrast, Suzanne was buck naked with her face in his crotch. The contrast was intentional. She figured that the submissive Brenda would find it extra arousing that way.

She already was busy licking his sweet spot and stroking his shaft when she whispered, even quieter than before, “In a minute, let’s not speak at all, unless it’s something we’re okay with Brenda hearing. Remember, try playing to our audience of one. Groan and moan loudly and often. Consider how things will look from the doorway, and definitely don’t block the view. I’ll be doing the same.”

He groaned, “Okay.”

“I’d like to explore some more titfucking with you, but probably not now. Susan has been hyping blowjobs to Brenda like you wouldn’t believe, so that’s what she’s gonna want to see.” With that, she engulfed his cockhead and began to bob on it. She held to a slow pace, because she knew that he was very worked up from everything that had been happening and she didn’t want him to cum before Brenda could spy on them.

Brenda took her time in the bathroom. After her orgasm ended, she had a new burst of determination to get her act together and handle herself better for the rest of her visit. She put her panties and dress back in place, then checked herself in the mirror.

She mentally addressed her reflection, Okay, that was close, really close, but I averted disaster. They still don’t know the photos are of me. They didn’t see my red face! Hey, even my blush is starting to go away. Alan was so busy with the photos that he didn’t look at me at all. Nobody knows anything! True, I came twice, but I was silent the first time and then in here the second time, so nobody knows that either. I hope, anyway! Unfortunately, I was a little bit loud this time around. Everything’s just too sexy here! I couldn’t help it. I still almost can’t breathe, because of all the sex in the air!

In any event, I have to be optimistic. What else can I do? My imagination has been getting pretty out of control, but they don’t know that. I can still save the evening. Alan even said “She is sexy, no question,” about one of my photos. He likes my breasts, ass, and legs. That’s something to build on. I’ll go back out there with more of my wiggly moves to draw attention to my best asset: my big breasts. Before long he’ll be eating out of my hands. Then, not long after that, I’ll be eating out at his crotch!

As she left the bathroom, she knew there were two ways to go back to the kitchen / dining room area: she could walk through the front foyer and living room into the dining room, or she could walk down a hallway into the back of the kitchen. She assumed that Suzanne was still “secretly” jacking Alan off in the kitchen, so it occurred to her that if she chose the hallway, she might be able to walk in on them and observe them without being seen in return.

She couldn’t resist the temptation, so she started down the hallway. But she didn’t get far before she heard curious sounds coming from the den up ahead. She stopped in front of the den door and listened carefully. NO! … YES! That most DEFINITELY is the sounds of sexy slurping! That can only mean one thing: a handjob wasn’t enough. Suzanne is full-on blowing him, just behind this very door!

Brenda’s sense of being back on top of things was torn apart in a flash. Her heart started beating fast again, and her arousal spiked so high that she had to lean against a wall for a moment until she could cope. She had carefully dried her thighs and blotted her soaking-wet panties as best she could, but she suspected that area would be a swampy mess before long. The sounds she heard through the door confirmed everything she’d come to believe about Alan.

She considered ignoring them, just walking past to join Susan and Katherine, but that thought lasted for about a millisecond. The temptation to eavesdrop was too great, especially since she could hear Alan and Suzanne surprisingly well. (Of course, she didn’t realize they were being extra loud just for her.) Her hesitation was overcome when she heard Suzanne say: “Oh, Sweetie! I love your cock… so much! Going… deeper! Mrrmpth!” As if that wasn’t pussy-tingling enough, there was a muffled aspect to Suzanne’s voice, suggesting that her mouth was full of thick cock even as she spoke.

Brenda looked up and down the hall to check whether the coast was clear. It was, but the problem was that the door to the den was very close to the door between the hallway and the kitchen. She listened carefully for sounds other than the thrilling noises coming from the den, and realized she couldn’t hear Susan or Katherine talking.

That made her curious. The door between the hallway and kitchen was closed most of the way, but not all the way. She opened it wider and quietly crept through it, just enough to look at the kitchen counter area. To her great relief, she saw no one there. Peeking a little further into the kitchen, she could hear and see all the way to the dining room, and realized that Susan and Katherine had returned to the dining room area.

That was great news, because it made her spying less likely to be discovered than if they were still in the kitchen. She closed the door between the kitchen and the hallway for extra security.

She was feeling emboldened and encouraged, even while her heart was thumping like crazy due to great arousal and the potential for being caught.

She finally turned her full attention to the den. She noticed the door was ever so slightly ajar. Curious, she lightly touched the door, just to see what would happen.

Just like that, the door opened another inch! That was enough to create a crack just big enough to peek through.

She wanted to groan in some kind of lusty chagrin. Aaaah, fuck me! Again! It’s like there’s some kind of sexy conspiracy forcing me to peek. Everything is just making me too horny! How can I not look now?! Fuuuuuck!

She tried to resist peeking, telling herself it was far too risky, but lust was driving her on. After just one brief glance, she was hooked. She couldn’t see very much of the room, but it was like Alan and Suzanne were perfectly positioned for her, because she had a very good view of Suzanne’s head bobbing right over Alan’s crotch. (Of course, they WERE perfectly positioned for her.)

Suzanne had Alan’s cockhead in her mouth, but she wasn’t bobbing down any further than that. And with the way she happened to be holding his shaft with just the fingertips of one hand, Brenda could see nearly all of his erection, minus his cockhead.

That sight literally took Brenda’s breath away: she forgot to breathe until she ran low on oxygen, then had to take big gasps to recover.


She tried to be quiet with her deep breathing, but she wasn’t quiet enough. Both Alan and Suzanne heard. They didn’t need to look over to the door to confirm that she was there, since that would be way too risky. But now that they knew they were being watched, their arousal levels skyrocketed.

Suzanne immediately switched her style so she was merely licking her way around Alan’s cockhead. That allowed her to show off her long tongue and just what it could do. It also exposed more of Alan’s erection for Brenda’s eyes while being less stimulating for him. That was important, because he was groaning with the struggle of trying desperately not to cum.

At first Brenda was frightened at the sight of Suzanne’s tongue. It looked so freakishly long that for a brief moment she seriously entertained the idea that Suzanne wasn’t really human. Just as quickly, she dismissed that as absurd. Suzanne’s tongue was just long enough to be humanly possible. She also belatedly remembered that Susan had recently made a passing reference to Suzanne having an unusually long tongue. But the scare got her heart racing even faster. She actually worried that she might pass out from too much excitement; being found unconscious in front of the den door would be horribly embarrassing!

She watched another minute or two of Suzanne’s licking, but she simply couldn’t take it. It was too intense, like staring into the Sun, except it was as if she was staring into pure lust instead of bright light. This was truly the most arousing sight she’d ever seen in her life!

She quietly staggered back down the hall towards the bathroom. She had to make another pit-stop there. If nothing else, she needed to deal with her panties again; they were as wet as a towel that had just been dunked in water. She also again had long rivulets of her juices flowing down her inner thighs!

However, she didn’t stay long. She worried that she’d been gone a suspiciously long time already, so she hurried back to the dining room much sooner than she wanted.

Susan and Katherine were amused at seeing Brenda so very aroused. They all got off on being embarrassed by Alan in sexual situations. They didn’t fully understand it, but they could sense from her lusty reactions that Brenda was a kindred spirit in that regard, so they enjoyed seeing her react similarly to being embarrassed by him. But they also could sense when things were going too far, realizing that Brenda was too frazzled at the moment to be pushed any further.

Thus, when Brenda came back to the dining table and sat down, they acted as if nothing unusual had happened. Brenda had again cleaned herself up in the bathroom, so her hair was in place and other surface aspects were as they should be. But she still had a stunned, dazed air about her. Obviously, she couldn’t get over what she’d just seen in the den, added to everything else.

Brenda tried hard to engage. Looking around, she realized the photos were all gone. “Where did those photos go?!” 𝚍n𝚘v𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

Susan smiled. “Don’t worry. I put them away.”

Katherine said to Brenda, “You know, after you left, it occurred to me that the photos looked a lot like you. Well, like what I think you’d look like without your clothes on. And wasn’t your face really red?” She wasn’t trying to razz Brenda; in fact, it was the opposite. She thought events would seem more believable in retrospect if at least someone noticed the obvious clues, and this was a relatively safe moment, with Alan out of the room.

Brenda realized denial was futile. Besides, an admission wasn’t so bad with just Katherine and Susan present. She looked around carefully, then whispered, “Okay, if you must know, it WAS me! Those pictures are of ME! But please don’t tell anybody! Especially not Alan!”

Susan whispered, “Remember, Suzanne already knows. She helped me print the photos.”

“Okay, then, don’t tell Alan. That’s what really matters! He can’t know!”

Katherine nodded. “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. But what’s this all about?! Where did those pictures come from? Why did Mom have them? And why were they being shown to us?”

Brenda narrowed her eyes and glared at Susan. “Because your mother played a dirty trick on me! Susan, you weren’t supposed to show him those when I was right there too! I just about DIED!”

Susan was a terrible liar, but just this once she managed to effectively play dumb. “But I thought you wanted that. No? I thought you wanted to see his reaction?”

Brenda complained, “I wanted to GET his reaction. But not BE there! Too scary! Good God!”

Before she could say more, Katherine asked with apparent innocence, “But what’s it all about? What’s all this about wanting to show them to Alan?”

Brenda sighed heavily and gently put a hand on her forehead, as if she was checking for a fever. I should stay away from this house. They’re going to make me die before my time. It’s one shocking, sexy surprise after another. Exactly like last time!

She calmed her nerves, more or less, and said, “It’s a long story. I’d rather not tell it now. But the short version is that Susan snapped the pictures, at my request.”

Katherine was playing up her supposed cluelessness. “But why?!”

Brenda sighed heavily again. Her feelings were all over the map. Her desire for Alan was growing all the time, but she feared giving in to her submissive lusts. The more her desire grew, the higher the stakes grew, increasing her fear.

Susan saved her from answering by boldly saying, “Don’t answer that!”

That startled both Brenda and Katherine.

Susan continued, “Katherine, Brenda here obviously has an interest in helping Alan out with his special problem. I think you can see the clues, from her nude photos to the way she’s dressed. That said, Brenda, now is not the time to make any commitments, or even talk about it. This is a very important, serious thing, and you shouldn’t be acting rashly. You might not feel the same way tomorrow that you feel right now.”

Brenda was amazed. She felt like she’d been slipping off a high cliff, only to be rescued by a helping hand from Susan at the last moment. She was extremely relieved she could dodge Katherine’s question. She nodded, breathlessly.

Katherine, knowing how she was supposed to help Suzanne’s strategy of making helping Alan look like a highly desirable prize only for the best of the best, folded her arms and scoffed. “Helping Brother? You? Hrumph! We’ll see about that!”

Susan played the good cop in the “good cop, bad cop” routine. She took Brenda’s hand and held it supportively. “Brenda, don’t mind her. Just relax. Take some time and seriously think about what you want. There’s another card game party coming up in just two days, so if you come to that, it can help you figure out what you want. Okay?”

Brenda nodded again. “Thanks. I’ll do that.” And she did feel much better. But she also thought, “Just relax?!” HA! Fat chance! How can I do that when I know that Suzanne is sucking him off AS WE SPEAK?! Right over there, in the other room! Damn, I can still hear her noisy slurping and gagging ringing in my ears! I can still see her lips stretched impossibly wide around his tree trunk cock! And the way she was buck naked while he was fully dressed. I don’t know why, but that sight is SO FUCKING HOT! It really shows he’s in charge!

Susan said, “Okay, enough about that, then. Not another word. Alan and Suzanne are nearby and could come back at any time. We don’t want them to overhear us.”

“Oh, where are they? What are they doing?” Even though Brenda knew the answer, she wanted to see what answer she’d be given.

Katherine snickered playfully. “Do you want the polite answer, or the correct answer?” She giggled.

Brenda sat up stiffly again, proudly thrusting her big tits forward. “The correct answer, of course. As I keep telling Susan, I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”

Katherine looked at Susan, uncertain what she should say. However, Susan didn’t give her any obvious direction. So she said to Brenda, “Since you say you want to help Alan, I suppose we don’t have to be so secretive. But it’s up to you. Guess.”

Brenda was glad for a chance to answer that, especially since she was certain about the answer. “I know a lot more than you think about all the help you give him. Knowing Alan and his great needs, Suzanne probably took him to some private place in the house where she could suck him off.”

Katherine expressed surprise. “Very good! Maybe there’s hope for you yet. And what do you think about that?”

Brenda got bolder still. She grasped her heavy globes from below and held them up. “It makes me very hot and horny, that’s what I think! I love that Alan is such a sexually insatiable young man. I love that he has many beautiful women who help him. I love that it takes that many women to keep him satisfied! He’s not like other men. Not at all!”

Katherine was genuinely impressed. “Wow! Nice!”

Susan was impressed as well. “Good answer, Brenda. But we really need to stop now. Sure, it’s likely that Suzanne will be sucking him for another half hour or more, but you can never be sure. Let’s just talk about other things until they get back, okay?”

So that’s what they did. But Brenda felt much better about her evolving situation. Her hope was rising that she could find a place as one of his women.

As it happened, Alan and Suzanne returned after “only” another twenty minutes. Alan had been worked up even before Suzanne started sucking him. Then, knowing that Brenda had peeked in on them made him practically delirious with erotic ecstasy. It took all of Suzanne’s considerable oral talent, and quite a few strategic breaks, for them to last even that long. Eventually, they decided together not to fight it any longer, and they shared a great mutual orgasm.

Afterwards, they considered lingering in the den to further puff up Brenda’s opinion of him, but they decided against it. They both felt that Brenda already was fully convinced he was a total stud, and too much hype would lead to disappointment down the road. So they went back to the dining room after making themselves presentable in the bathroom.

Brenda didn’t stay much longer after that. She wanted to, but she was emotionally and physically exhausted. She actually had only been at the Plummer house for an hour and a half, but it had been one heart-stopping arousing shocker after another for her.

She did get one last significant thrill as she was saying goodbye at the door, though. Each woman gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye. Then it was Alan’s turn. She was disappointed that he only gave her a kiss on each cheek. But while he was doing that, he firmly held her ass cheeks through her dress. And with his hands caressing her ass cheeks like he owned them, he looked into her eyes and said, “It was nice having you here tonight. I look forward to having you again. I hope I’ll get to see a lot more of you in the very near future.”

As he made that last comment, he looked down into her cleavage in a very knowing and blatant manner.

Brenda was beyond delighted. He’s going to HAVE ME! She exclaimed, “You will! You will!” She squeezed him tightly, with a lot of deliberate rubbing of her hard nipples into his chest.

He was so encouraged by her reaction, including the feel of her soft tit-pillows against him, that he very nearly brought his hands up to fondle her rack. But then he remembered the plan to act aloof, so he pulled away instead.

She left the house soon thereafter. She was frustrated at how some things had gone, but overall she was nearly walking on air.

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